HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-03-31.. RESID NTIAL.. z2s Not th stt, itrnlPPLr cAT -:-tt /PERI'E, Sprtngfield, Oregon 9?477 Building Nuision 7 26-37 53 ra.rL.- SP'IINGFIEL.D ?c-r lot fl oo Phone:I 4(s.t zip: ll uzcLL"iU -o,<Job Ioeaticn: , AaDeaso"s I'!ao fl Sttbdiuision: Onter: Adaress: ci 5J,It I I t0 ?r00 Sianed Ddte ct)) , 7'at t-t Describe h'ork: AdCiticn RenoCeT. le flone Aaares3 GeneraL e-r Pltncir.c F7 ^--; a^1 Mecitaiccl Cott-stmtetiott Lend*+ r-t i-, tha reepotsibility of tle penrit hotd* to aa€ that aLL inapeetiona ee nad,e at tte propet tine, tla.t sspft .=i)rsss is vsa)^'n'.. Iyr!-tP at?eet,. atd titat the-petmit_car<i ia l,ocated at.the frcnt' of the prooerty. 'Buiuiry H.uicipn aq)r,w^ed pi^ot sitcll remain on tir Bu:Lding Sitc at aLL' times.' ?trca!4fntt DtAtred ':CALL 7 26-376I (recorder) state your Cttlt desior.zted job rumber, jab adir.ess, tyae of incpeclicttrequesceaa?77 Dlien lou DLLL De ?eaau for ir,spcction, Cont?aexo?s or Asnets nane cni phote rurtbcr. ?equests receixed befcre ?:00 c-'*iLL be ntade the sanie dcy, ?equesxs naie afxer ?:00 ott tttll be nade the nc.st :.nrkina aa', Reoti.re.l sceeticnp You? City Deeigaated Job Nuber f s:oa I l l l l l I I l er-F rlra=a^rtnrr To be rncie after prior tc eet up ofescaoaxion, but forns. AIlD!PS ?ri-rDfaaf t Tob e maae Delore an, Itottx La caered |C):!I!;C 4 F)UilDATICil: to be na.Ce af x er -ii enc itii-areie c au at e i ari forms cte erectei, but orior xopw-ir,g ccnctet.. U!']DERGPCL'::D PLIJ:.91i::, S:iZ.?, hI.1:!i. DRAIIIACt: I'o be naae oricr xo fLi-Lir4 crencizes. ,lrlnFD=f aa, DrfrrDftt^ o t,=att jTatf . oi floor inaulction or deckina. POS? Ai:D BTA.I.:: -aiLotT I|JSULAIION/VAPOR BARREP. IJ]S?!C?fui] : 7o be mad.e after aLL insulcxi.ctt c.d tcquired oqor berie?s @e in pl.a.ce but before @ry lath, Wpsu-i bcati ortnll couering is applie<i, od. beforeoty ittsulation is concealei. nar,1f fhfntt h= Sori:ey set:er eapped et properfii Line SeDtic to* p;,t:ped a.d. fnlled vith gzate. Pincl - \hen abcue itens are ecnoleted ari uhen iezclttion is cor=Lete o" st?u:- xur.e moueC art prerrtses cleanei up. DRYI]ALL IilSP,frTON: Tc aJ'ter aLL ctyuall is in but prior to cny tapirg be made place, deckiry. onilail D.lDraf,t- ft?aaDfa,? a rEat: r'.liICt',.-,: ;;o uort is to uc cotereJ dlT-x'nese inspectiors haue becn na.de anl. cpotoue2, FIPEPLAi|: Prtor to picctr:t fccincmcceriar.s and bcfore fro-ting insoee- EEI}L:C: ttust be recuested after aoproual cf rough plunbing, eiectri- cal E neciunical. AL! rociittc bracirn C chinmcys, etc. nrtst beconpletce. tto ucrk ie to bc corl- cecled until thia inspeetion laa'been noie anC approued FIIlAL PLUI.IBII:C FIilAL I.!TiIIA:]ICAL ?fN.f ar?irof^rf l4ASOllP,I: Steel location, bond Dea:B, qrouting ot, uertiecls in aceorci.otce vlth U.B.C. Section 2415. |,/O0DSTO',/E: After installation is arnpLeted. CUPB 8 APPRCACI! APP1\:: Aftet formsoe enectei but, prior to pouring com"ete. SIDEHALI( ,9 DRflEhtA!: For aLL eon- crete pauing uithtn stTeet tight- of-rxy, to be naie after aLL esca- DatinQ eonplete & forn rtotk & sub- base mateial in place. tsLockinq od. Set-up PlunbinE eonnections -- aa)er e,l. oalet Final - Aftcn ccrekes, Bki:^ting, decl<s, etc. dre ccnoleled. Eleetriccl Ccnnectiotz - Bloeking, eet-u? ani plunbina eonnections m:st be apptct;e: beforc requesting elec:r'ieal inspectio:: Aecesco"! Builttng llcbile iicnes To be nadc prior to floor insula;ion or I l l I !EI]CE hher: conplate -- ProviCe or motsable aections throuqi. r.U.L q\ 'ALL t'!A::!!Cirs A|,:9 CLTAiJCUTS NUST BE A1CESSIBiZ, ADJU,::!Z::! iC 3l t',J,D! /.? l:c c:s? T0 cry Page 1 of 2 (!