HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-03-20#" RESID.- ,lTlAL" APPLICATTON/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfieLd, Or,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFITNGFIELD SDO Job Locaticn: Aesessot's Map #3 svbdiuision: O,mer: Addt ess: City: Additicn L Date of App GeneraL Plunbi.ng ELeetrleaL 3 Ic"s Iot # Ph,one: I'lonk: {,1-u/* 1\rl 4?7 , \'7 * job aCitess, type Pequests receixed of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 c:t CC L .b -91 wf You? CitA Desigr,ated Job Nwnbez, fs: Value 26-376 9 (reeot,det, ) state Aou CitA designated job nwnber,,inspection, Contraeta?s or A,mets rutne and plane ntunbez'.afte? 7:00 on tiLL be made the neat aoz,king dag. i Constmtetion Lenden rt ia the tespons'ibility of the petmtt hoZd,et to aee that aLL inspections ate mad,e at the p?ope" time, that each.d,tress is vsadnhigf.y--t!g etnee_t, anc tlnt the-petrrit_eatd ie Located at the r"""i of the property.*euiaing Diuiciot appro"*ed pLan s?nLL yemain on the a"l.Lii"b' sile at aLL times. PPOCIDUPE F1R INSPECTI)U RTQWST:CALI7 ?e.quested ard uhen gou uiLL be neady for't'iLL be matie the sane dcy, ,nqu""rt- ^Zrin Bto /?z SfTE INSPEC?fON: To be made aftereceaoation, but pt-Lor tc set up of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRIC,IL &Ytcy:lrcar@ny ttOtk iS cOUet,ed. FOO?LNG 8 F)UNDATTCN: To be rnade - after t"enches a?e e.scauated and. forms. ate erected, but prior topouring ccnerete. 7 unoEacpcu:to zLUM!!!!z_SEW!,__A!!E&)Lirg trenches. P-9Sf 4N.D BEAM: ?o be made pz,iot toinstallatian of floor insuLation or deeking. ROUGH PLUIEII:IG. ELECTRTCAL E MECH-ANICAL: uo uork-liE-6c coieiZZ-until these inspectione haue- been made ard. approoeC. FfPEPI.AC_E_ : Pr.Lor to placirg faeingmctetials and before franing inspeL-tlon. - pRAt,lntc: Must be requested aftet, ) approual of rough plwrbing, ninllnL-cal & nechanical. ALL noofing bracittg & chinmeys, ete. nrust- be . cotnpleted. Ito uctk is to be con-. cealed untiL this inspeetion lns'been nade anC approxed. TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER II\SPECTION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ayd.required oapor borie?s a?e in pl-a.ce but before otg Lath, Wpsun bca.yC oru.ZL couering is qpplied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPEC?T?N: Ic be madeafter aLL fuguall is in place, but prior to ang taping. I4AS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, g'z,outing or oez,ticals in accotdutee uith U.B.C. Section 241s. ntrltnf lmrait ^D \t^rE- f:ll l ,f ,EI W. After installation is floor insuktion or decking. )), CURB & APPRCACE App1N: After fornsue et,eeteC but ptiot to pour4ng eonc?ete. SfDEWALK & lRIr,EltAI: Eor aLL eon-crete pauingilthfr street right- of-t-EA, to be made after aLL exca- oating canplete & font tnrk & sub- base matertal in place. A!!!: h4ten conpLete -- Pz,ooiCegates oz, mouable seetions through P.U.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, conoleiion of tierequit'ed Landscapirg, ctc. ' iast be satisfied. before the BUILD|N| FItilL can be tequested.. FINAL BUTLDIN1: Ihe Final Building fnspection nntst be requested c_ftet the Final plunbingElectrical, and Mecltanical Inspection" iauo been nad.e- id'ipp"iird, FTNAL PLUI4BING FINAL I"IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL 5 5 Sanitaty sa;et, ecpped ct properei Lire Septic tank p;r:ped and filled uith gratel Final - Wen abcoe itens ate cc,,-aleted and uhen Cernclition is eornplete br s*,ue-ture moued and. pt,zrrLses cleaneC up. e Hcmes Bloeking ud Set-up Plwnbing connections -- sa))e? otd. uatet EleetrieaL Cqtnection - Bloeking, set-uD and plunbing connections m^st bb apprcr:'ed before z,equesting electz,ical inspeelion Accessory BuilCing Final - After pcrckes, skirting, decks,etc. are compleled. Page 1 of 2 *ALL \LANHILES AND cLEANotJTS MUSr BE AICESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIEIU T0 BE N.qDE AT No ccs? rc cny ,@ l tr tr 0(JOB NO.?s soLAR Ac-.Ess REe.- Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooerage_ # of Stories Total Height Topogrcphy L-co d BeCtoons: LCT TWE _ fntericr _ Corner _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-sac This penrit is gnanted on the erpress eond.ition tl"at the said-eonstntction slnll, in all respects, eonform to the ordinance adopted by the Citg of Springfield, including the Zoning Cz'dinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn and use of buildtngs, and may be suspend.ed ot: v:euokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of anA prcuisions of said Ordir,ances. Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No pepeon slnll constract, instal!-' alter or elunge GnA neD cr existing plwnbing or dz,ainage systen in uhole or in patt, unless such pez'son is the Legal pbssessor of a oalid plwr,bet"s L'Lcense, eteept tlnt a pe"son ma! 49plunting uork to p?opert:J uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the cppli.- cant. Electricol Permit wez,e state La requiz,es tTtat the electrical uork be done by,an Eleetz'ieal contraetor, the electtical portion of thia permit shall not be oalil until the Label lns been signed by the Electrtcal Contractor. Mechonicol Permit ,4 -23 -fllul ?v Ei.etures buLLdlna P"xilrLt State Total. Charges Resid.znti-a.L (1 bath) Seuet, 9tate Sutcllatge Na,t/Ertend Citcuits Serntice Iotal BTUIS bhanet Hood ) vent Fo't Vcodstotse PermLt Issu,cnce MecLnnical Permit -- ENCROACWENT -- Petmtt TotaL Cwbeu! Sidasalk Platx E&anlne? 3 -zo-97 uate I EAW CAREFALLI EXA\':INED the conpleted application fo! perTnit' and do U"i"ta iittfy thai aLL i*fo:,rnation he,eoi is true and. eor,eet, anC f furthb certi'fg that any ard aLL uo.tk penfoz-ned slwl-L be done in aceor- "dance tith th-e- ordinenc"es of the city of springfield, and the La:,;s of the * State of Oregcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed het'ein, end tVnt N0 OCCU- pl.Ncy ufLll be made o7 any" strr"tttl,e ilithout permisai-on of the Bui|ding Dt-- uision. I fut'ther c"ertiiy thet only coTtt"a3tors at;d enplcyees uho are in eotrpliance'uith OAS 70L.-055 uiLL be used on this proiect L L Mobile Hone lleat Access Lot Faces - P u^..-^ Lace toue -- Fees -- rTEM Qn tqa x Value Main Coace Caroort Aeeessot tl TOTAL VALUE ues.D.c. 1,5 x Receipt #: CHARGE Signed: FEENO CHARGENOFEE Res. Sq. ftq. ncr / ao .bo T)TAL Al'lOUitT DUE: */5.r"o Signed Date