HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1987-07-10a/dr?rro FINAL ORDERS LH of the jspringfield Plonning Commission REQUEST FOR DISCRETIONARY USE I BEFORE THE PLANNING COI.IMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 7 thp fol J0. N0. s-87-07-98 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ORDER lowinq aoolication fon D'iscretionary Use Aporoval was accepted: tttt NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The apol'ication is .for Discretionary Use ApDroval to exDand a pre-existing non-confonming use at 220 South Second Street, Assessor's MaD 17-03-35-32 Tax Lot 7600. 0n at Jul South Seco 2 3 James Gotsch (Jo. No. 87-07-98) Assessor 's MaD 17-03-35-32, Tax Lot 7600. Request for Discretionar.y Use Aoproval to allow the expansion of an existing building with a suhstandard front yard build'ing setback. Section 19.050(2) of the $on'ingfield DeveloDment Code requires a 10 foot building and 5 foot parking setback from oublic right-of-way. The building exDansion wi'll be set back 2 feet frorn South A Street. The aoolicat.ion was initiatpd and submitted in accordance with Spction 3.050 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficipnt notice of the Discretionary Use request hearing, DUrsuant to Section 14.030 of the Springfield Dpvelooment Code, has been pnovided. 0n August 5, 1987, a oublic hearing on the Discretionar.y Use nequest- was held. The P'lanning & DevploDment DeDart,ment staff notcs and recornmendation, as amended by the P.lanning Commiss'ion, togethpr witn tne testimony anrJ submitt.als of the persons testifying at that hearing have been considered and are a part of the record of this groceeding. CONCLUS I ON 0n the basis of this record, the requested Discretionary Use'is consistent with the aDplicable criteria set forth in Spction 10.030(1-3), and Article 31 of the $gringfield DcveloDment Code. This general finding 'is suDported by the soecific findings of fact and conclusions set out in the attached findings of fact adopted Auqust 5, 1987 (Attachment "Staff Report") and the find'ings and conclusions submitted by tne Applicant (Attachment "A") and attached heneto. t, ORDER It is oRDERED by the Planning Commission of Soringfield, that apDroval of Jo. No. 87-07-98, Discretionary Use, be GRANTED with the follow'ing condition: The aoplicant shall secure a joint use parking agreement for 3 off street Danking spaces on property within 400 feet of the aDD'licant's site. THIS 1987. ORDER was presented to and EDDroved by the Planninq Cornmission on August 5, (ludr{eaa\ a q omm JJ a rDerson ATTEST AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTA I N : 5 a L a I STATT' N,EFOH,T SPfITNGFTELO Ch,Springfield Plonning Deporlment DISCRETIONARY USE STAFF REPORT AND FINDINGS Applicant - James Gotsch Jo. No. 87-OT-gg Request for Discretionary Use approval to expand a pre-existing non-conforminguse at 220 south second street; i.e., the owner wants to expand "r, "pp"or.dprinting and light manufacturing operation. Site Information: The lot is 5,576 square feet in area, and includes an existing,non-conforminE tlvo-story building of 2,850 square feet that is located trvo fee-ifrom the street right-of-way. The zoning for the site is Booth-Kelly Mixed Use(BIffiU), which requires'a 10'setback "f-tn" perimeter of the district. The MillRace is separated from .the subject property by a narrorv strip of land that isorvned by the adjoining property olrrner to the west. The City iro" .pp"oved thesite pian and building permii.s for the reuse of the existing Uuitaing as a printingand light manufacturing operation. The BI{MU District was applied to this site because of its proximity to the MillRace and its location at the erttryrvay to the City. The site has been consideredin the past in connection with l.he proposed .Depot re-location, althgugh there isno concrete proposal by the City at this point in time to use this site in thismanner. BASIS FOR DECISION Section 10.030 of the Sprirrgfield Development Code (SDC) establishes Discretion-ary Use criteria that must be met in orcier to approve this request. The requestmust also complv rvith Articles 31 and 32 (Site Plan Reviery and public Facilities,respectiveiy). The Planning Commission needs to determine whether the Discre-tionary Use should be approved, approved with conditions or denied. ThePlanning Commission does not have the authority to modify the requirements ofthe Site Plan Review or Pubiic Facilities Article; however, the planning Commis-sion may impose conditions of approval when problems are identified. FINDiNGS The following findings address each of the criteria for consideration of Discre-tionary use appiications found in section lo.o30 of the sDC. (1) The proposed use shall conform with existing uses in terms of scalecoverage, design, intensity of use and operating characteristics. As the applicant's findings indicate, a variety of industrial and commer.cialuses ttre permitted in the BKMU Dislrict, many of which rvould have agreater impact that the printing operation. Existing uses in the areainclude an architect's office, an apartment complex, ; tire store, and avacant lot. The proposed 960 square foot expansion would also be used forthe printing operation, which is compatible with surrounding land uses. lot (2'l The proposed use shall not generate more traffic on local streets or more demand for public facilitieg than would permitted usee in the same zoning district. The site is located at the corner of South 2nd and South A Streets; the applicant has signed an improvement agreement for South A Street and instalied a sidewalk as part of the site plan approval process. There would be no more demand for public facilities than other permitted uses in the district. The addition will, however, result in inadequate on-site parking. The applicant has made tentative arrangements with neighboring property ownersto use their property for overflow parking. South A Street also has agreat deal of unused space. In order to satisfy code requirements forparking, the applicant must submit a Joint Use Parking Agreement to the City that provides for paved parking to meet code requirements. (3) The proposed use conforms with the Metro Plan including applicable. descriptions of Land Use Designations shown on the Plan Diagram. The SDC definition of "Metro Plan" includes the Downtown Refinement Plan. Policies that have