HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-07-27-" RE-,OEr.lTlAL" COMB INATI ON APPLT C AT IA N /PEP.MTT225 North 1th Street Spz.ingfLelC, Oregon 974?? Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD duv L w Date: c.2iob Locaticn: Subdiuision: Assesso"a !4aD I Ormer: nQr\O.i.Sil;,a<Adtiress SDA{O IQilL-CW 1 DeacyLbe Hork: ]\q;15 ldditicn RanoCel "6 Date of Appli.aticn Value /Jl.^l.-:(tu erxrrltfhcr-- General eza,,,Dins$tji) . ),-t-Lr ht-.. n oK4-kS Lender ft is lhe rcsponsibility of the permit hoTl.et to see that all inspections @e nade at lhe proper tin€, that ecch cddress is rend"ibl,e fron the street, anC tlat the pennt card is Loeated at the frcnt of ti.,e propertg.*Euilditg Nuisior apprc"'ed plan slzcll remain on tla ktiHing Site at all tines. PR)C9DUPE FoR INSPEctf1ll ReqWST: CaLL- (-recotder) state your City d,esigrated job runber, job aCd.tess, type of inspectict. requeited a:nd.uien g-ou',lt7:Tbeieang for inspectiot, Conttdctc?s c? a,mers rwne azd plane ntnbo. Pequests receixei befcte 7:00 s:i *-iLL be nade the sorc dc.g, tequests nade aft* 7:00 an uLLL be nu.Ce the nezt wrking daE. frAtols:Iout cifu Deaigr,ated ,Iob llwbet Is 0R :401'7) 3J'[L::JCS Soriloy sa;et ccpcei :t ptopatt; ?.ite Septic totk p'aryed ti filled:tith liral - ,|,4ten abcue itaas ee ccnpleted atd ahen d.ottciition is cotrtle=e or sttuc- tuxe noued ar.c prerisr-s c\Zanei up. Hcnes Blocking od. Sat-:tp Plmbittg connecticns -- aa.)e! ad. uater ELectrical Ca.nection - Blcckir4, set-uu and. plwnbing eonnectiane ntst be appz,cted before requesting elee=rical ir.speetiott Accessory ButHing linal - After >crekes, skirting, decks, etc. dre eono'!.etad,. ?;ge 1 of 2 fcxme. ANDERSLAB PLAMBING. ELECTRICAL 8 I4ECH!-|'IICAL: To be nade before cny wrk is cotered. FC)TII|G t PAUNDATfCII: To be naCe ;ft et treneG-ar e-eseattated attd. fatms are erected, but prtor to ccnc"et€. trenchee. emd T\tQttmfn\t. ffia4 b"t !IP.EPLACE: ^atffiG ?ITIAL PLAMEINC FINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECYRICAL Prior to plccirq and before frantng lo be nade after prtcr tc set up of INSULA?:C!] / tt'.A.PCP S APRIIP iitS?iCT I0 Il : To be nade after aLL insulaticn al. required uqor bettere ee in place but befcre aty Latn, Wpsdttl bcati ov tnLL cooering is cpplied, ud before oty i*ulation i.s concealed. DRYWALL I\|SPECTI0N: ?c be nade -,. after aLL cnyuall is in plzee, but pr'tor to cng taping. 1'!ASCNR!: Steel Loeation, bond ffi{groutin4 or terticcls in aceordorce tLth U.B.C. Section 2415. i{CODSTO'/E: ccnpLete<i. After install.ation is CURB & APPPCACH APP)I!: After formsae erecteC but prion to polring co?Llete. SIDYIALK A DRT,TIAI: For aLL con- ;t *;VffiAiffi st?eet rLgh.t- of-uny, lo be na.Ce after aLL ezca- oatina eanplete & fotn unrk & cub- base mctertal in plaee. UIIDEPILCOR PLUI,EflG 2, \IIC!]ANICAL : @o7 floor insulction or decking, P1S! AND tsEAM: To be nade prior to:--instalLaticn of fToon ins;,.Lation ot deckinE. ROUGH PLU!