HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-04-14Receipt I..RESIFENTIAL.. APPLICA ON/PERMIT 225 Nov,th Sth Street SpringfieLd, )regon 97477 Buildtng Di,uiston 7 26-37 53 SPEINGFIELD- x.o z 8_/f ? n./.rob Looaticn: Assessorotlap# l? O3 Zb 73 O l-9g rot Lot # Subdiuision: F4P (rA^mer: Phone Ci Address: L Describe h'ork: VaLue fwr^ n 4-\4 -E? Additicn RemoCeL ilobile Hone Date of Applicati.cn t rac to tlechanica Plumbi Pege 1 of ! l3sqs General ecErica Superv i-sin Elec t r ( l-.1 tl Date: 26-3769 (recotder) state your City Cesignated iob ntotber,, iob aC&,ess, type of insPec inspaction,Contractars or A,tne?s nane and pltone nwiber. P.equests recei-"*ed befue 7 aftez, 7:00 an uvtll be nnde the ncct wrking daii It ia the responsibility of the permit hoaen to see that aL!., inepec_bions ate nade at the PYope? ttme, that aaeh address is readable fiorn tlv atpe-et, anl that the penrrit card is. Located qt.t-h-e. frol! of .the-PropettA.-*Suilditg DiuicTot apptoo^ed plan shcll yemain on tlv Buildiryt Sit; at aLL tfmes. PROCEDUPE FoR INSPECTI1N RTQUEST:CALL 7 ieCuest;A-aiA u!',en you uiLL be ready for t"'i.LL be nade the sane dcg' requests made :ticri SI?E INSPECIION: To be made after ea"auafio", but pricr tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUI,EINC. ELECTRICAL & MECIILIIICAL: To be made befoz'e ,zny GiE Ti-iooen"d. FOOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be naCe after trenchea are e&caua ted and fotrns are ereeted, but ptior to pourtng ccncreta be JL L- trenchee, requ'i.red uapor bcwt'iera are in place bui belore any Lath, gypsun boaz'C ot' unLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Number Ia: T I be nade a DRYT,IALL TNSPECIION: TC bE NAdE i$e" alT-6ariart-l.s in plaee, but priot' to any taYing, MASONRY: Steel Location, bond Eiffilgrouting or rterticals in aceotdance uttth U.B.C. Section 2415, wooDs'|otlE: ccmpTetA. After installation ie Soti'.ga aeuer capped at ptopet'ty Line Septic to* yatrped and filled uith gta::el Final - t{hen abc'oe itens are ecnpleteC and uhen Cs,wli,tion is contplete ot' stni3- tute notted ard. ptemLses cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking and Set-uP Plunbtng conneetions -- aauer and uater Elect*ical Ccmnection - Blocking' set-u: and plwnbinq connectiona m;st be apprct:e!. befolre neqieating eL eelrtcal inspec : io:: Accessor'; Butldittg After fornsto pouring l'1 utomrLool pLUtlBrNC & I4ECIIANI:AL:llof floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot' to iiilt|Tit'fiTof floor insulation or decking. R)UGH Pt,u!,!B!ilc. ELECTRTCAL e LIECH- ANICAL: No aorl'. is to bc ao"^ered Glit-the"" inspectiors haue been nad.e arvJ approvel, FIRE?I44CE: Wion to Placir4 facing..'..-mcterials arul before franing inspec- tion. ?RAL'!INC: t'lust be requested after approoat of rough plwnbing, electt'i- cal & nectwnical. ALL roofing btacing E chinmeys, ete. rntst be completed. llo acrk is to be con- cecled until this inspection lws 'been nnde anC appro"-ed. CURB & APPROACH APfuN. ate e;ecQTTutnio" concrete. SIDEI,\ALK & DRIIIEVAI: Fott al?, con- c"ete p"Dng';lttln street fight- of-u,:A, to be nade after aLL ecca- oating compLete & forn wt'k & sub- base natev'ial in Place. Pinal - After etc. ate canP ' pct ches, ekirting, decks, Leted. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL I,IECIIANICAL PINAL ELECTI?ICAL IENCE: hrhen conplate -- PtouiCejil6i or notsable sectians through P. U, E. ALL pro;iect aonditi.ons, suck as bhe i.nstallation of s+.reet t19e_1-, co,npletton-of the ,"qrlinnd. Landsccping, Ltc., nust be eatisfi.ed befor.e the BUTLDTNG PINAL eanbe requested' FINAL BLILDINC: ?he Final Building rnepection mtet be ?equested alter the linal Plumbing ttn"1r,';;"1;,-ai Mecharical rnspections -ha:ue been nade and appt'oued' DEI.IOLITIO!! *Ar,r. MAIIHCLES AND CLIIANOIJTS IIIIS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTYEIII TO BE I,ITDE /1.T IIO COST TO CIIY w b\\ft=hf\ Lot Sq. Ptg.IfrT TYPE _ Intericr _ Co"ner _ Panlandle Cul-de-sac % of Lct Ccoenage_ # of Stories Total Eei.ght Topography Lot Faees - Setbacks !ieat ilouse Car"a17e Access Water lleater North Ratljc East FirepLace South -Woo1rtouA West TTEM FTG X Va Building Volue & Permit Thi-s petnrtt is granLed on the erpress cond-i.tion trnt the said-consttuction shall', in all rbspects, conform -to the Ctdinanice adop.te'l fuy the City 2f SpitngTieta, incLiu6r.ng- the 2oning Crdinane-e, regulctirtg the ecnsttacticn ,ka ,iL of Luildings, and may be suspended or reookeC at cn! time upon uic- lntion of any prcoisions of satd Ordir'ances. il TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Perwtt PLan State Total Clangea ITEM FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No person shall constt'ttct, instalL' all;er ot' clnnge -cnlJ nei -cr eristing ptthtLng or drainage sA,taz in uhol.e or in part, unLess such pet son is the iegal {osses"o, o|"o rtLlid pL*rbnt')s Lic-ens-e, eecept that a pe"son naa 49 pti.,otl:"g aork to property uhi.h is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Firtlat,es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plwnbing Pernit oo State * NO.Electricol Permit where state Latt requires th,at the electrical uork be done by an Blectrical Contractor., the el)ctuical portion of lhts permit sLnLL not be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contt:actor', Nas/Ettend Cincuits Settlice State Total * ITEM NC CIIARCE Mechonicol Permit Eahant HooC Vent Fan I'lcodstooe Permtt fssuanee Mechantctl Pendt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seanitu Deposit Storage Maintenance Pennit Cutbcut Sida,taLk Fence Electrical tabel Mobile Hane TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: T Date Patd: Receipt ll Signed JoB No.tfr0"L F9E State Tafnl. Aharaas Plant Eaaniner W f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI'IINED the completed application for permit' and do lereby certify that aLL itformation het'eon is true and eorrect, cn'l f furthbr certifg that any ard aLL uork perfonned alall be done in accon- dance vith the- lrdinanebe of the City of Springfield' an'C the Laae of tha* State of 7regon pe"taining to the uork Cescribcd hereln, cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- pttvcy tltl bZ naVe of any sttuctuye ui.thout pennisaion of the Building Di- oision. f fut then certiiii that only eontractoi:s ai;d enplcyees dho oxe in empliance uith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this project