HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-05-04" RESIDcNTIAL" C OMB IN A? I CN APPLT C A? IO N /PEP.I,4IT225 Noz,th Sth Street SprLngfi.elC, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 a SPRINGFIELD I\D L{O wiob Locaticn: tcs Lot # l) Subdiuision: Assessote !,tdo I t A)ne?: Descy[be Hork Date of Apglicatictt Value rt ilea i-t Additicn RetnoCeL General L Canstracticn Lendet It is the tesponoibility of tlte permit hoder to see tlut aLL inspeetions @e r,aie at )he ptoper tine, that eaeh address is tead.b.-.e fron the slvre€t5 aild, tltat the p*rrit etd is Located at the frcdt of tlze propettg..9uiUi,ry Diuiciov: approteci plan shcll renaia on thE BuilCing Site at aLL- tiines.- of incpecticn beJ'cte 7:00 dl Soilaa aa.tet cqtei =t propettg Line Septic totk p:rtqed d. filied tith graei linal -.!,4ten, abcue itens @e ccnple-.ed md uhen Catcltltion i; eon>Le=e o! sttuc- ttse noued ci pne-rLses cleanai up. ltobi!e Blocking od. Set-'tp Plmbing ccnnecticns -- aa)e? mC ualet Electrtcal Cmnection - Blcckirq, set-uo and pltnbing connecticns rast 'ce qprcxed befote requesting ele :=riccl ix.spec-.iot Acceesory BuiiCing Final - After ccrekes, skirting, deeks, etc. ate eanoietei. l:;e 1 of 2 SEI MsPtqi)il: lo ba tmd.c after *cansation, but pri* tc ae! up of fcrne. UIDERSLAB PLUMBING. SLECTRICAL & WCHAJICAL: lo be made bafore cny r,totk is cotteted. FCOTlltG 1 P1UNDA?ICil: To be nade dft e"- t"ffi@zcaoated and farns are erected, but prior to pottz,t-rq ecnc?eta. UND1R.PCU\]D PiU!4grNG. SgtER. il.trgR, DRAIIIAGE: To be na,le prtor to fil-Lirg trenches. AIIDEP.OLOOR PLUI,EflG 4 |IECIANTCAL : @o7floor insuktion or decking. PoST AND tsEAM: To be nade ?riot to.:-^-instalLaticn of floor insulatioTi or deckittg. ROLIGH PLA!BI!|C. T'EC|RICAL & !,IECH- Glfthese inspections hate beer nale attd, approteC. PI9E?LACE: Pn'tor to plccirq fasi."Snaterials and before fraring inspec- tion. ?PA-l!f!|G: ltust be teouested after appz,oual of rangh plurhing, electri-cal 4 aec?nnical. ALI roofir,g btacing 3 chinneys, etc. mist be cargleted. lto ucrk is to be cc>t- cealed until this insoecticn itas been rmde o'tC approteri. I IISULATTON / V!.PCR SAP,RITR I!IS?!C?IA il : lo be rmd.e after aLL insulaticn ad. teqta"ed ,qor b@aiera @e in pkce b.ut befcre oty Lath, Wpswt baarC ot unLL avertng ie cpplied, otd before otg insulation is concealed. DRYVALL filSPEClfON: Tc be nad.e M@ie in plaee, but prior to any taping. t!4E0!R!: Steel Location, bond. Wgroutitt4 or rerticals in aecordotce trith A.B.C. Section 2415. .After installation is\IOODSTO'/E: ^-1 ^L-) CURB & APPPCACH APPOII, ee erecteC but pn)or conc?ete. SIDWALK a DRT,WAY: Fot aLL ean- crete pauirg tithin street right- of-r,scA, +-o be no.4e after aLL eeca- udting catplete & for:a wk & oub- baee nctertal in plaee. After formsto patring FIIIAL PLUNBIIIG FI,IAL I,IECHANICAL FIiIAL ELENRICAL ALL proiect eondi=ions, such aB the inetallation of s*eet t?ees, cc-cl;;ion of ;'ne required i.and.sccoif4, ete., rmtst be satisfied before tlc ilfLDI::C FlllAL :an 3e rec.uested. ?Ill.4L tsAILDINC: The Final Building Insoection rruet be "equested. df:et :he linal ?Lunb:.ng Electrical, utC lleeinr:ical fnspect;-ons ltaue beet naCe atd approved. *ALL \IAIIHCLES AND CLEAIICU?S MUS? BE ACCESSItsLE, ADJAST\IE\|! !0 9E t44DE !;? N0 C0S7 ?0:fy i w T IEIICE: lr4zez conplete -- fuouiCe fies or nouable sectians throttgi't t-lP.a.z. I I T I T r EtI Jcb llunber: Iot Sq. Ftg. 1Z c! Lot Ccoerage i # of Stortes Total Height . iapogtuphy ITEI4 Gto fnfr avDD fntet'icr Refener.ce ilmbeYs Lot Faces - * r.st Bedroons Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Va Building Volue & Permit This pertntt is granted on the efip?ess condition that tle sail construetion slnll" in aLL r,"espects, conform to the ordLnance edoptedla tte city o.f ip"iigli."ti, ine1Lding- the 2oning Cydinanc-e, r,egulat;ing the ccnetmtcticn ira "uL of 'buildings,'and may be suspended or y:ettokeC at stA tine upon oi,c- laf,ton of anA prctsisions of said 0rdir,ances. Building Permrt State lotal CTnrges Stcte Total Eee ^-+- D-.'S. Reeeipt #: Electricol Permit Where State Lau requites th,at the electti,cal uork be done by_on ElectrLcal Contractor, the elictt'ical portion of this,pernit eltall rot be oaliC until the label ltas been si.gned by the Electrical Contz'aetor' DT lleat AccessHouse th XJ6.rju Gcraa e Aceessot'u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Plumbing Permit No pereon shall constract, i.nstall,,, alter- or elange-ang ned-c? etisting p1**r:W oz, dlainage sAstan in uhole or in pant, unless s.uch person is tlv i"gil p"o""n""o, of o rtZlid. plr*,b"r"s Lic-ensb' etcept tlnt a Pe?son ^aa 42 ptGt1.hg uork to g'opetta ihi."h i" otmed, Leased ot' opetated by the appli- cant, ilO.FEE L t',At1l,L Pemni Fi.stutes Regidential (1 bath) Seae? State TotaL NO FE'I Res. So- fta Nas/Extend Citcuits Ianpu,ey Setvice ail A Da?i'lc F9E Mechonicol Permit Erhanst HooC Itcodstotse Vent Fan Permit fssuarlce Mechanicel Pennit I HAVE CAREFULLL EXAyLINED th.e completed applieation for pennit, atd do i";;t, Li"tl.fa ttot ott informalibn het'eon- i'e true and ectreet' and' r iuttier certliy that any ard aLL uot:k perfor-ned slnll be done in aceor- 'iinge ,;Lth thZ- Oydinane"es of th.e City of Sprtngfield, attd. th,a Laas of the SilL .f 1regcn pe,taining to the uoik Cesbribed hez,eln, cnd that No occu- peiCy *ttt b'e naZe of an4" structure uithout permission of- the Building D-i- ,tision. f fu,thet, "*iL?U that only cont?acto"s and .anplcyees uho dre irt conpliance-rltt onS 701.0b5 ui,LL be used on this proiect -- ENCROACHI'IENT -- PLan Eraxiner Date TOTAL AMOUTIT DUE:* Pcrmit * !enee ed L o '? -6a Mobile Hcne Curbeut Sila,taLk L-COC #: !.lain effio?t 'datc?