HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-08-20SPIlI]{GFTELD CrIY OF SPRINGFIELD August 20, 1982 Mr. Richard Woolfe 2087 North 2nd Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Subject: Occupancy Inspection, Job Number 82.l095 Dear Mr. Woolfe: At your request the Springfield Building Djvision and Fire Department inspected the building located at 325 South 2nd Street, Springfield,0regon, Assessors Map 17-03- 35-33, Tax Lot 00200, on August .I2,1982. Your proposal to change the use of the building from an office buiiding, B-2 Occupancy, to a repair garage, H-4 0ccupancy required the inspection. In order to determine certain fire resistant construction requirements it ulas nec- essary to establish how close the building is located to the property lines. Due to the confusion of where the south property line is the City's Survey Crew located the south property line, which joins a 14 foot a'lley. The survey indicates the con- crete block wall on the south side of the building to be 2 inches north of the south property line. In accordance with Table 5-A and Section 504(a) of the State Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code, hereafter referred to as SSC, the south wall must be constructed to provide a 2-hour fire resistant wall, all openings sha11 be protected by a fire assembly having a 1rz fire protection rat'ing. In addition the following items must be installed, repaired or rep'laced to comply with the applicable codes: 1. Every portion of a Group H 0ccupancy having a floor area of 200 square feet or more shall be served by at least two separate exits. This wi1l require the in- stallation of an additional doon^ray that will perm'it the installation of a door 3 feet'in width and not less than 6 feet,8 inches in height in the front of the buitding. (s.s.c. 303, 33lB) 2. There shall be a floor or landing on each side of a door. The floor or landing sha'll be not more than I inch lower than the threshold of the doorway. Where doors open over landings, the landing shall have a length of not less than 5 feet. (s.s.c.3303) 3. In all buildings or portions thereof where flamable liquids are used, exhaust ventilation shall be provided sufficient to produce four (4) complete air changes per hour. Such exhaust ventilation shall be taken from a point at or near the floor level. In all buildings used for the repair or handling of automobiles operat'ing under their own power, each engine repair stall shall be equipped.with ah exhauit pipe extension duct, extending to the outs'ide of the bu'i1ding. (S.S.C. eo5 ) 225 Nofih 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon 97 477 a 503 / 7 26 -37 53, 503 / 7 26 -37 37 Fire Prevention Bureau Buitding Division 4 5 Mr. Richard Woolfe 325 North 2nd Street 0ccupancy Inspection August 19, 1982 Page 2. All water closet rooms shall be provided with an exterior window at least 3 square feet in area, fully openable, or a mechanical'ly operated exhaust system, which is connected to the light switch, capable of providing a complete change of air everyl5 minutes. (s.s.c. 905) The floor and walls up to a height of 4 feet in the water closet room shall have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface such as port'land cement, concrete, ceramic tile or other approved material. (S.S.C. lTll ) 6. Each water closet stool shall be located in a clear space not less than 30 inches in width and have a clear space in front of the water closet stool of not less than 24 inches. (s.s.c. lTll) 7. Verify rafter span. Note: 24 foot span would require Douglas Fir #2,2"x12" at 16"0.c. (s.s.c. Table 25-T-R-I) B. Install lk inch conduit and fittings for 100 amp service. Electrical Safety Code (E.S.C.) Table 3-A 9. Install #6 copper service grounding conductors to the cold water system and to the driven ground electrode. (E.S.C. 250-30(a)) .l0. Exjsting conduits in partition walls, installed with concealed outlets shall be re- placed with approved wiring methods. Metallic surface raceu,ays with grounding conductor will be acceptable. (E.S.C. 370-ll9) 15. Install bushings on conduits with #4 or larger conductors. (E;S.C. 373-6(c)) Provide breaker identification schedules in panel covers or fronts. (E.S.C. 110-22) Seal all open "knock outs" and unused breaker spaces. (E.S.C. 370-8) Non-thermal protected florescent'light fixtures shall have not less than l12 inch space between the enclosure and compustible ceiling. (E.S.C. 4.l0-75(b)) Lighting fixtures located less than l2 feet above the floor in the repair area' shall be of the enclosed type. (E.S.C. 5ll-6(b)) lt. 12. .l3. .I4. .l6. 