HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-10-04225 FIFilt S'['R[ET SPnINGFIELD, 0REGON 974 lNSt'[rJ'l0N REQUEST | 72 oFPICE: 726-3759 I. LOCA'TION OP I TA I, PIRHIT APTI,ICA'TIOII Number a.o B SCItBDUt,B tltit,0lr l00O sr1.ft. or less Each addltlonal 500sq. ft or portlorr tlrereo f Eaclr }larruf , d ilome or Modular Dwellllrg Servlce or Feeder B. Servlces or Feeders _ Installatlon, Alteratlorrs orU Relocatlonr -o . LEGAL I ao3 .vlz$$igT-ature O oo t{ev Resltlerrt lal-slrrgle orl'lultl-Famlly lrer dwel.llrrg urrlt. Servlce f rrcluded: Items Cost I Sum I -J0B DBSCnIPTIKe-Ptace-ON fr4y.1 c6r $ ss,oo $ ts.00 $ 40.00 $13 $30 $ao S 2.no Electrlcal Contraeto Address + Cl ty Pholte b Supervlsor Llcense Number ?> t 4K- Explratlon Date )A *L. Corrstr Cotrtrr Number Explratlon Date tl -LJ- Slgrroture of Supervlslrrg ElectrlclarrTa*th €. orrrers Name Address cl ty 3?€\Ptrcne '7"/{ - l3L/7 Perml ts are trorr-trarrs[erable arrrl exlrlreIf rork ls not started vlthln 180 daysof lssuance or lf vork ls suspendetl for180 days. 7., cotlrRlstoR INSTALLA,uON ONLI OUNER INSTALLATION Tlre ltrstallailon ls belng rrade onproperty I own uhlch ls not lntendetlfor salel lease or rent. Oenets Slgnaturer DATE: / ruicBl P'r I : 200 amps or less I201 amgrs to 4()0 amps -401 arnps to 6O0 anrlls .-- 6Ol amlrs to 1O00 arrr;rs._.-over 1000 amps/volts .- Ileconnect 0rr1y $s $6 $10 0. 0. o. 0. 0. ;o00 00 00 00 00 00 C D. B Temporary Servlces or Feerlersftrstallatlorr, Alteratl<rtr or ltelocatlon 200 anrps or less $ 40.0020L amps to /r00 an,ps ..-..-_ $ 55.00Over /r01 to 600 amps $ 00.00Over 600 anps or 1000*voi[s see n[il aEdiE- llranch Cl rcu I t s New, Alteratlon or Extenslorr per l,arrel One Cl rcuI t Each Ad<lltlorral ---- Clrcul t or vl tlr Servlceor Feeder per:rnl t S 35.00 l'llscellarreous (ServIce/feecler rrot lrrcludetl)-Each lrrstallailorr Pump or irrigatlon Slgrr/0utI lrre Llgh t lrrg--'.-.- Llrnl ted Errergy/i-les e-_-_- Llnrl ted Elrer gylConrm $ $ $ $ 00 0(, (.)0 00 1r0 4rJ 20 36 sul!'t'oT^r, 0P AUOVB )I State Surcharge 3'Z TO'I'AL. _.|m f.J Cll ..r?c){ts I(}O5" (:) Or.J L.tO L.I(} --lo'ro ., z,eEfi}IDl Irucutv[D [Y:R 5 Z, LN(Jl a(3 'a rirrl. Sep-"€l-OO O€}:?slA JKG ELECTRTC fiylrL)(n (\(,( t(ri .-) i:).{.r tlf:l L) 541 7463El55 st,r.r.aG, tt a l,j, EtErr1lrcal Pglull T aIrFLlcATI0N City .Iob Nr.ruber: I tems Cos t s 85. ${, P -02 227 EIMI S'TRF.DT SPRIl&;rrEU), 0Rf,(;0N 9r4?l IIIPU(:froil i$QUF.Sr: tz6_.)t6g0PPICI:r 7?6.3759 t IIT,CATIOfI'zn Lz or INSTALIATION ZYr, jT. I.IGAI, UESCI(IPIIO!' ucflfl.srE fyf' sctlEuull: DELoU Nev Reside:rrial ..SinSle orllultI-Family per drelling urr;i t -Service Included: t A. Sun Addre-.;s L_!f_-?