HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1981-11-16-- RESIDENTIAL .. COYBINATION/APPLICATION . .i}lIT SPRINGFIETD CITT AF S?RIIICE|ELD 225 ;:CWE .srE "<l-?rE?sPRr:rcFIEtD, 1RECON 97477 tsuildin4 Dhtisiot 726-37 53 r.E 'T H 57b 3n -0-f2' y'?o rr',rdblr"J /o. oo 4C rc €1- $to bo t! Agent Job Location: tubdiuisicn: Assesso?8 ll@ #fG Lot # Aile! Addteea R f{,\-Plrone # 1 L q Deacribe Hotkniler -Jtdncup,tdlition RaaodeL ,o|.ttttcEo"8 IlaM Addreee scl Plone # GeneraL Plmbing lleetrta.7. lleahanical Const tztion Lend,et REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It 15 the responsibiuty of the pennit holder to see th3t a.l.l i:rspactions ane nade at thc Prop.r tlltl., that each address is readable frqn the streel, and tha: the pcrrdt card is located at the front of th. P!:oPerW a .{11 oanholes and cleanouts are to be adJustsd at no cost to the Clty SITE IIISPECTICN: To bc made after ;ffi;;-G prlor to set uP of forr.s. FTEEDT ANF materials tion. Prior to placing facing l-1 HooDSTOVES: After installation , and beforc ilnanin! insn"--l I ffii-ret.a TJ}IDE9.SLAB PLUI.IBINC, ELICT.O.IC.{L 6 MECHAN:CAL: To be made before any i'ffi.,ered. IXAMING: iiiFo-var Hust be requested aften of rough plunbi.ng, electri CURB 6 APPR0ACH APP.0N: After forms are Lrected but grior to PcuranS cal. 6 mechaaical. A11 roofing' bracing t chimneys' etc. $ust be cmpleted. No rork ls to be eon- ccaled urtil this insPection has be€n nade and apProved. concrete. FooTIllG 6 FoUIIDAIIoN: To be uade after tEnches are e::cavated and forrns are ercct:dr but pnicr to po..ring concretc. SIDETALK E DRIVFyIAY: For all con- erete paving lrithin st:reet right- INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : To be rnade after alL insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before ary lath, gyPsuo board or of-way, te be rade after aIL exca- vating cctrplete 6 fort work E sub- base rnateriel in P1ace. UNDERGROUND PLUI.IBI}IG, SEI{ER, HATER, OneittLcf: Tc be made prior to fil- ling trenehes. Ij}IDERELOOR PLIJI'IBING t MECHANICAL:ffiorfloor iasulaticn or decking. wa.lJ' eovening is aPPIied, and any insulation is concealed.OTHER INSPECTIoNS: may be required in accondance with Building Code, to be, irCicated in ;lans or bY no- tice f:iorn BuiLding InsPector. POST 6 BEAH: To be nade pnior to Effin of flcor insulation on Cecking. ROUGH PLUMB:NG, ELECTP.ICAL 6 HECH- AllCIlL: No eork is to be covered ffithese inspections have been nade and aPProved. DRYI{AIL INSPECTION:;i7*- s To be made in pJ,ace, but prior to any taPing' }IASoNRY: Steel location, bond 5ffis-, grorting cr vertj.cafs in accordance with U,B.c. Section 2415. FIIIAL PLUI.IBING Alt project conditions, such as the installation of street trees' coBPletion of the raquired landscaping, €tc.r ntrit be satj.sfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection Eust be Blquested after the Fina1 PJ-umbing Elect"ical, and Hechanical, Inspections have been rnade ald apprcved llo occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building tnspection has been nrade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE 0F 0CCUPAUCY HAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICN A\D POSTED ON THE PREMISES. FINAL ELECTRIC.qL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: CalI ?26-3769 (reccrder)state your City designated job ;ffier;fo5=aa;ess, typ€ a} Inspection requested and when you wiII be ready for inspec- ticn, Contracrors or Orners nane and phone nurbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m, ni1;' be nade the sane day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working dav' youR crry DEsTGNATED JoB NUuBER rc, 7/08O7 HTNAL MECHAUICI.L ErVires hz+rzt' E Page 1 of 2 IIP:ge 2 REFERENCE NI,I,IBERS t-an" '-, JOB }I$:BER Lo! Frces: DT !10u8e ;;2?e?e llorth East South l,leet OCCLIPANCY CROUP TYPE/ CONSTRI'CTIOI'I ,tOC:, ZONE BEDROOYS Setbacks 0thet Lot TV?e i,'ate" He4te" ?oo Lot Sauare !ta. i cf Lot Cottered + of Stories ?ctaL Height lc2ogrcpny