HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-01-10/,cee"-t#" RESI',iNTlAL" zzs North stt, si;to"fPLrcA,r,N /PERttrr Springfield" Oregon 97477 Butldi.ng Ditsision 7 26- 37 53 SPHI]{GFIEL.D hhr{,/'nr Date 7aa ELectrical t4ecltanieaL Corslmret'ton_Lende! It ie the responsibility of the penrit hoder. to aee tlnt alt i.nspectiotts ee nad.e at the p?oper tine, that each ,;ddrees is teadabi-e fian the at?eet, and tlat the p*nrit catd, ie Located at the fwnt of tlte propetttt.l?uitding D,i.uiciot aproxed pl.an shcll remain on the Bunlding sitc'at aLL' tiines.- PRocsDUpE !0R INSPE?Tf1N RSqUEST:CALL726-3769(yeeoyder) state your Citg designated job ntmber, job aCitess, type of it.speelicn tequested and ahen you uiLL be ready for inspection, Contraetc?s o! A,sners nctne cnd plnne tunrber. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 si uiLL be nade the sane dcg, ?equesta made aftet, ?:00 cn utLLL be nade the ncot r,totkini dag. yout, CitA Desigr.ated Job Nwnber fs 6 boo trt Ramtinoi T*qnaah'aze ltd il, 5tJ.rob Locaticn: Aasessorsuap# fY 0S .]5 d//d ltoToz Lot # subditision: 6p,arsr A Brlot>1tmet: Address: 7A L frl , 5+!721 "{62Phone: city: Spprr{apt E-iJ>zip: ,ry 4ry 17 Descrlbe Hork: U4L t--t Ned ValueDate of App Licatian AF }NSERTfr*rxtio(AdAitian RenoCel Contractot,s Ad.dress f, Genet aL Le Ecmes Bloeking ord. Set-up Plunbing connections -- sane? qd. ualer Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uD and plwnbing connections rrust be apprcted before requesting eleclrical i,nspeclion Accessory tuildiTtg ' pcrehes, skirting, decks, Leted. Fi,tel - Afte" etc. ate comp Pege 1 of 2 I SI?E INSPECTI1N: ?o be tmde after etcaoation, but prior tc set up of fozme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &wcxtntfu@ny .wtk is eouered, FOOIING & F)UNDATICN: Io be naCe @el1ffies az,e rucauated and forrns ate erected, but prior to pot*tng ccncrete. UNDERGROAIID PLTJMBTNG, SEWR, WATER. DRAIIIAGE: Io be made prior to fiL- @-fienchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUT,IBTNC & MECHA,NICAL : o7 floot insul,ation or decking. P1S! AND BEAM: To be made priot toffitdTatltroT floor irculation ot decking. ROUGH PLTA-IBIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No aork is to be cotsez,edutil these inspeetions tnue been nade and approtseC. EfPEPLACE: Priot to placirg facingmatetials and befoz,e fiailng inepec- tion. FRAIIING: lhtst be tequeeted aftet apptooal of z,ough plwbing, electri- a,L & nechanical. Alt roofing bracing & ehinmegs, etc. tmtst be . contpleted. lto uctk is to be corl- - eealed until this inspectLon lae?been made anC apptooed. FII|AL PLUAAING FINAL AECHANICAL PINAL ELEC?RICAL INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn ald required oqor baviers @e in place but before any Lath, Wpsum boatC ot, tnLL couering is applied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTf)N: ?c be nade @et-dT@ls in pLace, but prior to any taping. ILASONRI: Steel Location, bondffilgrouting or oerticals in accotdatee tLth U.B.C. Seetion 24L5. CURB & APPBQAQE,AP.WN: After fornsd.e ere.t;TWnffi to pounrq cortz?ete. SfDEWALK & DRT'IWAY: For aLL eon- c"et; pc,rfiAfrn stz,eet right- of-teA, to be maCe after all- erca- oating sonplete & fonn uork & sttb- base raterlal in plaee. PENCE: Vhen conplete -- ProoiCe gatee or morsable seetions through P.A.E. DEI.IOLruIO!] OR !.iOW' BUTLDi;|CS Sanitug seuer capped et propetfii Lire Septic tank puaped ann fi,Lled urith gra;sel Fi.nal - hthen abctte 'itene ave canpleted and uhen Cenalition is conplete o? stlac- ture moted and pz,ewi.ses cleaneC up. dwooosroyt: After installation is I /-f ccttaLeted. