HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-07-11.. RESID' ,TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfteld, 2regon 97477 Butlding Dtuision 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn: Aasessons uap fl lJ O 24 svbdiuision: Asner Addtess:Phone: t! s/- SPFI'NGFIELI' ?c,s lot ll OO LOL zip:7 I City: NeD Addition RenoCeL General P Lurnb in FIIIAL PLUI{BITIO FINAL I4ECIIATIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL 3oS rzr-^qL Describe h'otk: Value p\D'Date Date of App Lieaticn It i8 the responcibi-Lily oi-the Perwtt holder to aee that aLf, inspections ate nade at the p?oper tine, that ecch ad,lness is neadabiefy1-t1e at"eet, anc that the-pe|rtt catd, is Located at the fu,ont of the property. 'Building D.l.uiciov: appro"*ed plan shc.Ll renain on the Buitding sitc Zt alt' tilnes.' PlocsDUP.qPo4 rysPEcaroil IqjWS?iCaUl 726-3769(recotdet,) state your city Cesigruted job nunber,, job aCdress, type of inspeclior :_1,Y":t"d and.ahen you uiLL be ready fon inspection, conttdctor" in a,mers ncne ind ploie nu^bit.' rrq"i"it reLeii'ed t|1cri z:00 c:t'}LLL be nPde the sone day, requests ncde after ?:00 on vtLL be nade the ncrt :mrking'day. Iottt City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs:4 ooguq I SI?E INSPECTION: ?o be nade after eccauation, but prtar tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUIDTNG. ELECTRICAL E ilECHnilICAL: To be nade before anyttot'k is couered. FO-O?ING & FOUNDA?ICN: ?o be naCeafter trenches are etcattated and forns ate etected, but pttor topow,ing ccncrete. UNDIRCP,OUIID PLAWINC, SE|IER. W.4TER. DRAIilACE: ?o be naCe prton to fil-Lir4 ttenehes. AilDERFLOOR PLU!,EING & I4ECHANTCAL: o7 floor insulation or decking. POST AND BQAM: ?o be nade prior toTniidTTffin of ftoor insulation ot decking. ROLICII PLU\IBIIIC, EI,ECTRICAL & IMCH- ANICAL: No uotk ts to be co.-eredunttl these insoeetions haoe been nade ard. appnou'ed. FIPEPI,.AC!: Pt ton to plccirq faeingmcterials and befot,e froning inspel- tLon. FRAi':ItlC: ttust be requested afterapproual of rough plttnbing, electni-caL & neclanieal. ALL roofingbraeing E chimneus, etc. rrust beeonpletcd. llo uink is to be con-.-cecled until this inspection lws'been nade anC approued. TNSULATI)N/VApOR BARRTER IttSpEClION : ?o be nade after aLL insulati.cn cd required tapor ban ie?s @e in placebut before cny lath, gApstutt baatC ortnLL couet:ing i.s applied, and beforeoty insulation ts concealed. DRY|iALL INSPECII)N: Tc be made after aLL CtyuaLL is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beatnc, grouting ot, uet,ticals in aceordantce uith U.B.C. Section 2415. U0ODST)VE: After installation is ecrnpleted. CURB & APPR0ACH APPON: After forns6,e eteetelEt pffi to pouning eoncnete. SIDEI,IALK & DRIIIELIAY: For aLL eon- cz,ete pauing uithin street right- of-ucy, to be nade aften al.L ezea- uating eanplete & forn Lsotk & sub- base naterial in place. IENCE: hthen conplate -- ProoiCe gates on mooable sections thnough P. U. E. ALL project conditions, suck as the i.nstallation of slreet tnees, conoletion of therequired Landsecpieg, ctc.' nust be satisficd befote the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Fi.nal Building. Inepeetion mtet be requested after the Final PlwnbingElectrical, anC