_D= ^J J{ city :tFbD e *rone .J\L yh(A Superr,isos Licerrse Nunber 514 t -5 Ezpiratlon oatc l0- SigDat:uEe of Supervlslrrg ELectriclaa tl^^rlrl Onners l{arne deb,!{l) {+ .{dd.resr s?-\-.(-{-./U ,1/- Ci ry Fhou: -lqLI I 1 1 1000 eq. f r" ,,r3 !q's5 Each adr.litlooa.l 500sq. [t or porriorr thereo f Daelt FirrruL'rJ [osre or' - Xo<lular l)u+l ling Servir:e or feeder D. Services or Feetlers f nsrallat ton, A.l.tera!iousor I(r:]r;uutirin: 2(lO amps <,r f es.t 201 arcps to (0O arnps{r0l anps to 600 ahps *-- 6Ot amps to l00U amps-Over 1000 amp.</,ulr:, - Ilecourect ODly L E. ?00 anp.n "s21 less S rrg.tlu _&-2Ol aups ro 1100 B-t,s -" i -SS-rftfOlrer /r0l to 600 anrps -- S OO-00 ;-- ovcr 6(XJ ,rmps or fOOO U;lis see "9" aUrFc. ll5arrch Circul ts Nev, [flqgation or Extr.rrtion Fer parrel One Crrcrri( S 3l_0()Earh Ailtli tiorralcirr,ult ui lri th scrviconr Fer:dpr Perrui t l; :f -O0 lliscellaneous (Service/foe,lcr lor includerl)-r,d'-'r lurLai laIt(ril Punrp ur irri,6atir:rr SStgn/0rrtlir,cr Ljglltir,y. - al,ini te d Energy/Rcs SLinitedEnergy/Conn - - S gr PrIoN , /.€u,)tLb Pernlr's afe non- rraiis{erable arrd expirelf uor.lc ls rrot srrrrcd vlttrip ittO-U;;-uf-l.ssuance or if rork is .""p""j.J'f",180 days. 2. c(,F|IAACf,ott I3{SIAI.IAIIoN otil,r Electrical Cuntracror JK.b _eLSI_ s 'r5.00 s (0-0n S }U.H,s 60-00 -sloo.00 sl30. eo \\JUU - UU S 1.0- 0U coesrr conrr, Nunber ({5lZq 'l'ttrporat:y ..iervi ces ot Feedcr.slnsLallation, Alterat Iorr r.rr Rplocat Expiration Dale l otr ovrER INSIAU.TTTIOI,I The lrrstallatior: is belng marJe onproPcrty { bvn vhlch is iot fnteuAe4for saler tlia". or renr.; . UYnPr$ Sigr.3tu1q. r0. u(, 4().00 20. (x-t 36.00 DATE: RECEIIFT.T: 3. SI'BTOI4L OF AJNJY':/1 !itatc, Sui r:!ra r.gr 3Z Adnrini$trativo Ir.:e 1'Ol'ALREEf,IVf,U 8I::-- 't0 -_-___ z-:62 _ - - -J.l,S-t{t.-_ - ?8- Flegistration Numtlor: Bogistration Expires; 54.174ri3€55 45129 a4D4tO2 P-(f3 STATE OF OREGOh Cqry_Q_TBUCTTON coNrRAcroRS BOARDREG16TNAr,ON CERNF//GA?E This certifres that tfge person nam6d hereonls reglstered as provided by taw as a Ge n eral Co ntractor/All NON.EXEMPT Corporation il fi il u ,t lr U I x il lt Mg! CI(ENBEP"GER ELECTRIC !r.rc2157 DON ST SPRtNGFt ELD OR s7477-5e02 J r:rt-=tre-oe:::3r lcsr tGl !G{ }:f{ r--=*€r fi l: /.,) - r-.)r\i rr t\:| /-'r-" l | - -i I: i-; (,:vl rC