HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-09-20" RESID="{TlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, Or'egon 97477 BuiLding Diuision / zo-d / DD SPFTINGFIELD t d, \* iob Locaticn: Assessore l4ap # Subdiuision: 0^mer: Addtess:Pl..one: t C .ApP\o/ 45 Date of Appli"aticn_ Descz,Lbe l,lotk:l-l lleu UE-N- Val,ue N Additicn RenoCel General ,,? Sanitaz,y seser tapped at property Line Septic tank puryed and. filled. uith graxel Pinal - i,,1ten abcue itats are cqnoletei enC uhen denci-i:ion t,s ecrnplete'oo "t r"-tute noued qrd, pz'etriaes clattei ug, tlobiLe Blocking ed. Set-:tg Plmbin4 eonnecticns -- saL)e? od. ualer Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u= and. plwnbing connections m;st be approteC before requeeting eleelrLcal inspee;iot Aceessory Builiitq Fizal - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. ore canple:ed. It is the responaibility of tle per*it holder to eee ;hat aLL inapectians aye nade at lhe proper tine" that acch cddress is z.ealnbl-e 1'non tle st?ee'c, aruC, that the petnrtt eotd ia i.oeated;t the izwnt of ti@ proper\.*9ui1-ditq )'luiciot appto"*ed p1-an shclL remain on ihe Butlciirg Sirc Lt aLL' fikes.' PI?)CEDaPE=F04 IIISPECTI)N.EISIJEST;CALL726-3769 (z,ecorder,) state Aour City Cesignated job ntm,ber, job aCiress, type cf incpeeticnrequested a-d ahen you aiLL be ready for inspecticn, Contraetcz,s it, a,mez,s nane cnd piane n-,aber. P.eouests receixZd befcre- 7:CC ,ti --iLL be tu.de the sane dcg, reouests nade after 7:00 on urLLL be naCe tke ncct aotking'dcg. Consrntslig_!.gnde" _ Si?E IIISPECTICII: lo be nade after eecauation, but pz-Jor tc set up of UNDEESLAB PLU:4BIIIG. ILEC?R|CAL & MECH!-\IICAL: To be nade before ang wonk is couered. PCOTING 1 I)UNDATfCN: 7o be rmCe AFel tretrcfa ct;-eccaoated and. farns ate erected, but prior to your CitA Desigra.ted Jab llwnbey fs: :NSULATICN /YII.PC R tsAPRTER ::13P!:!I'I To be nad.e after aLL insulaticn ed required uqor baziers se in place but before oq Lath, Wpsurn bcayC or rnLL corsering is applied, cnd. befcreay insulation is concealed. DR!ilALL INSPICTI)N: Tc be nade after aLL caguall is in pla,ce, but prior to cng taping. IIAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtoutin4 or uerticai-s ln accordowe vith U.B.C. Seeticn ,d1< e to 71 ltamv:ccR ?ai).s:tc t )4zcxAltrCAl:ttffiof trenches, fl-oor ")nsulati.on or deeking. P1SI A.ND BEA\|: lo be nade pr.Lot to installatian of 1loor insulation ot deckirq. ROUCH PLURIIIG. ELECTRICAL E i,,!ECH- AilfCAL: No uork is to be eoxered,,rntil these tnspeciiors hauo- been nade and, approtseC. FIPEPLACE: Pz"Lor *.o pkcirg facinamater"ials and before fraring inspec- FRAl4Illg: !tust be requested after approual of rovigh tlttrrbing, electz,i-cal & neclnnieal. ALl- noofing bz'acing & chinmegs, ete. rmtst be corralexed. :lo uc"k is to be con-.ceiled until this inspecttcn has'been made anC approoeZ. FITIAL PLUMgIIIG EINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL concrete. SILIUALK & DRflEtiAY: Por aLL con- c"ete pa,rfngGiffi st?eet