HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-07-27" RESI- ENTIAL" zz s North rrn rfrolir'rlrr 0N APPL, cAr r0 N /PE,,'E? Spn'Lngfi.elC, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD Tat Lot #) ";ob Loeaticn: Subdiuision: Assessots rtlao i Par4 t^:oo l$e_A.me-r: Addrees: &O 81 f1 , A'*( S+ Fhone: -7eG- Ob 6 4 AUfL /tl"u"(,L CmLntthon vv o!.Q>ri7-t Desc?f,be l,lotk: g2Date of ?( )l ea VaLue1a7 RanoCel ticn P.eeeititt BS?(8L{ (ono"J:a' Re /oo'ao D"** i-Zt-?2. & 7a.vO i //o,vo*o/o / t" 6,Sa-.rro Sigx,ed,: / P Conxrd.ctots Ad.<bess General e-Er^rdS YL'C 11 y\ a-I !,!echar,iccl Constmtction Lend.er It is the respottsibility of tle permtt hotl* to see ',ha.t aLL inspectians de nacie at ihe propet +.ine' that ecch cd.dress is tead''t':e fron the street, anC ttat the permtt eatd is Located at .lh-e frcttc of ;:he -pro.petrg 'iZuitdir4 Diuiciotz eo_proxed pllcn sltlL renain on tiu tunu1flg gite at cll tinee. PI?OCSDU1E FOR INSPE2ION R1QaEST: CaLLJ(recorder) state you? Citg Tesigrated iob nunbet, iob aidtess, !lPe--of inspecticn @"adgfon7tlspect.ion'conirdcta?sian,e:"-,,o,,e,ztdp1,onerunb*,Pequeststeeeixedbef*e7:00an,;.ilt te rc.de the acne da1, tequests-ncde aftx 7:00 an viLL be ruCe the nczt *rking day. 8e to n<Iour Citl Deaigzated,lob ltunber Ie: 0R :401.2) .a.JIL: Sani:tg saset cqced =t ?rogetiJ Lite Septic totk p',tryed ci filled tith gra;se! linal - ,!,,therz cbcue ittns @e ccnpleted and ahen datciition ia concLetz o! st?uc- tute noued oi ry'arLsea cieanei uP. Hcnes Blocking od. Sat-tp Phnbing ecnnecticna -- si,Je? d. xater Eleettical Ccnnection - Blcckirq' let-uo od planbing coanecticns n:st'cz a2Vrcved before requeatittg elee=rtcal ix,speeziott Accesso\* BuiHitq tc?e|-es, sk'Jrting, decks, ieted. linal - After etc. ate cano F;;e 1 of 2 SEX LryS?E1iigil: ?o be nnd.e after ffiffib pricr tc ee! up of fcrne. UNDIRSLAB PLUMBIIIG, ILECTPICAL & MECH{IIICAL: lo be nade before ury ffiA6rered. DRYNALL IilSPECTI0N: Tc -,. al-ter aLL crAuaLL Ls Ln but p*ior to cnY tqing : it s u L A? r c lt / vi,4.PtR -r.4.D.3r3.? I il S? ! C ! r c ll : fo in iaCe after aLL insulaticn ed required oqor b*t'ie?s ee in Plcce bat befcre ary Lath, WPsun bauC ot tnLL avering is cpplied, otd beiore oty insulation is concealed. FCOTING ! EOUNDATICiI: ?O bE NACE after irenehes are ezcaoated ard farrns oe erectzd, but p"'to? to pourir,q ecnctetd. to tX! DEP.?LCOR PLU:,s N: C 2J )IECIA NI C AL : - To be nade p"Lo! to LnstaLLaxlon oJ floor insulction or deeking. P1ST AND ts9AM: To be tr,ade ry'Lor to Gtia, tlZ t-T affi o f f 7 o o r i ns u Lat i o n or deeking. ROT]GH ?LU:IBI:\G. -Ei,fRI?Ai 3 :4ECHA uttUl,: tto 'nrk is to be co"*ereci ,ut thes, inspections harse beer nade atd, aproueC. FIPTPLACE: Prior to 7lccir4 factng ncterLals and befote irotring inspec- tion. .tRA!'!I:lG: Itus; be recuected afte? "ppGV"L of rough plwrbing, eLeetri- cal d neclwnieal. AL'!