HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-02-03..RESIDF ]TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERI,IT 225 Notth ith Street SprLngfteld" ?regon 97477 Buil&ing Diutsion / zo-d / D.) tob Loeaticn:Q ED 4esessore Map #7..z SPFTINGFTEL.D Ta* Lot #ao Subdiuision Or^mer: Addtess: (/fu pr' a4\a t--t Additicn RenoCel l.lobi Hone Date of App 2-Lleaxlcn -.toTs GeneraL 1 Conslrugtlot_-Lewle! /*u^. **a D *tsz Re* z€tr<*. Phone: Describe h'ot:k: Date VaLue Iout, City Desigrnted Job lh/nbe" fs 9c oo{7 ?o be nade a It is the responsibility of the permi ilon_tle styeet, anC thit the petmit*Building Diuicion appro"*ed plan shcl t ho,Aer to gee that aLL- inspectiotts are nod.e at lhe prope! tine , that eaeh a,l,lress is 7endab1.ec-atd is- Loeated at the front of the propet,ty.L yemain on the Buildins sitc'at "lt'l7irii."PP':ocEDIlPl FoR, rysPE ry;CALL 726-376g (tecoyd.et,) state yout, city desigrnted jobrequested and uhen uou uiLL be ready fot, inspection, c";r;;.;;;;- ct, otmet,s ncne end ahone'rill be made the si,te d.cs, ""q"-"ili"^Lan iyiu z,oo'rn ili o"'iial;h;,;;;r;;;rift,';.r. , ntmbet,, job aCitess, type of inspee=i.a;rx;,zbet. P.eques-cs receii;ed befcte- Z:00 an (*,, SIlE TNSPIC:ION ezcanlation, but forms. UT]D To To be nade afterpriot, tc set up of W*uoyk is eotset,ed. FC_)TING 8 FQUNDATICN: ?o be nnCealDey t?enenes a?e escansated and. forms ate erected, but prioz, topoullng ecnerete. required uapor batrie?s @e in pl,ace but_ before ang Lath, Wpsutn baatC oz,tnLL cooering is applied, and. befoneotg ittsulation is concealed. DRYWALL TNSPECTTON: Tc be madeaftet, aLL dryuall is in place,but prior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing or oerticaLs in aecotdotee ttith U.B.C. Section 241.5. W0OD5?0,I8: Aftet instal1.ation iscctnpleted. CURB & APPR?ACI| AppON: After formsue erecteC but prior to pcurirq conctete. STDEWALK & DRfWnAy: po? all eon_u,^ete patsing uithin stt,eet right_of-teA, to be naCe after aL! -erca_ tsating conplete & forn wnk & cub-fuse tm.terial in ptace. IENCE: hthen conplete -- prouiCe gates or nouable eectians thraaghD fI D ALL w'oject cond.itions' such as the i-nstallatlgn of street trees, ccnoletion of therequired Landsccping, itc.' mtst t" i"tiig.a t"roir""tnZ'i6;"r;, FrNAL can be requested.. FINAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Building rnspection m,t be t,equested, afte, the Final plwnbingElect,ical,ancMeetanieatrispiiiio"o-,7";;";;;;;zaZ"i"7":piizira. E e trenches. , I ulpFpFLOC"R PLUJRTN? & TLEC|ANTCAL:' ' 10 be made p?io? to installation offloor insulction or deeking. -l posr 4t!a etm: ro be nad.e prioz, to. t LnsteLLatLcn of floon insulation ot,decklng. - 8^Q_JJ8::PLU!.|7T\G. E4Ec?prgAL e r.EcH:i I 4lllllL: ilo uotk is to bc cou*eretuntil these insoeetions haue been and. app:.ouZi. . I FIPEPTACE: prton to placira fccino' I materials and before f"*rt"S Zr"pnl_tion. 7 rnutuc.