Mechar:ical fnspeetions hauc been nade ard'approoed.. DETIOLI?IOII OR Saniloty saset eapped et propertg Lire , jrr, r,r.ril$i rt,1tld|.,,iil i.,) lt,r. , t, Septic totk pltr,ped atd filled trith gra;sel Final - $lhen abcve itens are eonpleted and uhen Certolition is complete or st:,ue-ture moved attd, prewises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- Eal)e? atd. uater Eleetrical Ccnnection - Blocktng, set-uo and plunbing connections trust be apprcr;ed before tequeating eleclytcal i.nspection Accessory- Building ' pcrehes, skirting, deeks, leted. Ptnal - Afteretc. ate conp Page 1 of 2 rS l.lechanic IiJecE.ri.i:a S rrpervef,uir-r Elec E r clan 'Af,L LlANilCf'ES AND CLEAI'IOUTS ITUST BE ACCESSIBLI|, AD.IUS?ltEltl TO BE L!!1DE .A.? NO CgSf TO el?y il u T tr u tr Access Se t L.Ilouse l,ot Faces - 1l of Lct Corserage_ LCT TYPE _ Interiot' _ Corner _ Pattlundle _ CuL-de-sac ValueFTCxITEM Iot Sq. Ftg I of Stories Total P,eight Topography I'lain lnnace, Caroort Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x CHARGENO.FEE Fistwes Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Seuer Wcter CHARGEN0.ITEM Res, So. ftq. tlau/Extend Ci.tcuits TateorarA Set'uice CIIARCENC.FEE Fvrnaee BTll'S khanst Hood Vent Pgr llcodstooe t5.@4tt5 ro,"^q,t- i6.67) ,'75 t, 7t -- ENCROACHMENT .- Secatity Deposit Storaqe l,laintenance Permit Curbeu! Sida,taLk L L Mobile Hone JOB NO. Zone: SOLAR AI- CE S S REQ.-L-co c Bedrootns Sou?ees k Fee e Paid Reeeipt ll Signed: Mechqnicql Permit Building Volue & Permit This permi.t is granted on the express cond-ition tlat the said construction slall', in atl rZspecti,-ioi,7i*'to the Otdinance edop.te'7 bv the gitv 2f Spiiigfi.eld, incLitding'the \oning Crdinanc-e, regulctitzg the ccnsttueticn ira i| of Luildings," and ney be suspended or revokeC at cny tine upon uic' Lation of any prctsisions of said Ordir,ances' Building Perwtt State ?otal Clwges Plwnbing Pernlt State Total { Plumbing Permit No Derson slnll constntct, install, altet ot clunge -anA netJ)-cP eeisting ;i,ffbr;".; i;i;;;.;;-'";;t; inuhoie or in part, inles.s such person is the iiiir p"o"rn""o, of o r'itii p\",i"r's LicensZ, esgept that a P?""2n nav do p1mbing uotk to p"opnf,ty',,i-riZi-1" o*.d, Leised or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Whez'e State Latt requit'es th,at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical cont"actor' the eleeu'\lc"t eo*i':o"--of th.is -pernit stnll not be ualiC until li,n tit.t'lras been si,gned by the Electrical contractot" s Permi.t Issuaflce lleehanicel Permtt Total uate I HAW CAREFULL| EXA.ILINED the conpleted application for permit' and- do n ilti L"rttf. that'-a1t- inyottnat;on hereoi is tnue and eornect, anC I i*tiZiinrt;'7v tt"t-i)g i"a oU uo.rk pelforned ellall be dote in aecot'' 'd";;;;;lh'tiL"orat""io'n"-6'7 thn citv of springfield'.artd the.I'c;a of thc * State of ,regon p"r;,;;;i;1;g-'to the uoik CesLribbd herein, cnd ttat N0 ,CCt- pANCy uttl be nade ;7' ;;,; ,t;";,iur,, uithout permi,ssion of the Build'i.ng Di.- tiaion. f further'-cLrt'iii1 thet -only con-tt'ac'tore as;d .enplcyees dho are in LApllon n il* cas zot.bss uiLL be- used on thie proiect PLan Eraniner 7 -//- 70 TlTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Signtd D,z be ?otal (ltnnoes