HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-12-01..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itoreh srn itonf?LrcA?rclt/PER*T Spr-ryfield, 2regon 97177 Buildinq ?f,uiston 726-37 53 SPFTINGFIET.-D ?cceitt ! Date: GenetlaL PLtonbina CoaarrtcCcn Lctdo-p !-t ia 2he teeponaibi-Li,y of -t,2 penriJ itotd.er b oee '-rtat aL! inspectiotls @e nad.e at lhe propet thre, tfut a:cch n),lnesa is vsa;-'^:,iY,!-tJ" stree.t' cnl tlct the-p*nit.ca1l, ia i.aated ct the izotrt'of the Wope?q.t?uilci:q ?luicio- cz=rcted pl.bz s'rc.il rerr,in on tl",E tsuildlrb- site 'at aLZ'ties,' Z?OC,DUPI. ?oR. i;!S?I3:Ctt.1|-CIES7:CALL725-3769 (yecorCet) state lour City Lesigrated job mmber, job n)i-ess, tgpe of inspeeticn :fr.:lri cti.u::enlou ,.riLL ce ready ;b-r i*pcction, contractcrs c; a.rr"rs-rrarre -,:rl. plu).e n*nbcr.' e"qu"ii, reLei;aZi tLfi."'irbb-*LILL be na'cie thc satte Ccg, reque€ts nerie cfta ?:00 ad urill be raCe the n*t -xrkinS'dcg. f >ae-74Iou? City'Desi.grated. Jab Nunbet Is: ?3L t/,a/LJob !.ocazicn: Aa'esoot3 :r.ao I Tc. Int # Subdi'r)sicn: \rO-zer: Ad&ess: Describe h'ork: rlso r Va7.ue LI :t?)) Date of 1 Frq e ACCiicn Cona?2caorg Acidtess T T il SI7, I:15?3C:12:t: ?o be ncCe aflenaedvctlcn, cut pricl" ,c sei u? of JCtms. WD:RSL4S ?:L':,t31:tC, ZLiePIC;L';€Ci).;lii;L: 7o be norie beiore cng .wrk it coucted. rcg?!:iC 1 !Oa:!D.1?rc!: ?o be t*Ceailer zrenches cte ecetated crti fans cre erecteri, but prio" -,opu*trq canctet€. TilSULA?ION/VAPO? BA,RRIZR IIIS?rcrrcII : ?o be rarie after aLL irzsuktbn dti required vqor beile?s @e in pla.ce Lwt before ory lath, Wpsz"ol boarC or tnLL couering is qglied, and. befcreotg ir,sulation is concealed. DRY.IALL filSPlQlOll: Tc be nadeafter aLL irgsali is in place,htt prior to cny ',aping. WS1!li?!: Steel Locatiott, bd. beans, grcuting or oerziccls in accordoee uirh A.B.C. Section 2415. robe,rac@of floor irsuktior or decking. fm TooDSTo,/i: After instalZation is AJ enqleted.. t ^rr.A"'a?ntt, tt.!v Lt / tw., Soilazg seler capced =t gtogarti Lir-e Septic tank y.o:zeC ad fiLLeC tith gruad l'inal - i,lhett cbcte itens are ccnoleted. e<i uhen ielrlt:ton is earoiete bt st-t c-ture nouol oti prar.rises clbaned up. aofo zrenchce AilDEP!'CCR ?LU:.3J3:C' .'ECXA,'ITCA!: ,a nst ilto zsx.t: To be raie pr-on w. | ffiiffio; Jloor irsu.r,=icn cr Ceckitq. 3.01'ci: ?ai:s!:c, ilzaglr;t ) ;.tzc1- A;liCAL: :lo ,o:i- .)a to be cocerec ur.=zL thcse 'Jrscecaiars h:ue beernaie t4, e?r2.Jea.*br 'a 2lc:-r4 fcc-Jr,garl before frzirq ineoec- CURB t IPPRCACE A?P.CN: Aftet formsa'e=;M@ a pc.ur:rra co?1,2?ete. SID4TALK & DRT,ET|A!: For aLL can-a'ete@ffi; street right-of-rxA, to be naCe af'"er all, ecca- uating sqrplete J ;-on utoz'k & eub- ix,se nctertal in place. -1 ipllllc: lLBt be rectzscad afler J -/?tc,ni oJ' raqh plttbiruJ, e'!ectr.-a,L I neciurtical. - AL! noilng brar|rg 2 chitorcya, etc. rtsc beanolezcd. ::o .)ct< as ,o be acab . cullat unctl iht s iwgec;Jcz. iaa'bean ru,!,e anC c2paved. tiot:. lrxA! ?LA:.$I::C FI:I;L :!S:P,I1ITCAL . -.'