HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-01-08.. RESIDE - TIAL.. 22s ltorth stlr strenaPPLrcATr,N/PERIlrr Spningfield, ?regon 9Z4ZZ Building Diuision /zo-o/b5 Job taeaticn:r Aecessorc llap # Svbdiuision: )sner: Addtess: -SL Mntrut DLm-. Ci.t!:Z Nell Deseti-be htorl<: Additicn Remoiel SPHINGFIF' rr Dete t7 d"/,-0,<- -8 rl 3 q10'tttt r ' *nn," ''P 25 1 ,,rooro ,onn Date of Aoc tr-tr 0o Value jenetal l.iechznicaL lonsttaetioa Lenden Ace.ress -t ia tha'ron theEuiAing respons'ibilitg of the pentit holder to see that aL! inspeetions oe nad.e at the proper' tine, that ecch -4tiress is rea;.-^ieat?eet, anc th"d.t xhe oetmix cat<i ie r.oeated 2t.!h_q frc1t'of ti. or**tyDi;sicio- apro"*ea pkn shcll ,i^"-:"-Zi--rli a":,Lai"b- sii"-L"''JLL,,r^"". lcz DOTcz Lot # ':c:1ui.! i-q: !.tlsPzc!rctt .8-!a.JZST:CALL 726-3769 (teeordet,) strlte !ou? city designated jobequesxea ar'c uhen uou .uiLL be reatiy for insoeetion, contractct " olr a^me7s'rzcne Lri pt*rniLL be nacie the sdre d.cy, ""or""ii"rlo;L ijiu ztoo an ttLL be made the ncst --torkina day. ntmber, job aiitess, tyoe of irsoee=icnnunbu,. P.eques;s yeceixed befcre Z:09 a. ?too rq crTP rrra:f^a7^r,. I a;"ua;;;-iC - forms. ' ?o be nacie afterprtor tc set up of L& 7o be nacie before cny You? CitU Desior,a.ted Job Ntlmbe? Is: To be Laticn l l ( rea.ui?ed oapor beriers @e in p'l.a.cebttt before ozy Lath, Wpsum bcayC ortxzll eouering is c-oplied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed.. PC_1TI\;G I FQU::D.ATICN: To be naCealxe? f,rencnes are e.sca"sated and fonns ote ereeted., but priot, to eoueyed. pournr,g ccneret€. U:]D xrenchee. PJIJ;L I,J:iI]AIJICTT DRYWALL filSPZC?f)N: Tc be made afxet, aLL ctyuall is in plaee,but priot to any tapirtg. NASONRI: Steel Location, bondbeans, gtouting or ueyticcls in aecordotce Lrith U.B.C. Section IICODSTO'/E: ccnpLeted. After installation is CURB & A?PRCACH AppON: Aftet fornsue erecteC but prior to pouring con=rete. SfDEIIALX & DRf\TV!.y: For aLL con-crete pauing uithin street right- of-Dcy, to be made after aLL esca-oating conplete & fotn uork & sttb- base material in place. !EI|CE: h4ten conplate -- prouiCe gates o? nouable sections through P, U.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of st"eet t1ees, ccnolciion of t;e?equired Landsccpitg, etc.' must be sati.siied before the BUILDIT;G FI!iAL canbe requested,. FIIIAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Insoeetion rrust be reauested cfter the Final PlunbirtgEleettical, anC. Meclnr-ical Inspecx;"ons hqvc been made arui aoprooeC. ALX DC p?io? to I a.:tolpyrcop ptu:sltc a t4ECltANrcAL:) ro be nace o. rioi-ld-GildlDiTdi offloor insulction or d.ecking. I p.osr 4:,o euu: ?o be nad.e priot, toI L,nstaLLai,Lcn of floor insulation or d.eckLnE. P,Q.y1E -P:a?.?r!:G. .ryE:lt,rcA. e \ECH_AiiICAL: iio ,no"k ts io-oc-cJieiii-u:til these insoeetions lnue been nad.e anC aprou'ed. FI-?.EPLAQZ: pz,ior to pLacirq "fceinqmccerials and bcfore froning inspel_tiot:. FP.A;iIllC: ltuct be requested after ap-c-roual of rougit plwr,bing, electni_caL & necrnnical. AL!. roofingbracir4 !