*^-.- Date of appli.o*"i"n 3- U 'ff6 AIL ptojeet conditions, suci da the i.nstallation of street trees, ec:Dlction of tie required ianzsccpir:g, ctc., ,iust be satisficd before the BUILDIIIC FIIIAL can be tzquested. FI1IAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Insoeetion r.ast be reauesteC cfter the Final Plwtbing Eleetrical, atzC Meclnnieal Inspectzonc itaue been made aru approveC. JO8 NO.soLAR AC-_ESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Ocatoancu Grc, T3T TWE _ Interion Iat Faeea - -- Fees -- Beilocns: Lot Sq. Feg. Z of lot Coterage I of Stortee Total Eeight ?opogrqhy Building PerirLt Stdte lotal Chatgea r?ii.:FE! PLtnHng Perrit 9tate Sutelame Corier Patthatdle Cul-de-sac Seaa Datc Patd Reeeiot ll: Sig::ed: tote Buitding Volue & Permit ?his penr-t ia granted on the efiress eondition thdt the sai.d,.constntctiott alull', in atl nbspects, confonn to the Ordinance adopted' by the City of Springfield, inc!u.d'-ng the -Zoning CYdzncnce, regulcting the ecnstrteticn ird. "ib of buildin,s, otd ma, be suspend,e1' or revokeC at c:7:y t'-me upon vic' lation of oly prcuisions of eaid otciir.ances. a a Plumbing Permit No pe?eon shall cottsttltet, ins!al!, alter or eitange cny nel cr e=istit'tg pltinbing or drainage 6-ulten in aiole or in part, unless eueh person is tle'Leoal pbssessor of a oalid plwtber's Lieense, eseept th.at a ?e:sonMl 40 pLunbing uork to ptoperty uhich is otmeC, Leased or operated bg the aPPLi' P. L.Houae Cataoe I,tdAceess. | | t'lo"th tt kan East tt Sotth !lll{eat r?!.\!x Valuc ll:in Caace C@ctt Accessorq ?OTAL VALUS I UCLUCS.D.C. I.5:c fritures Resiiential (1 bcth) Sotitarg Sa'ten lletp: Electricol Permit tJhe?e Stdte las reauires that the electrLcal uork be done by an Electrical Contructa?, the electrlccl portion of titis pentix sisll roc be valil' wttil the Tabel ias been sigmeci cy the Elecxrical Cont?cexo". NeLt/btend Ciratits Sensiee Total Res. Sc, ftz. 4t,.1^:Mechqnicol Permit9?U, 'E.ha/at Hooa Vaft Fal 'r,lcoCstore Sectri Stoto.oe !4cin Curbcut Si"danzlk !onee Hobile llap Perrit'Issuoce Me:izanical Pemtt -- E.ICRCACHI.:!:,'T -. I'LC\1 L,uanlnel f EAW CAREFULLY ,XLUINED tle eornoleted aoplication for oernit, dtd do hereby certifyt that aLL irfo:nation hereon is tnue ar-C eorrcct,, anll I f:trther cerlify that any arl aLL uonk periornei si,all be <io:te in aceor- <iance rtth the Ord.intnces of tne City of SorLntficl,L, and, th: La;s of the State of O"e?cn pertainino to the uork Cescribcd hcre)n, crd. that N0 aCCl- Pl,tlcy viLL be nade of anu sx?ucture uithort permission of the Suilding Di-rsision. f further certi'fy- thst oll! cont"aJtors ar-d atpicyees uho arL in canpliance u:-th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project <-3(-w l?:;.:I;J. I F:: 5 e :OTAL AIQA::? D!!:'E C'O I t1 Date Fireo