HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-13Rcoe'!I..RESIDE1.'' \1.. APPLICATIONT - -.MIT 225 ilov,th Sth Street Springftelrl, )regon 974?7 Building Dtuision 7 26- 3? 53 oAi J Phortc zip: Deocrtbe h'orl<: Va SPNTNGFIELD \ J n<2rob tocaticn laaeaoort I'lap I ilbdivisiott: Csner: 1<ldress ED D ,.L ) 0 K. h.ta W,**or%- gt/tlL tt/e s )*r*r- Date c' .',oplicatic:'3 additicn it Cenera L P lurnb lng r (.s ?ct Lot ll 44Vr 1L l'lechan Lca l El.eccric;rl SuDerv_ls j.ng lll ec g 1'.i 1' [:rt'r lt ia the reoponoibility of tle permit holden to eee that aLL inopactiona are rnde at the ptoper tine, that ocah ilreas ia neadab)e J'ton the Btteet, anC tlnt the pot'nrtt oard ts Lccated at the ft.ont of the propenty..9uilding Nui:io: approced plan shcll renain on the Building gitc at all-timee. P!?OCSDUPE POn INSP|UI1N R\QUES?:CALL 726-3769 (tccorden) atate your. City Ceaigrwted job ntmbar, job aCdtcao, type of inspec'-icn cadyforinapcction,Contractoraoi.a,n",,-,*,,ui,apu7unwtbcr.-RequeatareLeiv.edb2fore.?:00cl'-'ill be nade the aane dcy, reguesta ncde after ?:00 on urtll be rmda the neil wrking day. xq t n{lottr. City Deaigrntcd Job Nwnben fo: llcouired fn:it, ce t i- onsl l l l l 'totte^ryo, fToor inoulcLton or decking, 1 Posr AND BEAM: To be nadc prior to ) T;;t"tE;G;'of floor insulLtion or decking.l SI'l'E INSt'YC':.iOAt: 'l'o be nade aJ'ter ercavaticn, but pticr tc se! up of fotme, IIDERSLAB PLUi,tErlc, ELE9:rnrCA! E ttECltAllICAL: lo be nade belore any r.ror'& ie coucned, FOOTINC 1 FOUNDA?IC\I: To be nnCeif tiV-GiGfri-iG-d"c au a t e cl arrd fornc are erected, but pt,ioy to pow,ing ccncrct:. u N p\Rc ltoult p p!lqall_y!Jj']|1 !& J.t.4rE nr A4!UIC€: 'l'o be ru:le pri.ot, to J'il-T{fi-trinchee. UNDERFLOOR PT,U!.!BI:'IC,I TITCIIANICAL: r N s t.t LA' t' r 0! / v A Po R. BA R {t! t: R I ils P.EC'II 0 N : To be ruttle after aLL insulaticn ad requ|red vapor ban,iepo ave in pla,oe but before any Lath, gypslun boar<! or unLL aovet,ing io applied, crd bafoneay inculation io ooncealed. DnYHAl,t, INSPEC-?ION: To ba nadaif t e" AffTny,rrrt t--; a in plac e, but prior to any taping. !!4!9W: Stcel location, bond bean:t, grouting or vertiaalo in accordanae witlt U,D.C. Section 2415 . uooDs,tovE. cc,ryI;;A, After inatallation io CURB 4 4P?!?Ojql APSON: Aften forno,r,e;C;teTf;t nfi;; to pour-tng conere te. SIDI:ttAt,K ,C DHII.LY\Y: I'or all con- arete pco'ing utthin atreot, right- of-ey, to bc nade aften all exaa- vtttirtg canplete & fotn uonk & aub- base tmterial in place. OR Sanilaty aetter capped at pnopart'g Line Septic tork pwrped atd. filted uith gratal Pinal - l{hen above itens an,e ccnpleted and uhen denolition ie oomplete op etru.2- tura noved and premiaea aleaneC up. Le llomaa Blooking od, Set-up Plwbing connectione -- oe.oern aru! utaler Elaatnioal Conneotion - Blooking, oet-u, and pltnbing oonneottone rruat be apprcted beforc requeattng eleolrical inepeclion Aooeoaory Builditrg Final - Aftor pcrchea, akirting, decks, eto. ara oonpleted. o matle arul approue:!.l and bcfore FIPEPT.ACE: mctet,ials No D<)to bc uocet coe inspeclions haue bect Prior to plccir4 facing fratning inopec- AN ICtl l,:ilit-*t )ion.