HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1987-06-29IA t CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPR!nlGFIELD Planning Department 29 June 1987Mr. IYilliam Bromley, Attorney at Law 1800 Vailey River Drive Suite 400 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Dear Mr. Bromley: I appreciated the Inspection require opportunity to taik to you last Friday about the Occupancyments for the building at 220 S. Znd Stree L, Springfield,Oregon. Since your client is proposing to c hange t use of the building fromthe previous occupancy (auto repair), this office is char ged with the respon-sibility to assure that the present building complies wi th the State and CitySafety Code requirements for the proposed use as Iight manufacturing. Normally, the Occupancy Inspection is the first procedure accomplished in aproposed change of use of an existing building. I{owever, since you stated thatyour client was not prerriously advised of this requirement we would appreciateyour cooperation by having your ciient compiete the enclosed application andreturn it to this office together with the appropriate $35.00 fee. lYe can then document our recent inspeclion and provide your client with the results. As we discussed on the phone, our primary concern is whether the use of thebuilding will entail on-site fabrication of wood parts, or merely the assembly ofsuch parts which are fabricated off-site. The concern involves whether quan-tities of potentially explosive wood dusts will be created, and appropriate fireseparation between the proposed use and the residential use above. If thewoodworking equipment is merely to be used to occasionally trim irregular partsand proper dust collection equipment is used, the existing fire separation isadequate. If however, the proposed operation will'create substantial wood dust,then the separation between the two uses'must be upgraded to a 3 hour fireresistive assembly. If it will help your client, we can werify the minimal use ofwoodworking equipment and the adequacy of the fire separation after the equipment is installed. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerel Yt ,/^7'/n- Don Moore, Building Inspector Dave Puent, Building Official Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal Greg lYinterowd, Director, Planning and Development cc 225 North Sth Street {} Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3759 (l