- rooiir.g bracing E chinmeys, etc. m.st be ccnpleted. lto acrk is to be cott- cealed until this insoeedcn las been rade atd aopro"*ed. FIIIAL PLUMBING FIIIAL MECHANTCAL iINAL ELEERICAL '!gODST1W: Aftet installation ie ccrpLe*ti. CURB & APPFCACH APPtlt: Aftet forns a,e-;t,eiteC biut prior tn potring eonc?ete. STDil,IALK 4 DRT"TIAI: lOT ALL CON. e"etenAlrlg Gthin stteet Pt-ght- of-ucy, to be node aften all- ezca- uatLng eatplete & font wrk & cub- inse mctertal in Place- iEllCg: 't4tett atolate -- fuorsiCe /iiG or novable sectians thraqh P. A. E. l"lASCNEf : Steelffi{qrolrtina aceordotce urith 241 5. be nade plcce, Loection, boad. ot :serticals in U.B.C- Section ALL ptoiect eondi=ions, s,C!. aa the ins?alLation of arteet ttees, ccro!;;ion.o1' ;'ne ;;41;;2-;;;""piin:,-;r;., tn)st be satisyied before tte tsurLDl::c Fr:iAL:an ie recuested. lIll.4L WILDINC: The Final Suilding lnsoection rrust be recTueated cfler lhe Final ?1-ut:bing einiit"i."i, an4 lleeitnical rnspeet-ions -luue been nade atd approueC. ,ALL |,IAIIIICLES AND CLEAIIOUTS !II]S! 3E AC.ESSItsLE, ADJASTIIENI ?O 9E !44D8 I:T NO CCST ?O :I?Y l u trenches.r il E E Ttl Jcb ilwtbcr:$zto?{Refet,er:ce llwrbers L-COC # BedroomsGroup: Sottvces toue Iot Sq. Ftg. % ci Lct Ccuerage I # of Stortes Total Height iapographg Euilding Petwit State ?otal'hanoes LCT TyPE .--.- _ fntericr _ Corfler _. Panttantdle CuL-de-sac Value - - ?ees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This perrnt is granted on the efiF;?ess eondition ttwt the said constmtetion' slwll', in aLL rbspects, eonfonn to the ordirance atlapted by the City of Springfleld, ineLuding the Zoning Cz'dinance, regzlating the ccnstmtcticn ci"a ui-e of buildings, and may be suspenled or reuokeC at c-ftA tine upon oic- lation of cn7 prcuisions of said }rdirances. PLa?'t Etannner Date f HAVE CAREFULLy EXLAINED the cornpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that all infornation het,eon is true and coz,rect, and f further eertify that ang ar"d aLL uot'k perforned slnll be done in accot'- dance tyith the 1rdinences of the City of SprLngfield, and. the Laas of the State of Or,egcn pertaining to the uork Cesct"ibed herein, cnd tlnt N0 )CCA- PLNCy uill be naCe of any structure tithout permission of the Building Di- oi.sion. I futther eertify that only cotltractot,s otd atrplcyees uho are in conpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pz,oject (/ * leat House Caraae Access Not,th East il EireplacelSouth Iiest l xDE.TJU Cdrport Accessoru ?O?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Signed: t#: Plumbing Permit No person shall construet, install' a?.tet ot clwnge -any neu-c? eristi-ng plhtbing or dz,ainage sAstan in ulole ot in patt, unless such pet'son is the iegal pbssessor oi a oalid plwnber's Lieenee, etcept tlnt a pe"son naa q pttntiig uotk to p?ope"b! ulttch is ouned' Leased or opetated by the cpPli,- eant. 0,y o ro, NO.r'EE CHAP.GE State ITEM ?ist'ures Residenti,al (1 bath) Seue"0- Plunbing Petmit *"-ho Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires tha.t the electrical wotk be ilnne by an Electrtcal Cont?actor, the electrical portion of this pennLt slall not be oaliC until the Label ltas been signed by the Electrical Contractor. * NailErtend Ci.rc'uits Seroice Electrieal Pemit State !otal I LL * Mechonicql Permit Esharct HooC Ilcodstotse Vent Pdt Pennrtt fssuance Illeehanical Penntt -- ENCROACH}.IEN? -- Seanritu Deposit Storage I'laintenanee Pcrmit Cutbcu! Sida,talk Pence Electrical Label Mobile Hcnre TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*8/ta,{o Tatal Signed te Lot Faces - * .TEIT lmtn poidt