HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-12-20?cce:-lt !..RESIDENTIAL.. zzs itorth stit streeAP?LrcArrcll /PERI'L,, Spr-ngfieLC, )regon 97177 BuilCing ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 SPRINGFIEI.D d, ,\? 0t Date:/2 Cenem.L Phnbin4 L CoastrrcCcn Lcrd2l_ ooa,t'no) lao^ta+t'no t2 io lha reeponaibili;y oJ' tte pe*i! iold.er to see ;h.at al! inspections @e nade at 2he propet tilne , t!'ct acch addresa is v2q;a'^'-, fran the scteec, cnC tlat the pettni; cad ia l,ocated at the fratt of th,e Wope"ty.-t3ui!li.q iluizio- c2ircted p?.bt sj"c.ii rem,in on il,e tsu'JldinT S':t;e it zLL- times.- ?\OCl\APg ?OR i::S?gelCit R9?U.ST;CALL726-3769 (reeoriet) state lout City l,esigr.zteC job mm.ber, job aCbess, type-of l.ncpec!-icni@ea<iyforirspcction,cont?actcl8oia-llers-taneet,dpiunent*ltbct.P.equeszsreceit:edbefcne7:00,=ltiLL be raie thc sane Ccg, reqlte;.s naie cfta 7:00 ctt viLL be nsde tlu n*t'.nrking dag. Iottt City'Desi4rated Jab ,Yunbet fs:Ssas / / 4.13 ,U 33 r d 5tJob !.ocaticn: Aa3esoo',s :.q t tfO33\ A4 I*&,trf)se(D Subdir)sicn: h^^ bU*,O-tter: .5atyw--.,71/7- / b &lPl,one:;dbesz: zip: Deacribe llork: 0o Data of Applia. tl )l*,t Y-ru- -tS vatue 53?. aCl!ict Ranolal iloa 5+o'^l- Contrcc'-ors Address i,leclwriccL r-l .qco::.vc I ioLt:lDATrc:t: ?o be tace I I ai:er anenches cte aecuateC crd faas cte etecceti, but ptia,, tapurirq ccnctete. Sf?9 f:7o'PjCI.I9,v: ?o be nrie af'-er aeatct,ion. cut pricr tc s* uV of y'orms. WD!?SLA? 9:L':/gIXG,'L!C:31C,'\T.' iECli))lijAL: ?o be rucie oeiore cny rrri is covcted. lti:D?iG?ctlilD ?lLWi:ic, s*?P, ?,1!92, DP.A!}IAG|: Io be ra;e pr)or :o ;iL-Lir4 =rencize. ItilDEPtaCCS ?t'[3 r:C 2, !15C3At1 rCA! :@o1floor irsuktiot or decking. nSA .1.W 3rA:.1: 7e 6s noie pr-c" to ffil*EToi 11oon ittsulaJior. cr &ckzry, .wjcE ?Z!?gll!G. ?L3C1P!'-':! t :.tZC?' A;I;C)L: :lo )oa* ia co ce cote?ec GIT- thcs e :-".seec?ioas h:lt e b een naie d. q7rctei. IIISULA?TON/VAPAR BARP.IIR I}|SPICTIOII : required vqor be-*ie"a @e in place bttt before oty kih, Wps'ur't bcarC or tnLL eoueri,ng is qglied, aad befcre ory ir,r,tTntion is concealad. DRY,.ALL MSPgdICll: Tc be nwie-:_---.--:----:-..aiter aLL i.ry,:all is in place, but prior to cng taVirg. IIASOlti?l: Steel Locatiott, boni ffiig?outing or oeriiccls in accordarce virh U.B.c. Section 2415. '.l00DSTOt/!: Aftet irctallation is e;tpLeted. t attDo ? 4DDDAAad t)o^i.After fotns DEI.IOLITIO!! OP Sanilo1 saser cq-oed. .t Fogctq Lite Septic totk V"it-peC a,-d. fnlleC vtth 3r'i;ei Pinal - i'hez cbase i?e:ts are ccr.aleted cti uhen Ter.olttior is canrplete o! struc- tute noueC oi prenises cleaned up. ?-aaf r -?c - ncuet'L<iLa iH.or 'o 7lccir4 lcc'-r4ard before frcirg inepec- ce et;Aiut pioi a poudng coflr?ete. SID|T ALK A 9RT,T,|A'!: lot aLL cott- cz,et; pal)GGffi stleet rtght- of-rx!, '.o be naie al'.er all. ezea- vdting catpleie t forn u;ork & oub- base natertal in pl,aee. ALL grc;ect ccr-cii;icns, cucl cs che i.nscai.Lcxion oJ'sa"eet zrees, :3-!cxion-o1- t',e eqtireri Lanzsecgirg, ctc., tast be sacisitei beiore ci'.e SuiL)Ii:G !!i!AL:an be reqested. ?!:tAL ilILJI:lG: 17,e final Buildin4 Ins-oection t;ust be requestei 'i:2" thz Fin'el Plw:bitq Zleccrtccl, oi !,lechctticzl ix,seecz:.cns i',qte been ncie anti ccptoozd.I l :l tiott. FPAPIIIC: i*n, be rec'aestad aflar ffi,'t of rcugh pltr.air4, elec;rl- a,L 2 neci"anicel. AL! rcoilr,4 brae|rq 2 chhacgs, ete. rtsc be a,nole.