- t!"t be requested aftet,I appz'oual of rough plwrbing, eiectri_eal & nee|wnical. l,Ll ?obling bz,aei_ng & eh*tmegs, etc. tiast" beatnp_Leted. no wbrk i.s t" iZ- e:otr_ .cecled until this ;,.""pnoUii ii'been made anC appro,-eV S rtaar, pLut4Brrlc I nlu MEIHANTIAL I umt, ELEc?RrcAL _l ! L1t a DEI,IOLITIO!,] OR Scnitary seuet eapped ct properfii Lire Septic totk p;rrped and. filled vith gra;sel Fitnl - ttlen abcoe itens are eatpleted and uhen Cetnclition is conplete bt stuae-tuye moued atd. ptemises cleanei up. 7-e Hcnes Bloeking od. Set-up Plunbing eonnecticns -- sat)e! a.C. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blockiu, set_u: anC plwnbing ccnnections m;st bZ'c:>rc:;,beforc z.equesting eleeirical inspec':tor: Aceesso"t- BuilClng Firnl - Aftct, pcrckes, skit,ting, d.ecks,etc. an,e conpLeled. Pege 1 of 2 *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASWEIry TO BE TADE 1,? IIO CCST TO CI?Y a T t--l L_l Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccuenage # of Stor"ies Total Height Iopography Watet Nau/Eatend Circuits Sentice ITgI4 'tlcotistote Penntt Issucnee Mec?wniceL PermLt LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Reeeipt # Mechq nicql Permit Zone: c*JOB NO soLARA', ESS REQ.-L-CO BeCtoons Lot Faees - lleat Df House Access.Water Lace th tou^e West I?ETI r)u x VaLue I4ain TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x PLan ?ee Date Paid: Signed: Building Vqlue & Permit This pemnit is granted on the ecpress eonditton tlnt the said-eonstruction sVwLL, in a'LL z,espects, confonn to the Ordinance edopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, r'egulating the ccnsttucticn and use of buildi.ngs, and may be suspended or reuokeC at eny tine upon oic- Lation of any prc'oisions of said Ordinances. Bu1,Ld1-no PentLt ?otal Ctnrges CEARGEITEMNOILL ResiLential (1 bath) ,eoSeuer raaa o Ot- & No pe?eon s?nll consttaet, install,, alter o? ehange -anA nea-cY' ecisting ph.intl,ng or drainage systan in ;,slole ot in pa?t' unless sueh pet'son is the iegaL pZsses"o, oio r;iolid pl*rter's Licensb, escept that a pe?son ma! 49ptinting uork to propertA uhich is or,med, Leased or opet'ated by the appli- cant. PL''Ltnblng yerr,llt State Sureh,arge Plumbing Permit ilo.Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires t|".at the eleetrical uork be done by an Electt'ical Contractor,, the el)ctyical portion of thia pertnit slnll not be oaliC untiL the Label has been signed by the Electrieal Conttacto?. State Total trFP CIIARCE klw.tst HooC Vent Fan Permit -- ENCROACHMENT --2-7-% Tate TotaL f HAW CAREFULLy EXLMINED tLe eonpleted applieation for pennit' and dc he,ra,lut aet,tifu ttta.t alt- inloiation hereii is true an'd cbrrect' an'C r';;'"tkz"-;";il;7a tiat ons i'd aLL uo.r'k pe,forned stnll be dote in aceo?- 'd.;;:;;"rh' th'n" ondinri,."n" o7 ihn City of springfield, .ard th.e Las of the State of ,regcn pe*tainina to the uoy,k Ces'crib-cd herein, cnd tlnt N0 1CCU- P/.NC. tttl be na,7e of any- sttuetut'e uithout permissi-on of the 1ui'lding DL- iirion. f fwther certify thet only con-tractors atd enplcgees dho are Ln "rrpl.;.""i"rltt cns 701.055 uiLL be used on this pt'ojectt Cvtbcut Sida,talk ; Elec L Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: */2O, ta '3-