HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1987-06-19i,rJ,*-\ a-y* Vt ,ri- {. t CITY OF SPRINGFIELD June 19, 1987 T0: Mayor and City Counci'l FR0M: Charles H. Campbell, City Engineer COVER TRANSI'IITTAL 1'lEI'10 SUBJECT: Approval for Construction of a Fence within Public Right of t,lay at 220 South 2nd Street--REVISED Use Permit and Agreemeni (RolrJ 2-2) THE ISSUE A Use Permit and Agreement was attached to my June 18, 1987, memo regardingconstruction of a fence in pubf ic right of way on Aster Street. The-City - Attorney's office has reviewed that agreement and suggests a change in wordi ng . DISCUSSIOil II il possible that the.City_may wish to vacate the right of way upon whichthe fence encroachment is allowed by the permit. In t6e opinio-n of the CiiyAttorney, revised wording in Term No. t witt place the city tn a betterposition to take such an actjon. The attacheil Use Permit ind Agreementcontains the wording suggested by the City Attorney. RECOI'II'IENDATION I recommend that the.Mayor be authorized to sign the attached Use permit andAgreement, as revised. ACTION REOUESTED I request the Council to authorize, by motion, the Mayor to sign the attachedrevised Use Permit and Agreement. chc Attachment USE PERMIT AND AGREEMENT THIS PERMIT AND AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of 1987, by and between the CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD , 0REG0N, a municipal corporation, here'inafter referred to as CITY, and James and Mildred Gotsch, hereinafter referred to as PERMITTEE: t,l I T N E S S E T H: FOR AND IN CONSIDERATI0N of the granting of a permit to use and encroach upon a portion of public right-of-way abuttjng the property known as 220 South 2nd Street, more particulary described as Lane County Assessor's Map #17 03 35 32, Tax Lot 7600, and as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, Permittee does hereby agree to the following terms: 1. It is understood and agreed that City may terminate thjspernuit and agreernerrt at ar: time, such termination to be determjned at the sole and unrestricteddiscretion of City. Permittee shall remove, at Perm'ittee's sole cost and expense, ahy and all encroachments withjn thirty (30) calendar days after demand for such removal by City. 2. The use and encroachment permitted shall cons'ist solely of a chain Iink fence placed approximately five (5) feet north of the south right-of-wayline of Aster Street, as shown on Exhjbit A. Permittee shall comply withall State and local 1aws, ord'inances and pol ic'ies while using and encroach'ing upon the pubi ic right-of-way. 3. Permittee shall maintajn the public right-of-way within the encroachment area. 4. Permittee shall prov'ide City with right-of-entry and convenient means of access to the area of encroachment as necessary for maintenance of pubiic facilit'ies. 5. Permittee shall defend, jndemnify and hold harmless City from and against any and all cla'ims arising from Permittee's use of the public right-of-way as described herein. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation BY:BY James Gotsch Mayor ATTEST: REVIEVVED & APPROVED TO FOBM rt DATE: OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BY: Mildred Gotsch City Recorder .