HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-07-19Z" KEJll,- tI l lAL" zls North stt s;tonffPLrcAt't)N/PERItlrr Spz"Lngfield" 2r,egon 97477 Buildtng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 Descz,ibe I,lov'k: SPFIINGHEL.D- WAdditicn RemoCel Date of App Lieaticn h- ts-8.1 Date -,-& VaLue GeneraL ELectricaL tlecltaniecL Constructioa Lender Job Locati-cn: Map #Tas Int # sLon: Otmer: rb 3 LA 7ci 74 7 Add.ress:Phone: Page 1 of 2 It ie the respoasibility of tle penrlt holdet, to see that aLL inspeetions ate nade at the ptope" fron tlu street, and tlwt the permit catd ia Located at the fzont of the-Ptoperty-*Suildi."q Noicion approv-ed pLan sltcll vemain on the Building Site at aLL times- PROCEDU?E FOR INSPECTIO\\ RLQILS!:CALL726-3769(z,ecoydet,) state your City designated job ntmbe? A,mers ranne and plnne nutnber. the nert'aotking dag. tine, that each addtess is readab.e , job aCitess, tApe of insPee=icr, Pequests veceited befcte 7:a0 c:; o @ beieady for inspection, contraetars c? uiLL be nade the eane dcg, pequestsmade after 7:00 ontiLLbe nade Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nunber Is: Re m t t'-n a,)l Tn <n a n'l:i- nn c ]_1-UrtYWALL INSPECTTON: Tc be made I v{;fte" an-ewifis in pt.ace, but prlot to ana tapLttg. f-MnsounY: steel Location, bond l-4 6"*,;grouting outerticals in accord.otce ?,rLth U.B.C. Section 2415. UND1RGROUI|D PLT]MEINC. SIWP, W.ATER'+DRAIIIACL' To be maCe Prior to fil- Tfi'Qenchee. l1 uantp.rr,ozR zL:LETNG & I,:ECIIANTGAL:llof floor ineulcti,on or decking, POST AND BEAM: To be nade PrLor to ffilfrdGn of fToor insulation oY' deckitrg. R0UGH PLAaBTIIG. ELECTRT?AL & MECH- ANICAL: No aork is to be coue"ed ffilTthese inspections haue been mad.e and. approued. FIPEPLACE: PrLot' to placi,rg f.aaing tnate"iat; and before fronLng inspee- tion. requested after plunbing' electri- ALL roofittg SI?L INSPECTI)N: To be nade aftet' escarr;n;n,-5E priar tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & MECHI-UICAL: To be made before ang ffiTiaotteved. Io be tnaCe e!ate etcatsated anl. forns ate etected, but prior to pouring ccncreta. : Mtst be INSULATTON /VAPOR BARRIER ITISPXC?ION : To be made after aLL insulaticn c:"d required oapor beriers @e in Plaee but before ory Lath, gypsLon boatC or rnLL cotsering is applied, ard before ary insulation is concealed. DEM)LI?I)\| 0R i.!)w) Sanilary seser eapped et propetQi Line Septic tank p;tr:ped artd filled trlth gratsel Einal - I{hen abctse ttens ate cc|pleted and uhen dertclition is conplete o! st/a3- tuye mooeC and pranrLses cLeaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking ord Set-uP Pltnbin4 cormectians '- lalte? otd' uatet Eleetrical Cannection - Bloeking' set-uD and plwnbing eonnections mist be apprc';ed befoie requ-esti.ng eleetrieal inspecliott Aecessory Bui.Lding WOODSTO'IE: ccnrpTetA. Aftet, installation is CURB & APPROACH A!!ON: After forns e,e ei;;TA6, p;lo" to pourin4 cotwrete. SIDEWALK & DRI"EWAI: Eor aLL eon- AetenaofuAffi stteet right- of-tnlay, to be maCe aftet' aLL etea- oating conplete I forra tsork & sub- base naterial in PZace- Final - After pcrekes" skit'tittg, decks, etc. are conPleted. IENCE: When conPlete '- ProuiCejdii6 or