|BI\|C, TLEC?RICAL & MECH: ,qNIT!.t: No uov,k is to be coteYeci ffilTth"s" inspections haue beer, nade and approtteC. fcst"g LnSPeC- tton. lP.AitlIC: lhtst, be reo-uected aftez, @, of rough pltnb+ng, eleetri- cal & neclnnieal. AL! roofirq braitq E ehitrmeus, etc. tnist be conoleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until this insoeetLcn has been natie anC appro"*ed. ?EllCE: ilhen eonolate -- ProoiCe @G or ;nouable seetians thrca4h P. U. E. ALL proieet conditions, s-uek ae the inslaL1-ation of st?eeE t?eea, eo:n!;-"ion-o1'=he requircd Lanisecping, atc-, mtst be satisfied before the tsUILDI:;C ElilAL:an le tecaested- 7IN.4L ilILDINC: The Final Euilding Jnsoection rrust be retTuested af)et )he linal ?lwnbing Electrical, and ]leoitc,ical fnspeetz.onc ltaue been naCe artd approved. *ALL \4AIIHCLES AND CLEAIIOUTS ITUST BE ACCESSTELE, ADJUSTIIENI lO 9E ADE IT NC CCST TC :I!Y r il T r E E ilcb Nw*er: 8 ElClj Referer,ce ilwrbers:L-COC iI: BedtoomsZcne:)eanDaneu .' LO? T..- ,/ \v _ fntericr _ Corner _._ PanhandLe Cul-de-sae Lot Eaces -:Iot Sq. ?tg, % ci Lct Ccoerage. | # o7 Storie ?otal Eeight , iapogrcphy ITEII EuLLdLng PefnfLx State Iotal Clwrgea - - Fees --' ,t Building Volue & Permit This perrrtt is granted on the enpress condition that ttg said constmtetion' slrall', in aLL r,-espects, conforrn to the Otdinance adopted pU tl,n City 2f SpringTield., ineluding the Zoning Crd'tnance, regalating the ccnstmtcticn *ra i2 of -buildLrrys,- and may be' suspend.ed oz' reuokeC at cny time upon oic- lation of any prcuisions of said }rdinances. Se lleat DT House Can aae Access North Eost ll FireplacetlSouth liest ll llaodatote x ValueDq. T;U l.lain Gardce C@port Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 r Si-gred: {. No pereon shall construct, install, altet ot chmtge -cng netr-c? etisting -plinbing ot dtainage sastqn in ulole or in part, unless sueh person is tlp iegal pbssessoo of a ttalid plwrbet"s License' e*cept that a -person mail 8o-pfintl,.ig uork to pvope"ta ihi.h is ot'med, Leased or operated bg the appli- cant. FEE CITARGE * ?iottxes Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing PerlrLt State Plumbing Permit Electricol Permit Wet'e State Lau requiz,es t'lnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contzlactot,, the elictv"tcal portion of this pentrit slwll not be oalid until the Label lws been signed by the Electrical Contractor'. NO. lt!otal Nas/Ectettd, Circuits ?anpcrey Set'oice i!lM NC rLL CILARCE I * Mechonicol Permit EzhaLst HooC Hcodstotse Vent Fot Pefifttt fssuqnce Meelnnical Permit State f HAVE CAREF{.ILLY EXAMINED the conrpleted appltcation for permit' and do hez,ebg certify that aLL infornation heteon ie true and. correct, and f furtker eet,tify that any ard. aLL aork perfomted slnll be done in aeeov- dance vLth the 0v,dinances of the city of Springfield, artd the Lass of the State of 1regon pettaining to the uov'k Ceseribed het'ein, cnd t?nt No oCcU- PANCy wLtL bb nw-de of ang structure uitlnut permission of the Building Di- oision. f fuz,ther certify that only contractoz's and enplcyees aho ote in conpliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this ptoieet Mobile Hcne TOTAL AMOUI|T DUE:* Sectrt uate Permit *7 Ia.beL -- ENCROACHIIENT -- PLan Esaniner Cut beut Sideualk Pl,an Check Fee: fTEl\'l Ila*et lo.4<) l( )'t