relevance to this application are found in Attachment A. The clear intent of these policies is to improve the appearance and safetyof the Downtown area, to take advantage of the Mill Race and to provide an attractive entrance to the City. The result of this expansion, with landscaping and sidewalks, will be an overall improvement in South 2nd Street's pedestrian safety and appearance. Although an irnprovement agreement has been signed for South A Street, itis unclear whether the City will want to improve the street in the future.It is possible that this street may be vacated and used in conjunction withvacant land in the area for the re-Iocation of the depot or some other entrance beautification project. The proposed 960 square foot addition is valued at approximately g15r000, ora quarter of the value of the existing structure, exclusive of the $221000that has been put into property improvements that have already beeninstalled. Therefore, the capital investment in this addition would not appear to make a substantial difference in the value of the property, in the event that it should ever be acquired for some future public purpose. IYith the proposed improvements, including landscaping, paving, sidewalks, closure of a dangerous curb cut and building renovation, there should be amsignificant betterment in the property's appearance, especially in com-parison with the previous truck repair facility. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The application for Discretionary Use Plan Review approval will be consistentwith the provisions of the SDC upon completion of improvements required by Articles 31 and 32 of the SDC, and the adequate provision of paved parking through a Joint Use Parking Agreement. This conclusion is supported by the above findings as well as the findings submitted by the applicant's attorney (see Attachment A). ATTACHMENT A DISCRETIONARY USE CRITERIA FINDINGS OF FACT OWNERS: James and Mtldred Gotsch LOCATION t 220 South rrArr Street, Sprlngfleld INTRODUCTION: The butlding o\rners recognLze and acknowledge the City of Sprlngfield's long term goals and plans for the Booth-Kelly Mlxed use District, and in particul-ar wlth regard to enhancing that entranceway to the 9iay. They are cognizant of the importance of the Millrace and its.beautification ln those plans, and of the proposal to relocate the Depot Ln the immedl-ate viclnl-ty of their facllity. They envision their business need for the building will not be a permanent one, and that the property usage w111 ultimately be transformed into one closely aligned wlth the City's plans. The owners have an approved Site Plan for the property, and have slgned an Improvement Agreement wlth the Clty for South Aster Street. PROPOSED FINDINGS: 1. The proposed addition to the exisElng building conforms with exLstlng uses ln terms of scale, Lot coverage, desLgn, lntenslty of use and operatLng condl-tLons, per the approved Site Plan. The proposed project is a 32 x 30 foot slngle-story, wood frame extenslon of the buildlng, designed to make a semi-usable property more usable for the owners I buslness purposes. It wlll not Page 1 - DISCRETIONARYUSE represent a major capital expenditure, and wLll not add signLficant value to the existLng factllty, whLch ls a 3400 square foot concrete block buildlng. Its usage is envisloned to be a transltlonal one, wlth the addl-tlon designed to be easlly removable. 2. The proposed addltLon w111 not generate more trafflc on 1oca1 etreets or nore demand for publlc facllltles. No addltlonal publlc faclllties w111 be required by the 32 foot extenslon of the first floor. Addltionally, there will be no change or increase to. the traffic pattern due to the proposal. The facllity will be -used for f.ight manufacturing assenbly and wholesale purposes only, and most of the customera are not local, so there will be very few drop-Ln visl-tors to the sl-te. Slgnlficant additional parklng ls avaLlable on South Aster Street, and the owners are also arranglng for more parking spaces during the dayElme at the apartment complex across South 2nd. 3. The proposed addltlon conforms wlth Metro Plan lncLuding appllcable descriptlons of land use desLgnation ehown on the plan dlagram. The addiElon w111 be located on a non-utlltzed portlon of the property, and lts use ls conslstent wLth the approved usage of the balance of the slte. The proposal would not adversely affect existlng natural features, and the development of the site ls changing an ug1y, non-confornlng usage l-nto a much rnore attractive, conformlng use. Already the butlding exterlor has been comPletely Page 2 - DISCRETIONARY USE painted in a more eye-pleasing color, and the lnterior has been scrubbed and cleaned through out to remove all Eraces of Lts former use, that of a truck repaLr facillty. The out-of-date and non-conformlng plurnbing and electrlcal circuits ln the butldtng have been repaired and replaced to code standarde, and the leaky roof repaired. Further, extensive blackberry patches and overgrown weeds l-n Ehe l-nmediate vl-cinity have been removed, improving the visual lmpact of the area. A1so, landscaping per the Site Plan has been approved and will be added. The owners t use of the faclltty should be much more aesthetically pleasing to the community than the prevlous truck repairs or any of a number of other perrnitted uses under the Booth-Kelly guidelines. IE also brings a brand-new buslness into the City, which will provide several Jobs to Iocal people. SUM},IARY: The magnitute of the proposal is slight so as to not lmpact possible future devel-opnent of Ehe area. The approved use of the faciltty also will be a very 1ow-lmpact one, and the owners have already evLdenced thelr plan to upgrade the property conslderably, both vlsually and functionally. This entranceway to the City will be more attractive, and have a healthy commercial activity added to the area. The proposed additl-on wtll not in any way make lt more dlfflcult for the City to attain lts development goals ln the BooEh-Kelly DisErlct, and, in fact, the owners have l-ndLcaEed Eheir Page 3 - DISCRETIONARYUSE vAttorney for Owner-1l-cants wLllingness to grant the Ctty a rLght of refusal to purchase the property (after the adjoining landowner) to ensure firture development of the site in conformance wLth the Cltyrs Plan. Respect firlly Submitted, HENDERSON & ASSOCIATES By: Page 4 - DISCRETIONARY USE