fntevLor Corner -E LL} BLITLDING VALW/PERUN Frg. Ca?elle Thi.s perwit is grotted on the e.q"€as crnditron tltct the said consxmotion slull, in ali nea:eete, eonfonto tle oydittarces cdooted bA the Ct;g o;' Spingiieki,incl*iing the Zodng -Ottiir&.e, "egilat:)ng' :7e- con-struction otd uee of brildin?s, cnc 1au be r.tapzrl,ed,or tevoked at olg tine upon oiotaticn ci' ati prcui- eione of eaid Otdinancee. f+a f^*n+ t/alue Chartes TOTAL CE4RCES PLot Check lee Date Paid # PLAaBINC PERAE Sqset No petson shall conetnet, inetall, allet ct elwnge ery nan or eatetittg plunbing or dteitwge sgs=anr in uhcle or in pet, unleee such pe.tdo:e ie :he legal possesso? of a oalid pltonber,s Licerse, eccett iltat a ?e"son ncg ic plmbing uotk to p"c?etn ui.l:ch ie owted, Leased or opetated bg the qplicant. 5UBTOT.4L State Sutchotge T7TAL CIIARGES ELECTRICAL PEPT,TI ,lhete State Ia^t tequitee tl@t the eiec*ti,cai uork bed4" iry an .Eleetrtcal Cint?actor, +,h.e clecL*)cai poy,-tion cf thia penrtt elnl1, not be uaiid unti| the La- bel lta,s been signed by the Electyicci Ccntlc.tto". The Electt'ical Safetg Ia,t does ttot rcquite c ?e?sonto obtain a Licensc as dt electrtcist d./ct elec-trtca! contractc" b tnoke at electrioal -)ns::Llaticn ot ptopert7 which is cDEd b! hinsell or a -rtbe: oflris urnedicte latrily ulrLch ie tzot irtenced i:r aale, Leo,se cr rent. CdBttction SUSTOIAL L CITARCES MECAilIC.4L PlRMfi Hood Vent Fat l.lood E:ICRCACHi,IEIIT Deposit rL@t E Otn-lel DAte f EAW CAREPAAy EXAMINED the conpleted application fot penrtt, @td. doheteby ce"tify that aLL infona*ion hereon is tmte otd, ca eet" otd. Ifytner c*tify that oty awl aLL wrk petfcrned shall be Cone in oceor- danee u?th tle }rdiranees of tle Ciq bf Springfield, and, the La,ta of theStute of )regot pertaining tc the lurltk deecribed, herein, md ttat NO OC- CWANCI uttll be nade of GaJ et?rctute trlttput permLssicn of the BuildingD-ll,tision. I f,.trther eefii.fy that only cont?ctcto?s o.d. enployees al@ aZin catplianze vLth oRs 201.-oss uiLL ba used on this ptojebt.- i.laincna'oe Penrit nn? Ottbeut Sidrnmlk llbctrieal Label 3uiAI,IOUIIT DUE /0, (oC ttnes Diuision pLot slall rentein on thc Euilding at all S' t s ten D evelopnent,)hotc e 7. 5 t tlal:ta --/ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD--BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN ST. 726_3753 (BUSINESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTIONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL I,ABEL(S) BY A BUTLDING ovINER The Electrical Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as Errr electrician and/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by hfunself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended for sale, lease, or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANT'S NAI4E 8/d grJ DAuro Q,r.,c,V-t(tl -oL- jt -,/3 ADDRES' b 55 S _ 3-11-h---1 q1- !L!4bo 7PHONE ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK Lo55-S 318 BUILDING OWNER (IF OTHER THAN APPLICANT) ADDRESS PHONE f certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system requiring a label as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: I 2 3 Temporary Service Underground service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat Ner+ Circuits or Extensions Mobile Home Connections Signs Swi-nrning Pools A 5 6 7 8 9 I further certify that I will notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAI INSPECTIONS are ready, that aII work will be done in accordance with the Electrj-- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, I am a member of his or her immediate 1 frtr,,.ture Ke"t. INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE ON THE BUILDING DIVISION'S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION LINE. THE INSPECTION NUMBER I-S 726.3769. INSPECTION REOUESTS WHICH ARE CALLED IN BE- FOR 7 A.M. WTLL BE MADE ON THE SAI\,18 DAY. LABEL NUMBERS LABEL TSSUA}ICE EBE RECEIVED BY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE //-/b 00 d 50