z.ight- of-ung, to be maCe aftez, aLL ecca- oating ccaplete & fozn ,.ork & sttb- base nater"ial in place. .lN-n.h4ten eomplate -- ProuiCe oz, mooabLe sections tlwough I Dil3 *ALL ILAIIECLES AND CLEANOUTS UAS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJAS?IIEIII TO BE liADE TI IiO C3S? lO CTY ALL proiect eonditiow, such as the i.nstal\atian of st"eet t"ees, ec::olec-Jon of th,erequired Land,scepi*g, etc.' ntust be satisfiedbefoye the BUILDL,IG lllteL eanbe requested. IINAL BATLDING: Tke Final Building inspection rrust be requested citet the ltnal plunbingElectrical, od lieclruricaL fnspeettons ,twe been nade attd.'aopyotsed. Pqelof2 Date ey- ff wcODSrOvt: Aftar |nstallation isL)@-"d. f1 cups a Apppcncit A,p."ou: After formsL) d,e aecTAEnfr to cour\rq T 2 JOB NO.^*SOLAR I )ESS REQ.-L-CO Eeitooms: Lot Edces -Enarctu Sourees Tuoe Setbacks Ileat Canaqe Access 'rldter qeater No/'th East lireoLace Wood,stoue Lot 3q. Ftg. % of Lct Coueraga_ LCT ?WE _ fnte*icn _ Cor,ner _ Panhardle CUL-de-eac # of Stor[es lotal leight Topography llest Tnis perrnt,t is granted on the esp"els candition that the said consirtrctionshall, i.n aLI- resoects, confcrm to the Crdinance adopte,C. [}g the City cf Spz.ingfield, including the Zoning CrCinat.ce, regu1-atir.g tke ccnstyteticn qnL use of buildings, rtd mag be sucpend.eii or reuckeC at cr,g tzne uion uic- Lation of ang prcoisions of said Cxiir,ences, TATAL VALUT x J Building Pertr[t ?otal C|ungea Sigtred Receipt #: Building Vqlue & Permit Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttwct, install,, alter ot elartge cnA nea cr existing plunbing or dtainage sgstan in ahole or in part, unless such person ls the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet,'s License, escept that a person na,g do pltnbing aork to p?ope"t! ulrtch is otmed, Leased or operated by the 6ppli- caflt. Plutnbing Perwit ltbures Residential (1 bath) Seuer Electricol Permit Were State Lan z,equires tha,t the electz,ical uork be done bg an ElectricaL Cont?acto?, the electtical portion of this petmit slnll rot be uali.C. until the l,abel has been aigned by the Electrical Conttactot. fLL Nan/Erterd. Circuits Setttiee !otaL NC JFT atl n aan Mechqnicql Permit bha.tst EooC 'tlcodstole Vent Fan Penrt t fssuance Meehanical Per,rrt t -- ENCRCACHME]IT -. >eanln tu tzDos1-x Storaae Maintewnce SLAeUaLK !ence Eleetz,ical Label Mobi|e Home IOTAL lN4OUII? DUE:4 qc) PLot ixanr"ner /, q, I EAW CAREFULLy IXAIIINED the cornpleted cpplication for petnit, and da lereby ceri:ifg that aLL information hereon r)s ttae and, earrect, ar,C f fartket, eettifg Lhat any ard all aork perl'or'ned sitzlT- be Cone ia accot- dance rs,ith the ardincnces of the Ct ty of Spdngfield, and. the Lc;s of the State of )regcn pertaining to the aa?k described herein, cnC tildt N0 ?CCU- P/.!CI ,nLlL be naie cf anA st?l,tctzt?e uithout permissicn of the Buil<ilng Di-- uision. I fuzther certifg xy'ot only eontpactcrs a'd. e'nplcyees al"o cre tn eotpliance oLth CRS 707.055 aiLL be used cn this projeet \'cl 2/' Statc Total Crwtoes Ns""d /