17. Remove baseboard heaters (heaters not to exceed B0% of the ign'ition temperature of gas vapors) from the work shop and storage areas. Office area, if equ'ipped with a self closing, tight fitting smoke and draft control door assembly, may use the base- board type heater. Recommended ceiling type air moving heaters in shop area. (E.s.c.5ot-01(t)) All receptacles outlets shall be of the grounding type and in no case be installed less than lB" above the floor. (E.S.C. 5ll-2) An approved pressure temperature relief valve shall be installed on the water heater. Such valve shall be provided with a full size drain of galvanized steel or hard drawn copper piping and fittings and shall extend from the valve to the outside of the building, with the end of the pipe not more than 2 feet nor less than 6 inches above the ground and pointed downward. PIumb'ing Specialty Code Sec. .l007 lB. Mr. Ri chard l,lool f e 325 North 2nd Street Occupancy Inspect'ion August .l9,.l982 Page 2. 19. Provide I U.L. approved l0 B.C. fire extinguisher in the repair area. ?0. Provide I U.L. approved 2A rated fire extinguisher for store room and office. 21. Do not use flammable liquids for cleaning parts or floors. 22, Provide metal can with self closing'lid for disposal of rags and oily waste. Submit drawjng indicating location and construction for the installation of the new doorways in the front wall. A'lso provide a plot plan showing proposed new curb cuts and approaches. All applicable permits must be obtained before work is started and all work shall be accomplished according to the applicable codes and inspected before a Certificate of 0ccupancy wiil be issued. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division 726-3753. Si ncerely, A,;/r{/ofr Dick Y#esDan Sm'ith Plans Examiner/Building Inspector Springfield Fire Marshall DS:ch ,Or^fu o u oJ SOUTH B o{STREET 189 g\ 6C 66 :rt :{:,e F td lrJ E,F @ \ e 1 d ! \SC u) 3!18FIJ UJ E.F CN g ( Cl-3o cr) .:\- .:\_ i SOUTH C STREET $500 5 er- so0 <(o ti \ l5 I \j\rt\ \ L 'r-.i :4, ):;:(;-i \ \ ,*_) ! I I .lt5 l $ rO tr) ro ro9J ?"oo 6O 3 2r oo 6C 2 :r' 2300 a 6C @ 2000 :i 1. a..t..i, 2 500 2 6002400 5 270. B I I I t_ 2I 200 3 o L t- o F-- 4 3 ' oroazo') mtor6 00 t700 r 800 r 900 7 I 90t Iil.t reoo 5400 -,%-\- \ \ \ _l I { -t6- r400 \9l)Il. r200 t4ao r roo a \sk 4a* (v ATtrNI 'J se ?o ? n t I ( ? \ 0 Iq fi rV<z'rz Sl -.--.0 u) 0{ c U r.! 4. \' t 4o C\I h\ !t) \ !, fr1 <;^ - .'.-, ! il' J -(, ffi & o) al* (s .lr (} r\D $I am T\E I (/ tl t. Jaq.ta__ Itl t '.4 1' \erl i\ f-t f-rE 5 lje L/EY,E-O,Q J /- C A,€ E:X - S.e,otbra*r /=53 T}TOHEON A HAYOEN sURVEYORS COUITT HOUIG. EUGEHE. OEECON{.'" F-r t-J r-'- t'- -, OREL-rr-.t o fN4'r t-AN'J .!-::Y-:9: r 0I tt') t\ r.9 1,,-o0it _a!1fu1r:_51 * ,\, qo 1! h fi, I 0 T h\i lo \ !,\ (i ,P' \l Cd e) I ql_ 0 * (:- 5-:53,r4__ SUPVEY,TO,q courtr HouF:,EUGEilE. 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'$t" 176:3fi10o?P ae lcqs OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPART}4ENT DATE,OuUP? lf/o o *JOB NI]MBER OF UNITS:/ oi{r\ER: ?,.lmA Y c/a-, Woo/#- owNERS ADDRESS , &f 7 Al Seconcl Sr. APPLICANT:?aneJaT>'/dL APPLICANTS ADDRESS:2^d 6/. FoR AccESS ro pRopERry - pLEASE TNCLUDE TELEpHoNE NuMBER , 7a6'0A b/ //*Ar Wc,rk-7-70 a? A $24.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORI,I MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. SIGNAT FOR OFFICE ulE_gN_L Y DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF CERT. OF COMPLIANCE: DATE OF REPORT: REMARKS \-zqaa RECEIPT NUMBER:sqbol 31 EXISTING BUILDINGS \\ OCCUPANCY INSPL']TION APPLICATT ^\ EXISTINC BUILDINGS CTTY OF SPRINGFTELD BUILDlNG DE},ARTI"IENT Date: Job Address:<-= <) (-b/ )9 g?co7Jg No. of Units: ownen Lu///l/g lX?14aaez Applicant: LC-/ , i Azttz N 5/D, For Access .ro Properry - Telephone. liurE442,-"Y ./! U.b / 704> g_ - . Remarks: A $20 inspeetion fee is required aL the time of application. TIIIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OhIMR OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. Address: Address: SIGNATURE OE ERTY OWNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspectio", 34L-? / Date of Report.: Date of CofC: Receipt, No.: !Lru n \/T 70 / DD Q?co*o 3 7oft\ rl:i ;ril:.ffi";:*^.r ;,r,,,, ; *.*,.:'n ;;- :;"f ittr;i3.fSffi $W, ; 73! .n u.,.y- €_"r/?, ;f .-! ./(B+. lJ.;]#' - . 'J"P*-.- r -^.i-t:l' " j;---. '4qr^ .3.