HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-04-11.. RESIDI_ .TIAL.. APPLTCATTON/PERI,Ey 225 North ith Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Bui.L&ing Dtuiston 726-3753 Constmtctton Lenden uou be nade the eane dcy, tle -gopetty.aLL tlmes- state yout City designeted job nmber,or Aine?s nante otd phone nunber.an dLL be nade the nest :,ntking dag. c/o. job aiFness, type of inspeclictt Eequests receixed befcre ?:00 an # SPFIINGFIELEI (,bE N\NJ (e_ -l I Date: .1 - penrit holdq to aee tlut aLL inspectiotts oe nad,e at the ptope? tine, tlat each af,l-eas 'i.s v2a4ni^!gt cad ia Strors SI?E INSPEC?ION: eacaodtion, but forma. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG PIIIAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL '?obe, pr"tar tc nnde after set up of lou? CitA Deeigr,ated Job Nwnbe? fs ?o be OR ,, *t'nrlk ie caered. ryTnC & FOUNDA?I1N: To be naCeafter ttenchea a?e eccatsated and forms are erected, but ptiot to Wanng ccnctete. A Wgg;llzzluutg=c, ss*tn. rtren.l 1 QLAII|A1E: ?o be naiZ pt.L6i t-i-fiL .Lir"q trenchee. i I rNplRFLo1.! pLatBnc & MEctlANrcAL:4 't'o De nad.e p?io? to instalLation of' :- floo" insuT.ation or decking. I p,osr 4yp aeau, ?o be nad,e prtor to1 nlsllllaticn of floot irBu\ation o? . crecRlfig. - rysc!::P LaP!!q,-ELPCTR r qA L e MECE -. I ANICAL: No uonk is to-EA-;oDTre-;A-.w.t-il these inspecttons haue beefi_ tad.e and approueC. I ptpw\ec_!: h.Lot to plaeirs facinq_t tvtcerlaLo and, before frontng inepelc_. tion. a fnmmc: ltust be tequested, afterI appro-ual gf rough plirbing, eiectr.t_. @L & meetanieal. ALL roofitrg' .btaelng E- chilmeys, etc. nast" belanp,Le-ted. tto titk ;e to ie-Ji_,..ocealed until this i"sp"etton ii,.Deen ,rrdd,e anC apptoued. yequiz,ed oqot bot-ie?s @e in place but _before ory Lath, Wpsr"on bcatC oz,M.LL -cooe?ing is applied, a>td beforeay insulation is concealed. D4IWALL ilISPECTI)N: ?c be nndeafter aLL CtguaLL is in p?zce,but priot to caq tapins. WS)NRY: Steel Locatton, bondbeons, grouting or verticals in aceotdanee Lrith U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODST)VE: Aftet irotallation i,eatrpleted. CURB & APPRgACH AppON: After fornsee etecteC but pt tor to pounng conctete. SfDWALK & DRfVEWAI: For aLL eon-a,ete paving uithin etreet r.ight_of-teA, to be naCe after alt -e-cca_ uating carplete & forn wtk & sub_fu.se natertal in plaee. llIl !ENC!: I{hen conplete -- tuouiCegates or nottable eectione tlzz,ough P. U. E. ALL ppoiect co,rditione, such ae the installation of at?eet trees, conpletion of tierequired I'andscqing' ete.' mtst te eatiiliea b,"f;;.-;;-;urrbii, F1NAL can be requested.. FnNAL BUTLDTNI: The Final Building rnepection mat be requeated, after the Final ptunbing\-,/ Eteetrieal, od uectnni.cil liipZZi;.,* j*;;-;;;;^"d""'oird opprou"a. Sctritary saaet capped at ptoperfii Line Septic totk p-"t,ped @n fi.Lted vi,th gta;tel Final - h4ten abcoe ite:ne d?e conpleted.and uhen Canolition is conplete bt s*ae-ture mooed od. pratrtaes cleaneC up. Bloeking od, Set-up Pltntbing connections -- aa,)e? otd. uatet Electyical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uDand plumbing eottneetione nr-st bb' aow,oxlrd.befote tequeeting eleclrtcal inspee:io- Acceesory- BuiWittg ftnal, - After pctchee, akirtittg, decl<s,etc. oe eorpleted. Page 1 of 2 cALL 726-3769 olt -Job Loeaticn: 703Aaseaaots Map #Ia Iot il Sttbdiuision: Osner: Address:5ru Phone: "-ffi;6-b Auiticn 4-tl--(b n YalueDate of Ssoo. GeneraL (rr L D *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOA?S MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAS?IIENI ?O BE IIADE /!7 NO COS? T0 CI?y tlB r I r T I z SOLAF \CCESS REQ.- -- Fees -- llea L-co d Bedroons: Building Volue & permir ?his _pentn t is granted on the espress condttion tlat the said eonstnotionsltall, tn all respeets, 9onfory to the ordinance adiet"ali tnZ-'Ctty ofSpt tngfield, inctud.tng- the 2onins c,da;;;;, regulating tiL oiirtrr"t.i..n *,\:. ^! !::i!!?1qs,.- @td nry be" sus?;;.;;- "" t evokec at c-ny time upon oic_taxlon o!'any ptcrsisions of said 1z,dirnnces. Building Permit State ?otal Clargea Plunbing PerwLt Pal d: Receipt #: Sig:ned: Plumbing Permir No pereon slwll consttuet, inetal|., alter or c?cnge ang ne' cr eristing ?lyA.l,g o, dtainage "Ar-!? in uhoie or in part, Lnles"s such'per:son is the :Z?:_,lo-"".n"1o: of a ualid plwnberts License, e&cept that a pZrson na.g doPLurblng do?k to property uTrtch is otsned, Leaeed or operated by the "ppli-cant. State Mobile Hoote Y Lctl Eoaninen r llAw 1AREFULLY sxAtfiNED tle contpleted appltcation for permit, and doherebg cettif-y that aLL information heteoi'is tmte aid. .brrect, otd. tfurtket, certify that ang ard aLL aork penforned slnll be done in accot_dance wtth the opdinances of the city of bpringfield, and. the Lc,;s of the* state of lregcn pentaining to the woltt< cesZribla tniLr.i,-*a thdt No occa-P!.Ncy ?,rill be rrude of aryy structu"e tvtttatt permission of the Buitding DL-tsisio-n-. r furthen eez,tifg that only conttaciors and enpicyees uho arZ ineanpliance dith 1RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on tfuts project A 7 -tt-t6 JOB NO. Lot Faces - L Aecess. th Z of Lot Coverdg. LO? TWE _ fntetict _ Cor.ne? _ Panlund.Le CUL-de-sac ! of Storiea ?otal Height Iopogqhg Iat Sq. Ftg. F?G x Va ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 z ILL CHARGE Fi*hpes Residentia.L (1 bath) Seuer l:l au / Ect etd, C i r cui t s Sezviee where state La re_quires tlnt the electrtcal uork be done by a, Eleetrtcalcontraetor, the eleet,Leal portion of this permit stutl )ot"ui oilil. untilthe Label has been signed ly the Electtica|,' Conttacto?. State ?otal Electricql Permit FEE CIIARCE E he$t HooC Vent F@t Itcodstote Mecharnicol Permit Pennt fssuancz Meehanicel Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Penrtt Cvrbcu! Sila,talk TO?AL AT'IOUII? DTJE: *6,oo Signed Date ltortn Rat lnsf tbin Coocc Carport Aceessonu p,onzee 9TU'S ' ?otal Chnaes State Sec"*itu Depoeit Storage !4aintenanse - 9ense 5,c c Eleetrieal Label