\., sr e. tA. . r 1t-1 t&,nS cs- l'O CITY OF SPRINGFIELD June I8, 1987 C'VERT0: Mayor and City Council JRANSI'IITTAL FROM: Charles H. Campbell, City Engi n"""k SUBJECT: Approva'l (Use Permit and Agreement) fof construction of a Fencewithin public Risht or trav"ai-riti-fu;;h 2nd street (Fire Rg14 z_2) The city has received a request to allow the construction of a fence in aport,on of the pubric rigrri oi way at ii,rin-znd and Aster Streets. DISCUSSION A printing busjness owned by James and Mildred Gotsch plans to Iocate in anexisting building at Z}}-so"uilr zna itreei:-'il. owners wish to erect a chain'link fence at th6 sltel- ihJ-norilr riri-ii ilre.uuilding is loiated only three(3) feet from 1l!re profe.tv"iln.. the owneri"iirt, to locate the fence eiqht(8) feet from the waIi. -ir,ri,"the i;r;;";;il"intrude five (5) feet into-thepublic right of way or nsiei'itreet. ih.';;n.r, .r. request.ing a useagreement from the City to allow this io-o;;;;. l^le have reviewed lr'jt request and find it to be_reasonable. Aster streetrisht of way i'-:1Ir{_r1i- io{1 _f..t i; ;id;;. }; ;iil;i-is ilresen,yunpaved, with approx-imateri iirtv-ilpi i.Ji"or ih; ;i;;;"oi'*lv sraveled fortravet. ptacembirt or irre f.;;; in the southernroadwav 'iiii-i'.uves surri.i.ri wioiri-ro.-;;;;;T:il.t'l;.(ilrl:.l,ff;l; " required to be refrectori..d-iJ aio nighi ,iiifility. lrl'?,0:i[]lnllorfflT:T:l:,::..,row the fence construction has been prepared RECOMMENDATION we recommend that.the owners of 220.south 2nd street be allowed to construct afence which occupi;;-.-;;;;ioi'oi-ir,.-iii.r"itil.t risht of way. ACTION REOUESTED ]l;.:fr:X',11.';.ffi?i':ffit:.:H:li:'.., bv motion, the Mavor to sisn the THE ISSUE chc Attachment J-L /7-*'"-b"') THIS PERMIT AND AGREEMENT,S day of 1987, by a INGFIELD OREGON, A municipal corporat'ion, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and James and Mildred Gotsch, hereinafter referred to as PERMITTEE: l,{ I T N E S S E T H: FOR AND IN C0NSIDERATION of the granting of a permit to use and encroach upon a portion of pubfic right-of-way abutting the property known as 220 South 2nd Street, more part'iculary described as Lane County Assessor's Map #17 03 35 32, Tax Lot 7600, and as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, Permittee does hereby agree to the followjng terms: It is understood and agreed that in the event the public rjght-of-way subject to this agreement'is needed by City for any purpose, such need to be determined through the sole and unrestrjcted discretion of City, Permittee shall remove at Perm'ittee's sole cost and expense, any and a1'l encroachments with'in thirty (30) calendar days after demand for such removal by City. The use and encroachment permitted shall consist solely of a chajn l'ink fence placed approximately five (5) feet north of the south right-of-wayline of Aster Street, as shown on Exhibit A. Permittee shall comply withall State and local laws, ordinances and policies while using and encroaching upon the pubf ic right-of-way. Permi ttee shal I ma'i nta'in the pub'l i c right-of -way wi thi n the encroachment