HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-11-05-=-- t corrrioai $ru $ sPifiyclrlrT 225 till??fl ,qril .c?.wrr ,qPiL'wIEl\ 0fr8c0il 97477 Euildirq Dioisio:'t - 726-3753 Job Location: P,WIT Deec?Lba votk FIREPLACEIEG;IC tloa. SPRINGFIELD n \b tJrd.!- ('($\' REQUIRED INSPECTIOilS It is th€ respo.nsibility of the perrnit holden to see thrt aIl irspections are made at the proPer time, that each address is readable frcnr the streei, and tha: the Perrnit card is located at the f?ont of the proPerty' * .{11 manholes aod cleanouts are tc be adJusted at no cost to the clty SITE I}ISPECTICN: €xcavation, but IIOODSTOVES: After installati'on tffin6-tetea Adlition L fortrs. or Cecking. unt rmde and aPProveC' FINAT PLUI{BING rINAL ELESIS.IC.TL EINAL MECI{ANICI'L To be nade after pnior to set uP of, To be nade Prior to of flcor insulation Mfaq- to insPections have been Prior to Placiag faci.ng and befone franing insPec- u!{DmsmB PLUMBTNG' ElECiD.r-C.qt 6 UECHANICALs To be made betore auy rrcrk is col'ered. FoOTIIIG 6 FOUIIDATION: To be nrade A-ertr;ffi::cavated and forns are erected, but Pricr to pouring conc:ete. uNpERGRouND Ptui'lBI{G' SqJER' HTTFR' DffililAFTtb. macie Prior to fi:-- iSg--renctres. ffi'", floor insulstion or decking' POST 6 BEAM: - installatlcn FR4HING: Must be requested after Eliiirlar of rough plurnbing, electri cii I mechanical. A1l roofing' bracing 6 ehimaeYs, etc' must be conpleted. No work is to be con- ceaied until this insPectioa has been made and aPProved' 3ffi"I:;LE:' but prion to .lDY taPlng' IIASONRY: Steel locatioo' bond ffig*"ting cr verti'cals in ;;;;;;. with u'B'c' Section 2415. SIDEWALK 6 DRIVEiIAY: FOT AII CON- Aet eir-;g " EEril street r i ght - of-way, tc be rade after aLL exca- vatinL ccmPlete 6 folm e'ork 6 sub- base materi3J. in glace' EURB t APPROACH APP.ON: are erected but prlor concrete. OTHER INSPECTIONS: in accordance !,Lth Afte:r forns to pcuring may be required Building CoCe' to be indicateC in ;Ians or bY no- tice from Building InsPector' ( gage 1 o! 2 Subditsi sicn: 7 !@btU O-a.ssessore lla? # ADE! Phoe #Addteea Cont"acior's llane sci #Addteee r(\\\\ Gene.ral llectria,L Cottstmtetipn Lend,ez' llet n lr riE e2 L-coc ;i NTq{BE,RS JOB }IU}1BER TY?E/ BEDROO}1S CO$STRI]CTlON ZONE OCCLlP AN.CY GROU? 't:4tef -TcCes;-:jarage Hou,se --T-7, Tlor+,11- Tdlt South h-est Setbacks Othz*!o7og*qLg Lot TU?e lntetiot Etg. Cuaga- Ftg. Caqort Talue TOIAL CEARCES O,atzee Sutehatae. fh.s pernit is gr@fted on tke ez?"€ss clndit':oll tlot the said const?uet;.on shall, in ali tesiects, confozr, to tle 1xii-tqtcea adopted by the Ci"1 o;' Spr|ngfield, incluiing the Zaning 2tdinanee, regtlat')ng ;7e ecn- st?.tction and uee af b.tildin4s, *1c 1q be *sie'rd.ed, ot te.toked al aq tine upon uiolaticn cf dr! p"aui- eions of said Crdinances" BA TL D I II G VAEUE / PER!'I $ Plot Oeek lee Date Paid # :EL Serset No peteon shall conatntct, inatzll, aller ct cltotge @ry neu or ea'lating plunbing or dtcinage sye=an in uhcle ot in pet, unlaee such peteon is :he lagcl po8seaao" of a ualid plunbet,a Lieerae, eae€2t that d, pelson nag cic plmbing u,ork to p"c?e!;! utach ie ootr,ed, Leased or opetated by the qiliattt. PLA4BING PMMZI SW?OT.4L ?O?AL CHARGES State Sutchatge Cas*uction Vlpre Stale La^, requited tlzt the eiectni,cai. uork bedane by an Elecffical Cont"acto", tha elecz*)cai oor-tt-on cf this peontt ehall nat be uaitd untii ,he h-bel lna been signed bg the ilectticcl Ccntla*o?. The E7,ec^tticq7, Safetg Lan doea not requTre . Jersottto obtain a Lieensc ae dt elect?Lci.an'ar-d/* ZLec_trtca! contractc" tc nake qt eleetrical ins-,:Lleticn f p!9?e?t! uhich is oy34 bg htnee'tf on a -*,tbet ofhis itrnedicte lanily uhieh ie not ir.tenced. ;a:t sale',Leaae cp "ent. ELECT&TCAL PERILII SU87@AL ?qML Hood Vent Fot llood MECA MC.4L PRMTT EltcRcAcHME!t? Seatrl Permtt A!!ou!t?nrtu Sidasa LK EZectrieaZ LabeL te at aLL times.uieion apprcved plan slalZ ya@in on the &tilding AT,IOUII? DUE OD Lot