^s -*e..rae6& ?!NC!: Ilhen conplete -- Prouile @ or nouable'sectians thtough P. U.8. ALL proieet cordi:icns, sucl as the ins=allcilon of slleet trees, :c-leicn o;'tirs required Lcnzscccir5, ctc., nust be satisiied beiore the 3uiL7IllC i!)!AL :an be teqaested. !:ilAL AATE-.I:IO: IA,e Fr.nal- Suildiry lnsoection -ast be requestei zftar the Fir:'zl ?lubingileccrical, oE l{eciunaczl insoecczcns }t4ve been ncce arui'cccrouzi. llobi tsLockitq otd Sat-'tp Plubing cowtec=icns -- Baie? otC ualer Etectznical CcrtneetrJon - Blockin?, set-u: and, glwnbing covttrectiona nr;st be apprcxbC befor e requeetitq e7-ectyJcal insgec:io;: Aceessorl )u'i.Aittg ?irzl - Aftcr ;crei-es, slirtirg, d,ec!.-s, etc. @e c*aleled. l _l 'AiL :.!A:\EC!!S A$D CLEANOUIS !!US! 3E .1CC3S3!91|, .1DjLS7:!i:t: :O 3s :.'ADE !.! ::O C:St rC CI:y ?qelof2 6r-,.,a \ a b{LOoocS- tl tr tr q \,--- t JOB NO. Ii:'tobii.e ;Ierc 70 soLAR..ccEss REe.- =Cr.C't ii;tZ L-CO G+ 3eercna: Build ing Vcl lue & Perm it This pentet is grcnted on the eqress condition '-tet tle said-constmtcrion siail, in aZL :.escects, conictn co the CrCinance zCootei by the Citl of Spr.).ngfielC, Jncludtng lhe 3oning Cvdinznce, regulc'-ing ihe ccnstrteticnqd. use of bu:-itiings, otd n='g be sucoenl.ed ot rertckei at cnA tine ulan uic Latton oi ,zzy prcuisions of aaiC OrCir.tnces, !ea= aote Fee:9uiU:-rg .Dernit Stata ?oEL *a:gas Plznbing Perz;it €tate SutcLr-ce Sr.cte tal Penrit fsstttce !,te ci,:an Jccl P ernr! t -- a;1c?.cAC:t;.!a::? -- Stgr.ed: I Plumbing Permit ilo_ person sha-ll _cotstt tet, ;lnstal!, alter ot citnqe cng ned et e:istir.g qlunbing ct tfu,ainage sgstat in;,shole on in part, ut:Less such person is- tte Legal poaseasot of a ualid olwnbetts License, ercept th.ct a ob:sort raX do plmbi.tzg uork to p"o?eril akich is otmed, Leaaed or ogerated by the appli- Electricol Permit llheze state Lan requites tl"at the electical uork be &ne bg an glectrtcal Conttactor, the electical porliott of thia pernit ehall rot be ualiC untilthc Label las been ai.gned, by the tlectr)ccl Contracto?. Mechonicol Permit a 1 D7 d i-H n-n f EAW CARE?ALLI lX4.)lIilED the ccnoleted qoolication for pe*it, ctui da hereby certifg that aLL i;tfo;nation heteon is tmte a*C eorree!, anC Ifrtther eettLfy that ory crl, aLL xork cetfotzed slall be do;e ia acccr- tizr;ce :,rith the OtCtnsces of the City oi Soringfield, od. tha La,;s of ticState of )regcn per-;inina to the liork Cescibed here|n, od. :hcl :10 CCC!,|-PtlC.I'ill be tu,ie of cny 3S7yaf,t"e uithout gernrlsaiott c7' the 3uiiding Di-uris:lon. I !"rrthe? .e"tLfi thtt otlg contrdetops c,C ryLcgees ulo eb in cczol:-ance alrh 035 707.055 aitL be used on this project _ Inzer.tcr _ Cormet _ ?ani.c:tile _ Cul-de-sac TaLue Scc"ss. i.Ein Czcce .lccessc:L ?,T.lL I/AL:.;E s.D.c. 1.5: ;:o. -Fri;::res Resiizrttial (1 bcth) Se"ter :;0. Na.t/E:tetd Ciretits Sertice al, l aat,,lC E;letat ltooC Vent lan 'JcoCsta:se /5-,@ ,bO /9 ad Sto?:se l4d.nter*:z- JLC4.'A L< I :2?AL L1trU:r C(tE:.P /s,6o , i.ot Sq. F*. 1 cf tst Caterc;e_ I of Storles iotal !a-gh= Tooocrchl Flu.-aee ?!tl'S a Pc:-.,?i, iiec:r.ic.=i icbel {. a