area. Perm'ittee shall prov'ide City with right-of-entry and convenient means of access to the area of encroachment as necessary for maintenance of pubf ic facil ities 1 2 Permittee shal I defend, indemn'i any and a1 1 cl a'ims ari si ng from as described herein. USE PERMIT AND AGREEMENT made and entered into thi nd between the CITY 0F SPR fy P and hold harmless City from and aga'inst ermittee's use of the public right-of-way 3 4 5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation BY BY: James Gotsch Mayoq BY: Mi I dred Gotsch ATTEST: City Recorder i\ ar\ I ,$ 29 I I 6., 9f e3 ,"1 I {N ls I ,o,5 u' 7l -sr'8hEXF+IBIT .A,STREET i 37A ,f 3 *\ ro 3200 .atl r F ,r)36i lr l5 t lo T\ll ri t2 4200 $t, o' b"1, F r F Tzrr =tt+t>+r M A lN * 7,rr,7rr -rrrt -*....;f; i.:' I i H. ! i SOUT I'.rt..r'E rr-.tS H IGHW AX l STREET i I 2.+ SL, o ist q2' aa' oo 4 ,tC,(., C.a.' '1r.q :rP+ 4l- oo P€.f. -o- tlt 24.Li/ J PT, 3400 )5 3300 aa'4 ( a.') 43oo I il 7 I 3 !, Ia ;45OOa t ..'lO 46 9 oo 16 1ta' 2 3000 4 b' l, 5 TOO I l-s' to tr) zl 5200 5 900 60m roo l.o F 0 J J = . lir h.a TE I I $ I I Ii I!\ a oz GJ -t I ASTER 5 4' TOOO S .7zoo I 7300 - :pl c tr F C ("orrH rA'p*sTRE ---3r---}-f-..-ll alt lrJ ?l I 3a' t. -Jt E r+QQ I 7hT. aa'!J __I"' 4l I { 7804 ar3. a. . hIILLtaa'{ It-- --r--- ??-=''ar a. brII li li \q \lI .l 6800 7600 7 *n"f8000 aa-!.! 6 I .t T T I I I 8200 6900 ( tlt',?ro7o=u d a ce- T-u'-t-l\.4' I I I I 5 8r@ I I \\1 ,r1g'1 J b ['"L, il*J* soLtr ,Ail*roy ,eoLd*B iI\B"*n\ ,/*" Zno ?,ru /"-,/? s\vr^ G"I..L. ../ e ",2 ,4//;7 7) tf EaRrr<R - ("-b f^1"^"\0, - !. Jo\.. T*J*" ^tlr^,--y & SotO fu{4**{ Aq**&.e, ) 1=t-t<,r6 EA.I4E6 E\YE^E -F!.A#r-lc 4e(.D @, So\" sls S.5=\-ms r \rtc, /37o &n#ur,-, -R/ flqzt€,AtsJS-/o i,ak {y#a5.fu". \ \to'-ttS , Pt^"1t\"i't \r*$v l .\\M'JE ,(^*u^,\)t flt*$/ lq -r,"ttr"fo t t. \"{tu,--\[nt W"t* CI,{f tnh A.^^^A^^ , -r1',;*"^* v\l n-x* . t, o (ah. C s{J-P \ ) I cril;ll!** *--- ;"^ x--*- R-K N\u I ^A-^^* [.^-\=-> *-L* h,\'uB \ dT '' qau,'(- il", t* Vr) TT. ^-{dh-" J4 iJ\/J <. lv\, ,t. iaa i, +2 L- Y,rvJ5JUUU) g I\ I io t- I I I Oa ,1. I I n .ll I @ I ,tt a t2 I (o I s J', I r t^ >rtz- -aa:lntzMAlN.l'z r|r2,, aTdt r..,.# ? STREET tlg 2.+'"l Ii I\ t I .\.I 1 *r nT 42, { \a .J_ t-i .T l. 1';e+s 1{r'ir,i-,. E I ' 1'11 Ir ,*- I I t, %OUTH -.!d *,,,,,^STRE ET* 7804. !---t",if f,- ..-'s OU ,r<.'. .r-.r[ H IGHW 7400 AXtP7 JJ = tIt:t-i l 8 7300 t*' -/ ?i_+- r;l rfF a aa ---Lt' 4l I I -"-3r -; 7 zr I I I 1 .at hI -3ld' i ig rl ot "1 I li5 .n to I"-l J'- =qI I I I l;" i,l 4- -A -J,Ei -4-I +- F---''r---T_6. 1 aa I t; It l" I q Ilrtr ,na € e oz N L !! Ltr-L^ I; { 6I !:l I E 4 500 a '. 9l ..'lO 4600 1s) esoo I o: 7 J(rr-.ar,.-_ ,.4. b, 7600 6800 6900 B 9002 3 i'o.6loo 4.60@ 5too q 4 * <e1 800 ,'b.u 4 I I I la F 9@ 7.,a6,f t )r' ooo() 4700 ,, at5 8200 T lr' () ra' I I I t, 5200: 57OO |;r,tLrm lrt li; $ 4 TZOO t .5' t 76 TOOO i -.* t SOUT H B 4 a' 2- ST R EET )C a q a2 I I I I I I I I I I br.l d I 8000 ..'.1tl 5 Sloo I . 4600 9 ro 45@ J$ vru )5 J av\, ,!. aa r qv )CUUU a- J,Jv I I I\ I I io t- I I I j F :3 Tet ,l' I It n ll I (r', 3' a t2 I LO aa F- \ ,7rrr7 a++/tr MA ! 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