HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-10-04..RESIt \lTIAL.. APPLICATlUN/PERIlIT 225 North |th Street Sprtngfield, 1r'egon 97477 Buildirq Dioision 7 26-37 53 Job Loeaticn: Aesessonc Map #3 a { SPFiINGFIELD 4 Sltbdioision: Asner: Addtess las Iot I Phone: Describe htoyl<: L!rr,.t/-a a- (-- A/-)0r.d r_--l NeD Additicn RenoCel Date of A z/D z2 1 ,roorrn ,o n Date: Value ALL 726-3769 (yeeotder) state yout City lesigneted job rurlbet,, job aCi.z.ess,type of inspec=icn a!,:en gou be ready for inspeetion, Cont?acta?s or Omeis nctne and pinne nunber.P.equests receixed befcre 7:0C aiL be nade the sone dcyt ?eqests made aftet 7:00 an urill be mad.e the nezt :,nrking day. /b*4-es o- i-t ia the nesponsibiality of the permtt holder to aee that aL! inspeetiotts oe nade at the ptope? tine, that ecch addtees is rsai^'^'.,-.for:-tly at?ee-t,. anl tilat the-penrit eatd ie Located at the front'of the propertga9uilditq Nuiciott appro"'ed plbt shcll remain on the Buizding sitc'at aLL' tines.' CeneraL i,iechar.iccL C o ns hwe li on_ l, enAe!_ _ forms ate erected, pour.Lr,g ccnctete. ksoqsA ---I SJ?E INSPIC?fuII: I ezcauation, but - 1orms. _1 ANDERSLAB PLUI.{BTNG. ELEC?RICAL & I iECHi.;IICAL: To be made befote anu - ffi-ffiZuered. 1 pcorrnc a FoUNDA?rcN: ro be md,e ) al'tet trenches are escauated and. ' ?o be nnde aftet priar tc eet up of but priot to You? City Desigr.ated Job Nunbet, Is: INSULATIOI]/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION :Io be made after aLL insulaticn ed tequired oqor borie?s @e in pl.a.ce but before any Lath, Wpsun bcatC or tnLL cotsering is qplied, and. befoteoty imsulation is concealed. DRWALL IllSPgIrON: Ic be nadeafter aLL <irgoall is in pLa.ce, but ptior to any taying. MASONRY: SteeX Location, bond beans, gvouting ot oerticcls in accotd.otce tith U.B.C. Section 2475. VO0DST)\|E: Afte installati.on is arnpleted. l ANDERGPOUI]D @66nchee. FIIIAL PLUI4BIIIC FIIIAL I{ECHA\IICAL FINAL ELEC1RICAL to 1 uao*rr,ooR pLUlErNc & r4EcHANrcAL:) ?o be nad.e pricn to installatioi of floor insulation or decking. I POS? AND BEAI4: To be nade pnior to ) ffiitaxffio1 iloor insulaxion or deeking. -1 ROI.IGH PLI]IBIIIC, ELEtrRICAL & T,IECE- I - ur.til these inspeetions ltaue been matie and. approued.. 1 rtptptrcei pnto, fp olacina facina) nd;ffi and. beiore'iranirfi i""pi- tion. 1 fru::rnc: ttust be tequested aftet ) app"oual of rough pltmbing, ilectrL-cal E neeiunical. All roofing braclng A chi;rmeys, etc. mtst be . cotnpletcd. llo ucrk ie to be con-. ce/Led until this inspectiot las'been mad.e anC apprcoed. CURB & APPRCACIT APPAN: After fonnsee erecteC but ptior to pouritq concrete. SIDiWALK & DRI\EWAI: Eor aLZ eon- etetena1r@ t En:- st?eet fight- of-rxA, to be made aften all ecca- tating canplete & forn uork & sub- base naterLal in p|.a.ce. YEN1E: hrhen conplete -- fuotiCe gates or motsable eections through P.U.E. ll l l ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, ccn?letion of the required Landscqir4, ete., rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDfNc FDIAL can be requested. n FrNAL BUTLDTNC: The Final Buitd.ing rnspection nuet be requested cfter the Final plunbing \--l