motsable sectians tht'ough l,LL proiebt conditions, such as the i.nstal-Lation of street t!9"_:-,^ eonpletion-of the required Landseepir-g, LtL., i"t be satisfied. beflire- the BUTLDTN7 FINAL ean be requested' FINAL BUTLDIN|: The Einal BuiLdiW fnspecti.on tntst be requested altet the Final Plwnbing glectnical, ond Meclnnical fnspect"ioro'ha'te been nade artd approoed' P.U.E. btacing & chirneys' etc. rntst be eottrpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- , ceiled until this insPection las 'been made anC approtsed. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL I *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOTJTS MIJST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITETIT TO BE IL4DE /'? TIO CCST TO CITY b3B t)bfi sL, LztrUrucE 4, Snzt ret tr TotaL Iit Sq. Ptg. % cf Lct Ccuetage # of Stories Iotal Eeight Topogrqhy Qart \\'f Gro LOT TWE Interior 7coon", _ Pan?nndle CUL-de-sac f EAW CAREFALLY EFLAIyE| t^tte eompleted. applieation for permit, and. d.oP"i?a eertify- that aLL itrformatilon nli.oi t" ;;;'"rrd' .Zl"i.i, *ra rfu,tket .eez'tify that ang ard aLL uo,k pe,forned srnll be do:te in aeeot,_dance tLth the ordi1Ly1" "1 ttii ctty.Zy.bp"t-"gfi.Jd, "{tiZ Lar;s of ther 2t:_l?.ot_??g", p,entainins to the wirk c"siitl:a-i"ilti.]"i,i'tnot No occu_PANcy t'll be nade of an^y stz,uctute uitiout pemnisaion-o7 tt" Buitding Dt-r.tision. r further, ."2i!l7a t4t__oly-iiit"octors oid enplcyees uho are ineo,zpLiance uith oRS zol.bss aiLL be"used. on this i"ii)oi -"--' Zonu, D Bedroons: So'arees Setbacks Access tou'e Lot Faces - Df FTG x Va Building Volue & Permit Thls petwtt is granted on the erpress eondition tltat the said consttwctionshall, in all respects, eonfomn to the Ordinance adopted t)y the City ofSptingfield, includtng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating th-e ccnstrubtibn and. -use of buildtngs, otd may be suspended or rbtsokeC -at "ry time upon oic-Ta.tion of dny prcuisions of said h,dinances. Hlo CV. Fee tor \tsustso \,\LtrE 2q.eo TO?AL VALUE PlAsCv. Fes Ptuo Cr-\1-Bq 't Noo. iee, \q.e S.D.C. 1.5 s to. oo Building Pemrtt State Date Pai.d ?otal Changea c\2 Receipt #: Signed NO CHARGE Etbtutes Plumbing Permit N2 pet'son shall construet, instal!, alter ot, clunge ana nea cr eristing 4L*\1."5 or dtainage "y"-l? in uhale or in patt, "unles"s such peison is theLegaL .possesso, of a ualid plunberrs License, eueept tl""at a pZrson mag doplunbing uork to p?opetty ihich ie ouned, Leased o, operatea'4 tn, oppli-cant. Residzntial (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plwnbing Penrit State * Neu/Ectend Cireuits 5.o c Electricol Permit wlere state Lan re_quiz,es tlnt the eleetrieal uork be dane by an Electricalcgntyactot', the electz'ical portion of this pernit stull not" bi oilic untilthe Lobel hns been signed ly ttte Slebtuical' Contz,actor,. \tor \rrcLuSED G-\q-Bq d\p Sentice . oo State bo lotal (", o * NC FEE CI]ARCE D Mechonicol Permit bhanet HooC Vent F@t I,lcodstotse PermLt fssucnce Mechanical petmtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secaritu \trStot age Maintenance Petwtt LWbcu! Sida,taLk L I l I MobiT.e Horne ?OTAL AI4OIJN? DI]E: *\5.'?L i-\ -\ ) - lo. oo - G\q-er{ tu