HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-06-267ir:llr0,..jo.e n+i require apociiic land uge apr.:'r?val,,*.DW 225 IUFI'U STRBET SPRINGIi'IULD, ORB GON 97477 rn t7-:-&k-* INSPECTfiON REQUEST:126-3769 .r...ti r..'. 1.1 :d l-ii;rr:::1,w1 SFFllr--.rFlEL0 EI*ECTRI CAL PEzu{IT b NumberCity Jo J.COHPiJTE FEE SCtsXDUt,E BELOq Each Hanuf'd Home or l.lodular DwelIing Service or Feeder Services or Peeders InstalLation, Aiterations or Relocation: re oFFICU t 726'3759 1 lt/./ "/ I.bUI\PTION o JOU DESC RI.PTIONtzzirA t/.otv Pernits ?.re tron-transferable and exPire j f vouk j.s not started vi thin 180 days of 1s-suat:ce or if vork is suspended for i B0 days. 2. CON]TIUCTOR INSTALL{IION ONLY IIec rr j caI Cori !racss:: ABLE ELECTRIC /rdcless 55li I{AIN Ci t5'SPRTNGFIELD ?hone 1 26-67Ct sul>e'vis.r L:cense Number 3023S Ur:pi:.'a'.ron Date I0-1-96 Corstr Con(!'. Nunibe:: 92506 E>:p! ratiorl Date 7 -16-g? Slgnature of Supervising Eleetrician acjd:'ess >z 5 >-2779 O\TNUIt IN5'I'ALI,ATION Nev Residential-Single or Ilulti-Pamily per dvelling unit' Ser-vice Included:I (ems Cos t iC00 sq.fr. or less $ 85'00 Bach additional" 500 sq. tt or porrion thereof S 15'00 L.OCA'IION O ? 5z-F INSTALLATI aNr*/ }l B or less to 400 anpsto 600 amps to 1000 amps s 40.00 $ 50,00 $ 50,00 $100.00 $r30. 00 $300 .00 $ 40.00 "9o"oo LVV z0L 401 601 fE"00amps amPs amPS amPs 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect 0n1y cl ry S-/rzzP A*2 7s2 335/PrP{-z Y'- aYsa Temporary Services or FeedersInstallation, Alteration or Relocarion 200 arnps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -Over 40L ro 500 amps - over 600 amps or 1000-i6Tls Braneh Circui ts r! B ,, aESG- New, ALteration cr Extension peu panei One Circui r $ 35. OC - Each Addi tional Ciucui t or r.ri th Serviceor Feeder- permir -- S 2.OO }{iscelJaneous ( service/feeder no t i,ciudec l-Eaeh i, ns taJ Ia t ion C D E $ zro c <q $80 so6 00 CO 00 'Ilre lrrst.rl.larion l)uopC,r'tlr I oun wlifcr sale, Jease o Ovners Signature: ut\LL nri u& j. eing nacie onis noc intended is b ,l ^Lr re,Fump or irrJ,gation llgt/otrlrne Ligh ti"s-lrm: rec Energy/Res - rlml ieo Energy/comm - $ 40. s 40. i tu. ) JO. 00 00 00 00 RI]CDIVND D q SUB?OTAL OF AI]OVE ?5 ll-re Surcharge r/._ A0n l, r:1.s I ra i i rrs issTOTAL a 0 Uvrters Nlurc fSrZ -7-.o F.v,.tE