Electr-tcal, od. ttechar,i,cal fnspections havc been made and approueC. <) 0R :.10w) B!.trLDI;tCS Soitag saset capped. ct propatfu lir.e Septic totk y.ryed ad filled uith ga:el Fina.L - I{hen abarc'Ltans ote ccnpleteC dl;d. uhen Certclitiotz is corplete o! at?tr- tute mooed otd. prenrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbi.ng eonnectiona -- Ea,re! ozd. ualet Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-u> and plwnbing connecti.ons tn;st be apprcxeC before tequesting eleclrLcal inspee'-io;t Aeeessory BuilCing Pinal - After pcrehes, skitting, declcs, etc. ee completed. Pege 2 of 2'ALL l.tAltHcLES AND CLEANOUTS ilUS? BE ACCES,TBLE, ADJUSTI|E\E TO 3E L'tlDE t? rO C1ST TO Crty pD{D ,L/ T c-/- JOB N foQ soLAR ACr SS REQ.-r--co ct Crar LCT ?WE _ Interict _ Conner - _ Panhard.Le CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Cooerage I of Stortes ?otal EeiEht. ?opogrqhy Duilding Penit State ?otal Changes Resiiential (1 bath) Pl;mbing Pern:it N a,t / Ezt er,.d. C in ctt t s L Perwtt i?i!.: Permtt fssuattce Meehanieal Permit Seat Lace Hood.ctoxe Building Volue & Permit This permit is gtanted on the eupreaa condition tlnt the sai.d. constmtctions-hall, in all respects, conform to the Ordirnnce adopteC tiy the City ofSpringfield, including the \oning Cydinance, regulcting th-e ccnsttwZtibn and .use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or tbuokeC Lt ory tlne upon uic-Ta.tion of @ty prcuisions of said Ordir,ances. ,+ 1 * PLan Date Paid: Receipt #: Sigxed: Plumbing Perrnit No- person shall coebaet, instaL!, alter or eltange anA nea cr existing glun2ing ot drainage systan in uhole ot in patt, unlesi such person is'th.e Le-gal.possesgor of a oalid plwtber,'s Lieensb, eseept tt"a.t a pe?son nay dopltnbing uork to p?ope?ty ihi.h is otsned, Leised or operatej 6y tte qpli-cant. Electricol Permit Hhere state Las requites tllat the eleetrtcal uork be done by an Electr.icalcont"detor, the eleclr'Lcal portion of thia permit sltall rot be uali.c, untiithe Label has been signed by the ElectrLcal Contracto". Mechqnicol Permit [nt Faces - Setbacks Df llouse Cataoe Aceess. tlortil Fao+ Sor,ith West Mt.t Value tlain Coace CdrDC?t Aeeessotu TO?AL VALUE cnara- F;: Ft*vaes Ssniteru Sw^er ilctey ,GO ''i = - ) Res. So, ftc. ?atccreu Serviee CILA.RCET LL hcr.ace gTU'S Eehanst HooC Vent Eot Hcodsto;se -. EI]CROACHMENT -- DaoositSec,tti Pcnrit P Lan ?otal Charoes r HAw 2AREFULLy ExAur_NED the cotnpleted application for permit, ar,d dolereby certify tha.t aLL ilfo:nation heteon' is ttae aic eZtrect-, an) rfurther.certify that any ard. all uork perforaed srnll o" ail i" ac.of-ddnce '"rtth the ordinancis of the ci.ty of -spt ingfieid, ;"d1i; L€.rs of the1 state of _o,regcn pertaining to the wtrk ces'eribLa n""Zli,- ""i tlldt No occ!,!-Pr'.Ncy till be no.de of dly st?uctu?e r,vithout pernission -o7 tt " Buitd.ing Di-uision. r funthen cgytifl; that otly eont?ac'tors a,a errpicyees uho are ineapliance Dith CRS ?O1.0SS uiLL be used on this projec't uaLe r Cttbeu! i SideDalk 7 I Mobile llane 4'rr- a?OTAL ilqCU::T DUE:')5.bc Signed Date bealoot-s : I i{, oo Stcte Suteharae ?otal Charces State Suvehaae Jotrl Charoes Storage Maintenarce