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, eonpletion of the required Landsecping, etc. , mtst be satisfied before the B\IILDLNC FII\AL can be requested. ?INAL BULLDIN}: The Final Building Inspection rnust be requested aften the lirnl Pltnbing Eleetrical, anC Meclnnical fnspeetions haue been nade atd approued.N *ALL I|ANH1LES AND CLEAN1UTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTltEily TO BE \L4DE A? N0 C1S? T0 CITy 7 ,rororn ro " t:,/^rL Ftr zr-x\€. 4 oo 2 { l u I tr JOB NO 8tun SOLAR AC -SS REQ..r--coC Bedrooms: Lot Faees -lnergg Sou?e)s ?!oe Setbacks Ileat DT House Caraqe Access Water lteatet,No/,th Range East FirepLaee South Woodstoxe Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Ccuerage # of Stories Iotal Eeight ?opogrqhy Interior Cormet Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac LC? TWE Hest -- Fees -- ITE14 x Value Building Volue & Permit This pentnt is granted on the er?"ess eondition tl@t the said eonstraetionslwll, in all respeets, conforn to the Crdinance adopted 6:y the City ofSg"tngfield, inaluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticnotl use of buildings, otd may be suspended ot, reuokeC at aty time upon uic- Lation of mrJ prcoisions of said Otdinances. c I 60 TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Permtt State Date Paid: ?otal Chatgee * NO,FEE CHARGE Pllumbing Perrnit No person slnll constmtet, install., alter ot clnnge any neu cr existing plutnbitrg or drainage systen in uhal,e or in patt, unlees sueh penson is tle Legal posseasor of a ualid plunberts Li,eense, escept that a pe?son nag do plznbing uork to prope?tA uhieh is otmed, Leased or opez,ated bg the appli- cant. Fi.stures Resil.enti.al (L bath) Seuer Plwnbing Penrit Tctal Nan/E*end. Ci,rcuits Eler:tricql Permit Wet'e State La reqtires tlat the electyieal uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contnactor, the eleetr.i,:al portion of this permit sLta.LL not be oali.C untilthe l^abel lns been eignzd by the Electrical Cont"actot,.Tatporag Setttice eal PennL', ?otal IT!M NC lLL Mer:honico! Permit khanet HooC Vcodstotte Vent Fot PetmLt fssucnee Meehanieal Permit 15, oo '/-o 5, leo -- ENCROACEMEN? -- Sectrtt! Deposit Storage Lbintenance Perwit - Clsbcut Sida,talk Fence Eleetrical Label Mobile Hone #: Signed: PLan Ee@tlner uate ?otaL {/1""at)/- lo- 96 T?IAL AM)UllT DUE:*3c, uo Signed Date rTEM llatpt State Su,el"arge hdnace PTll?s I HAW CAREFULLy EXAILINIiD the conpleted application for pennit, and do Itereby certifg tTwt aLL infotrnation hereon is true ard. cbrreet, azd. f firther eettify that cn2, ard aLL aork petforned shall be done in aceor- dance trLth the ozdinances of the city of Spt"ingfield, and. the La,;s of the* State of )regon pertaini.ng to the wrk Cescy,ibed herein, efld tlu.t NO OCCtt- PANCY Lrtll be rnad.e of arly st?uctur.e tLthout permieaion of the Buitding N-uision. I futther eerti.fy that o:tly cont?acto?a ozd anplcyees uho ate in eonpliance dith 1RS 70L.055 ui.LL be used on thie project