_ chirmcys, etc. rntst be . eom.DLef,cC, llo ucrk is to bc con_ , ceclei until this inspeas.i.en 1-"'bee.n naae anC aporoue-d. rntm prfi:#tc n;,lar 7TTnlt aa | 'hIE- Sailaty seaer capped ct propertg Line Septic totk ptroed a-,td iilleC uith gzatei Pincl - l{hen abcue itens ate ectcleted. and uhen Certcli-tion is eonolete or si-.r-ture mated anl. prerrises cleanei up. I'lobile ilcmes Bloeking otd. Set-up I Pltnbing eonnections -- sa)e? od. oaler Electtieal Connection - Bloeking, set-u. and plunbing ccnnections m;st be ap>rc.*'ei before z,equesting eleclz"Leal inspec':io- Accessory Building Piral - After tcrckes, skitting, decl<s,etc. oe conpieled. P?ge 7 of 2 ,rr'.J F'a^-^r^.ratlAU &!---..1Uh! .ALL I4ATHCLES AIID CLEA|:OUTS IIU]T BE ACCESSIBL', ADJUS?IS:IT TO 3E I''ADZ '4T T]O C35i TO CIIT tu tu) SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO d :onc: :at Sq. FQ. z of Lct CasercSe_ i of Stories ?otal P.eiEh: ?ogogrcPhY Intericr Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac -- Fees -- Lot I'aces -inertv Sotrcos Setba:ks Caraoc Wct ar !aa--..?DI iiouse ilo" ti1 i;'ircnLacp tlooaatou eSouth l,lest Building Vcllue & Permit Thi-s permit is granted on the erpress condition that the- said.-constntction sLnLL', in aZL rLsoects, eonform to the Ordinance adopted by the city of Spring.ield, rncludtng the 2oning Ctdinance, regulctittg the ccnstrtcticn o"a "'i. of buil<iirq1s,- cnd nay be susoended oy reuokeC at cny tLne upon uic- lation of cny prcuisions of said )rdir"ances. TOT,iL VALU! -j.U.L. -1. J : Eu'.tJ.'ti1 PerTrn t € c+--- C.,n-;-n-- Totc! Plan k Fec ^^+ ^ D-.' ) Reeaipt # Sigtzed: Piurn'cing Ferrrrit No pereon slall cons'brztct, instal!, alver or ehange 6nA neD cr e:ictir:2 ptmalnS or drainage systefl in uhole or in port, unless such cerson'-3 the 'tegol p"osses"or of a uatid plunber's L'Lcense' escert tizat a Delson nal ,2ptinbtig uork to p"ope?cy uhich is otmeC, Leased ar oDetaxed' by the cp;'Li- l\-J :'l X VaLuc a!\=-: /c;(7).n lr-_gD OO20-t0 2D.TO .',Eiectricql Fermit Were State Las teouires t?nt the eleetrical uork be done by an SZeetric:i Contrectct, the eleetricaL xortion of titis oermit sitcll rtot be oe'ti ut1.t;-i the Tabel has been signei by tne Elee*icaL Contr..tor. 7 i:t a:: a=^:I\{echqnicql Ferrnit,c :-nanst HooC coCsto:.se :mit biZe Hane Pet'rr-t Issufrice Mec'r:ariczT Perrit Tctcl Cnaroes PLan Erotinet' I HAW CAREFULLy EXNIINED tle conryLeted aaplication for permit, cnC do hereby certify that aLL itfornation hereon is true anC. ccrrcct, cr,.C I fut,ther cet,tifg that any ard all uork perforned siall be done it aecor- dance:.rLth the Ordinances of the City of Sorinofield, and. the Lc;s of thc State of oregcn pcrtainina to the uork CeseribcC hcrein, cnd thtt ii) OCCU-pr'-ilc.v DtzL be nnde of an17 structure atthaut pernission of the 3u."icino Di-ulsLon. f lu?thct cet,tifi; that -only contractors a;d enp'Zcyees ui:o ari ineo:rpliance u:.th CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used. oi thi" pnojec,t Si-onei (-tr-tr '. | .t.^r,.t- --^p &,;JU.t. - Zo.?o 7 JOB NO.