-1-Y Fnlt:rnc: ttuct by "pp..t"l ol rougcal ,9 ncclunical e requcated af'-er h plwrbing, electri- AL! root'ittg llENCIi: l,lhen cotnplete -- ProuiCe g.rtea or movable aaotiono tlwough P, U, E. bracirul 2 chinncyo, completcd. llo r^,crk ete. rrust be is to be con- . cacled until t'hio in:tpcction lwa'bee.n nnde anC approved. FIIIAL PLUTIDIIIC FI I,IAL TIECIIA iI I CA t, FINAL ELECTRICAL *l ALL projcct aonditions, suc:!: ao the i.natallation of atraet treeo, cttplation o! the re.quired Lantlsccping, cto,, rmtot ba aatiafiod bafote the DUILDI\IC FINAI+ can.be requeoted, FINAL DUILDINC: i\'\rc Final Builctittg Inapeation mtat be requeotad alter tho Final PtunbtnnElectrtcal, anC lleclmical Inspeotiono hqva been nade ard-approtted Pc1te 1 ol ! I IAI,I, I.IAIIIICLTS AND CLI:ANOUI'S IIUST DI: ACCESSIDLE, ADJUSTITENI TO DE I,I4DE AT NO COST TO CTY A co tl-l .w tl il P, L llouoe Cnt'aec l,cecss North Eaa t South Hent Sq. FTGrTEN x VaLuo I'k1i.n GcJ,ace Cdtrro|t Acccetory TOTAL VALUE IS^UO s.D.c. 1.5 e ,'/ > 15.0S CIIARGENO,FT:EITTN Fiaturag ReaidenLi.aL (1 bdth) :ianitany Seuen Nct ot: CilARGT:NO.T LE Rcn , So, f t<t , Nau/Eet.end, Cincuita Toriporary Sentica CIIANCENC,nrr ntnllce EIII'S Ezhanot llood Vent !o1 l,/codatooe Stata 4 Mechqnicql Permit Permtt foeucaoe Meclanioal Permit -- ENCROACHIIENT -- 1,1.,! rr,J,l;.Jr,' rr I t:' ' tr Soctri I S I ltlai,ntcnance Pcrmib Cvrbcu! sidildlk Fctee ELectrical Label Mobile llonre 8q ( lqSsoLAR ACcEs s REe.-JOt) No 7.on 7 cf tot Coueragc ! of Storioe Total ltaight Topography 'Building Permlt State Iotal Clangee Plwbing Pernit State Totat lotal L- CO G,I TNT TTPE Interi,or':",' _ cornet "'' PanhandLe CuL-de-oao f-at Facen - e/con,-BeCt'ortnts Ene il lteat Ro toue Plan Chcck Fec Datc Pai<l: Re-ceipt ll liigned: dCtT -- Fcea -- Building Volue & Permit Thio pcrmit i.o oranLad on tho arpreos coruliLion LlnL tlrc u,tid.cottstrttc'Lton otnll', in alL ianpccLa, cortfonn'Lo Llrc Oxli.n,p;r:c:ulopta.! lt,rr drc City o.f Springfield, i.nclud!ry !;he ?,ottirtg Crdinancc, rciluLiLi,t(J Lhc acnctt't'tctiat and u-a-a of bui,L<lin11a, ancl m:iy bc\ 7ucpendcil or rcvokaC aL c'itJ tinc upot; tlic' laLiott ol arty prcui:tioro of aaid'ordinancec. P lumb ing Pe r m it NO percon olnll cOrt$Ltttct, inalall, alter or clutn7c cnll ned cr e:isting plr-Lirrn or drainago aynLc.n in trhoie or. in part, wtlcss such pet'sott is thc 'Legal p"oaoasnot'oi'o uLli.d plr bor', Lic.cnc'e, atcepl; tl:at a pc:'con na, 19 ptl*tbtirg oork to itropcrt.y ,rlht"h io odnccl, Lodsad or opet'ated by tl'c app'Li- eant. Electricql Permit h\tere Stata [an,t requit,cc l;tlat tha olcctrical uork be clone by _att Slec!;rical Contractor, tha al)ctrical porLiott of lhis ponnit clnLl not be valiC untit the Label lna been ailtncd by the ElecLrical Co'tt)'aator' I'Lant Etarnt.rtct'UaLr) I IIAV| CAREFULLy EXAMINED S!1s senpLeted appLtcation fo-r permit' and do i"';:;Ly .ir-|iti-init aLL- infonation hereoii ie true and cotect, dnC I'ftrti"en ce.rt'iiy LhaL anu o'd, ott dolk pe^r'forned etvtl! be done in occor- 'i)nce ,otth Lie'Ordinanc"no- of tla CitV of bpringf-icld, .anC th.c Lars of tha SL<.ta of orogctr t'".coiii"'1-io tha urik Cea'cribbd herein' cnd tlat N0 }ccl' plicy ittL b'e ml1e o1'ni,y' olrrZiure uithout permioai.on of the 1uildin1. D.i- vioio^, I furthcr "rr'ii"1.,.'tnrt orly con rac'tora at;d enplcyeee ul.o ore in L*pli""", ittt, cns 701.lis wiLL be- ueed on thia proiect Signad T1TAL AI'|OUW DltE: a t6ls t B u-nx-t /*lo lry _ I A ( ueLuc ) Total Clnroee 4 ,,\^?''' '")r'd ::j$$ rl t ,P ,t og ;6ilcts -r" ";.'a;;L+ ' . r, , ,] rr\ car'tjf 4* 4 n':t*'-r',,,rrp''nX t*{ 5tr'}'tti\--"' ) a*L" '4 '( I - = e..*. ) ,!-1 ii:- '.".i iiir' j'gt"i "t' eir'i;" ' ri, u i o, : !-{ ') g n \ 9 -,)?,l t, [ ,,U ! !DiIt t i T\ t 1l \'l "(r-r t+. v\ I io ,r__ u t-- t:l.: 1 j,i I g I I l,*t l,1,, i- i t 'trl !i I .t l--.-aI,i\!" I _i I Ll iL_ . --,Lrf l iJ -F-'' I 1,L )