HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-01-16#.. RESID: ITIAL.. APPLICAruON/PERT,IT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, Oz,egon 97477 Building Di.uision 7 26-37 53 -0[c- d*/ ) Date: GeneraL Conslruetion_Ldet_ It is ttg rceponsibility of tte penrit lzold* to aee tlnt alt inspec?totu ee nad.e at the prope! tine, that each addrees is tenCabie fra n tlu atreet, attd, tlat the p*ntt cai ie located at the froat of the propettg*auiUing Dtoiciot a@rw^ed pLan shcll remain on tle Building Site at aLL times. PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECIIWWS!;CALL726-3769(tecorder) state your Citg deeignated iob nronber, iob aCdt'ess, t-apn-?f j"specii-cn eadyforitt,speetion'cont"acto?8oianters-,,a,eandplonerulmber.P.equestsleceixed'befcle7:00c,lttill be rmd.e the eane dcg, ?equelts nade aftet ?:00 on uttll be ttnde the ne.rt l,wking d 3'//)0?' SPRINGFIELD Job Iocation: Aesessore Map # /03 c0Tct Int # Subditsision: A.mer: Ph.one:4Address: ztp:city: Work: RanoCel S reo soo Value t-t NeD Additiant--ln ?Date of App Lieaticn Pege 1 of 2 SIIE INSPEC?I1N: Io be rrude afteracarratl;4ffi prioz, tc set ip of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECIRICAL & WClt|lfICAL: To be made before angffi7i6uered. P)OlINc & F)UMOATICN: To be made after trenches ate escaated atd. forns ate erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. A!|DERGP)U\|D PLUI',IEING. SlrlER, W.4TER' DRAI\IAGE: To be rnade priot' to fi.L-lirq trenches. AIIDERFLOOR PLUI,IBING & MECITANTCAL : of floot insulction or decking. P0S2-4!L BEAM: ?o be made Prlot to ffiTffio1 floor insulation or deckitq. ROUGH PLUIIBIIIG, ELECARTCAL & MECH: nWcar,: No uo"k is to be cooered ffiiTthese inspections lnzse been nnde and. approued.. roE maAA-ifre" aLL insulaticn ed required oqor berie?s @e in Pla.eebut before ang lath' Wpsun board or tnll couering is applied, and before oty iwuLation i.s concealed. TNLULLTION/VAPOR BARRIER IW : DRYVALL INSPECII)N: Io be nade OR BUILDIiICS Satitarg saser capped at propertil Litce Septic totk yunped atd filled trith gra;;el ?inal - I{hen abctte itens are ecrtpleted and uhen Cerealition is eonplete o? atruc- ture moued od ptewises clearteC up. Hcmes ffiel, art@ual-t-is in pl,ace, but pnior to any taping. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond Effijgrouti.ng or oerticals i.n accotdance LlLth U.B.C. Section2475. 3 )/._ ? l,\fter itts tallation is CURB & APPRCACH APP,\N: After forns a.e ete.tAWnior to powirtg ancrete. SIDEWALK & DRfIEHAY: Fot aLL con- cret; pat@niffi stteet right- ef-txA, to be nale after aLL esca- Dating conplete & forn wt'k & sttb- base nnterlal in place. IENCE: hrhen conplate -- Prouidej&es or mouable eections through P.A.E. Bloclcing otd Set-up Plunbing cormectione -- a€1ie? otd uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking' set-up and plwnbing connections tntst be apprased before requeeting eleelrtcal inspectiott Accessor'g BuilCnng skirting, decks, I I FIP.EPLACE:ai;fra;Prtor to placirg facing ard, before froning i.nspee- Fittal - After etc. ee canp' pct ches, leted. tion. FWIING: lttust be tequested after approual of rough plwbi.ng, electyi- a,L & meclnnical. AL! r'oofing btaeing & chinmeys, etc. rmtst be i conpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection laerbeen nnd.e anC approtted. FTUAL PLUAOING FTNAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, such as bhe installation of stl,eet tree|, co'npletion-of the *"qiir.}- ina"""pirq, -ete,, mtet be satisfied befote the BUILDfNG EINAL can be requested. F1NAL BUfLDfpG: Ihe tinal Building Inepecti,on mtet be requested after the Firal Plwnbing Electrical, ord, Mecltanical fnspections late been nade atd approtsed. *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE Y,ADE A? NO COST ?O CEY 4-, 4>) , , ltl K/ f tr tr a OLAR T^'ESS REQ.-cL-CO Bedtoons: 7 of Lot Cooerage_ # of StorLes Total Eeight LOT ?WE _ Intetiot _ Corne? _ Panlnndle CUL-de-sac 0JOB NO. rnt Sq. Ftg lopogrqhy Aceess, th P. L.House Lot Faees - -- Fees -- This permlt is gtanted on the etpress cord.ition tltat the sciid constmtctionslall-, in all rbspects, eonfonn to the Ordirance adopted tiy the City of Springfield, inc?.uding the Zoning Cvdinance, tegulating the ccnstructicn anl. use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at c:nA tine upon oic- Lation of dnA p"coisions of eaid 1rdirances. TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: I?EM FTG x Va * Signed: Building Volue & Permit S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Pd\rlt Iotal Clwrgea State Plumbing Permit No person shall consttwct, instal!, alter ot clwnge anA ned cr existing plutnbing or dtainage sAetan in ulole or in pott, unless such person is the Legal posseesor of a talid plunbet,'s Li,cense, ercept tlat a pe?son nal do pltmbing uork to prope?tA uhich is ouned, Leased ot operated by the appli- eant. NO.CHARGE * NEM Fi.str*es Resid.enti,al (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Pemrt State Surehange Electricol Permit \Ihere State Lan reqtites tlnt the electr.ieal uotk be ilone by an Eleetrtcal Contraetor,, the eleetrtcal portion of this pernit sltall not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed bg the Electri.cal Contracto?. FEE Na,t/Eotend Circuits Setoice State Total ,ZO ITlM FEE CEARCE o * Mechqnicol Permit llcodstoise Vent Fan kltatet Hood ,s PermLt fssuerce Meelnnicel Pemtt -- EIIICR)ACEMENT -- Securit! Deposit Stotage I'laintenance Petrnit Cvtbaut Sid.a,talk ElectrieaL label Mobile Horne TotaL #: PLut Esonlnet,uate f EAW CAREFULLY EXAMfNED the cornpleted application fon per*tt, and do hereby eettifg that aLL infolrnation hereon is true and. cbttect, anC I furthez, certifg that any arl aLL uork perfomted slwll be done in aceot- dance tith the 1rdinarces of the City of Sprtngfield, and the Lae of the State of Oregon pertaining to the aork Ceea,ibed het,ein, ct1d. that N0 1CCA- PI.NCI trtll be nad.e of an! stl,ucture uyithout petmisaion of the Building Di.-oision. f fiuther eertify that only cont?actota otd mplcgeee dho drb in eo,tpliance dith 1RS 701.05s uiLL be used on this projeet TO?AL AMOUN? DUE:*4b rn e Date J t.. ?otal Chmoes )(" ?enee