-cd. ilo .scr< as to be ccrt- . cecled. untll :his inseecictr is.a'569 Dla.l.e anC cppt-sueZ. FI;:A' PLU)BI::C ?7.1. f .Eaur.rfall ::..4t !rJe-:.1e^L tsLockr,ng otd let-zp Plmbitt4 cowreczicns -- ae!)e? otd, ualet Electriccl Ccnt:ectlon - Blockirq' aer-u, and -oltnbing ccrznect'Jons nr;st ie Qprcu'ad befone tequesting e/-ee2rteal insaec=iot Aceessor; Buili'Jng Final - Aftcr :cre|.es, sk4ttirg, Ceci's, etc. @e caroie=ed. 'AiiIIAJPCaZS AltD CLSANCWS IIUS! 3E ACCZSS:7||,.{rii'St'.€.1'l:O 3S:''-LDS:'.! !10 ljST T? CI:y ?:--'e 1 of 2 Siat:ed:&n/rt- |] l-l :'9UC9: llhen co,z.plete -- *otsiCe I n":;,rr."r aotsable'sectians thtottgh I cEss REQ.-j,.. L-CO Gt ?C:t=cr.e't 'j:;t 3ec:ccna: LCCE Vaoa3Jore Building Vqlue & Permit lhis pemtrtt ic gra*ed on the eq"ess ardition 2lat the saii eonstntctionsiu,Ll, in all y2s22ags, 1onfcry *-o the Crdinar.ce cCopte,i,iy the Ci;y oiS97ngf';et:1, jnclud)ng :he 2oning Crdi,ar,ce, ,ng"i=i"g-ril iiiri.r""r."nc'd..use of builcii^4.s,. ad. nty be suaoerd,ed or r-ertckei'ot "r.g tlne ulon uic-tct'-cn oi .ztu prcuis.tons oi' saiC Crdirsnces. EuiUirq ?erftit SAzta Sar lou,L !}"cges Sr:te lotal Pemrit fsstcea lecian!,c:L Peytf,)t t Receipt #: Siar-ed , Plumbing permit l:lo- person shall coaimtet, '!natcl!, alter or ciwrle cna netn er e:isting EL*.,;re cr ireinage "g2i? i-n ahol3 or_ in patt, Lt""i ,".n V""ii" is theLcgd,L.po;seasor oJ'a oalid ?lyo?," Lic.ense, esee?t tizt a ge:sott na! doph"abing aork to p?ope?t! ahieh is o,ned, Leased on og.rot"iLy-ln" qpli-@tt. Elecf rico I Perm it llhere Stcle f-an requires that the elec+-rical uork be Ccne by an SlectziealConttvetor, the electzical porliott of :his pe=it sira.Ll rot'bi-uZiU ,zt;.tthe LabeL itas been sign".d by the tlectr!,cal' gontracto", Mechqnicql Permit t f EAW CARE?ALLY lxjlulitED si12 slnoleted aoolicaticn for pe*trt:, cnli dalereby certi,'y tlat aLL i-.1rotaillan hereon' is tn e "i "Z"z.i.rl, l^l tfitther .c7rtliv tha. oty arr. aLL uork cerfor--ted stall be do-.-in-'o"=cr-o.lvce ,Lin tne Otdlnutce: of the City -of Sgri-ngfietC, od, che Lc;s of iZe 1*.t:..t.2":gcn p-er*;intng to the wi\ Ces'*:bLZ ir"rl*n, *a-:t ='yo jcc:j- l:ir,"., *tt_ o: y3e of dty st"ucturz withctt oernisaiott cy- the 3uiidinc Di_rtlsio_n. I !-urthep certaf! lhsi o:tly contrde:ors a-"1, etplegees cha q-e incazol:.ance ,nath cRS ?lr.b-ss uiLL be used on thii ioii"-t "--' - - Ottbet: eL I i yobila itae ? _ ltzericn _ Ccrme: ?cni.zrile Cul-<ie-sac TaLue:( Aacess st :.Ean 2:cce !c:esscr.t :,!.41 VAL:,;E s.D.C. I.5: ;,!o -Frh::res Resiznt"..a,L tl bcth) Se.ten Pl:nhlng Pernit Stcte c:j_:.ce fra;/Enetd Citatits :tc, bhe/st ilooC Vent lat //s?o ,bo 9e=oait /5. bO Stor:se JLSE'I L< ?2!AL A...EttiE cu!:./5,too ).-cn2d. 3 JoB *o 85 )Z ( PLan )r 'ia?a4 irs : io.;xit iat sq. F*. Z cf ,.cc Cflet ?a ! of Stcr)es lo;al laigh= ?ooocrch.t Sentice ld,ntercr:z Pzr:e iec:r.l.c,=!