HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1971-05-24CIW OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION AND AGREE},IENT FOR SANITARY SEWER LATERAL HOOKUP Property Descrlpilonl Addres 429 So. 44th & 4408 Dal 8y Lot 10, Btock 2, 3td Addltlon to Edvarde Estatea. Appllcatlon Is hcrcby madc by ths.undarslgncd propcrty ovrncr (s) for pcrmls-sion to connect the.follotrlng.desiribed prop".iy to a sanitary sewer lateral llneourned and malntalned-by the ilty-of.sprrigiieiJ, "na I agree to pay a hookupcharge of $1r.00 per front root 6f grr" -n.oi"rty-io be seried by such sewer lateralln I lcu of .n rrrclsmlnt rgrrnrt thc oircirluci propcrty! Amount of front footagel 80 feet Sewer hookup charge: ($4.00 per front foot): $32o.oo Locatlon of Clty laterel tap-1p3 Length of connectlng llne: Type of constructlon: Size and kind of pipe: ln accordance with provisions of the Springfield City Code, it is providedthat in the event a sanitary sewer lateral should be consiruct"j in the futurewhich is beneflcial to the above property, I further .rp."riiy. "gr"" that the aboveproperty shall be assessed for such sewei-ln preclsely Lh" s"r. manner as though' IlejroPerty were not served by and hooked to a clty iewer, and that the above-..',$4.00 per front_foot hookup charge deposlted wlll b; appli"a to such future assess-ment for sevJer lateral constructlonr By a Date: LD /77/ STATE OF OREGON ss County of Lane BE IT REI,IEHBERE the underslgned aPPea the wl thln names knovrn to me to be the entical lnd v D, That on thls ,?-4 day of_hza* -l9-/, before me,, a Notary Pub il ln and for t seTdTounty S per,sona I I v PROPERTY OWNERS: ua descr ln and execut q ) thewlthln I volunter nstrument and acknourledged to me tl'ly.ttuT-exec0ted the same freely and ulilEss nry hcnd and seal thls day ond year last above writtenr ll Notary P llc Connr ss Expl res it- I oo oooooooo ,) o o- t