HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1992-03-06SPRI'{GFIELD Offlce: INSPECTION LINE: qp ITOOD STOVE/INSERT INSPECTION APPTICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SATETY DIVISION 225 Flfth Street Sprlngfleld, 0regon 97477 Prellminary Inspectlon is $15. Wood Stove/Pe1let/Insert Permi may be tes and red also underst t lf I am requestlng a r to installation of insert) .00 + $ .75 state sureharge + lnsp pre1l FOR OFFICE USE mlnary inspectlon, the vall coverlng b qL- PRELIMINARY Job *: 726-3759 726-3769 Job Location: Assessors f:Tax Lot *: 0wner: Address:Phone S: Ci ty:State:Zlpz Value of Stove/Pellet Stove (please circle appropriate ce 00 (priois$t Issuance. 10n that I vas provlded wlth the Uood Stove Safety informatlon for vood burning appllances and prelimlnary inspection st andards. I further state that the a ppllance I am installing meets smoke emission stand ards as set by the 0regon Department of Bnvironmental Quality or the Federal Environmen tal Protection Agency and I agree to provide the ting approval number to the ector at the time of insPection. I Type of Inspectlon Req ues t \ Contractor: Address:Phone #: Ci ty:State:zi p3 Cons truct i actors Registration *:ires: By signing thls permit/application, I ag ree to call for an inspection(s) as requlred (726-3769). I state that aII informat on this appllcatlon/permlt is correct and REQUIRED INSPECTION(S) : Date of Application: Total Amount Co1lected: Recelpt *: CITY OF ort, ert: Checked for Dellnquencies: Issued By: Checked for lllstorical Status: a CITY OF ONEGO'U IJOOD STOVE/INSERT INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 Fifth Street Sprlngfleld, Oregon 97477 Job Location: Assesso Map *: Ovner: Address: Ci ty:State: Value of ove Insert: (please circle appliance Type of lon Requested Cont rac tor: Address: SP'lI,{GFIELO 0ffice: INSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 Preliminary Inspection is $15.00 (prior to instal llood Stove/Pellet/Insert Permit is $15.00 + $ .75 Tax Lot *: Phone #: .ZIpz Iatlon of insert) s tgte surcha Phone #: zip: 10.Issuanee. Ci ty: Cons t ruct S tate: FOR OFFICE USE T l-6 tractors Registration #:Expires: lnspectBy signing thls permlt/aPPI ication, I agree to ca}l for an ion(s) as required (726-3769>. I state that a 1I lnformation on this appllcation/permi t is correct and I was provlded wtth th e Uood Stove SafetY lnformation for vood burning iances and prellmlnarY inspectlon standards.I further state that the aPPllance installing meets smoke emission standards as set by the 0regon DePartment of ronmental Quality or the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and I agree to ide the testlng approva I number to the insPe ctor at the time of insPection. I tand lflam requestlng a PreLlnrl nary inspectlon, the waII covering required that appr Iam Bnvi prov also may ture REQUTRBD INSPECTTON( S) : Date of Application: Total Amount Collected: Recelpt *: te PRELIMINARY J *: Ilet St Checked for Delinquencles: ssued Checked for Historical Status: