HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-03-02.. RESIUENTIAL.. C OMB TNAII ON APPLI CAI IO N /PEPIMIY225 North Sth StueetSprirryfi.eE, 7regon g?42? BuiZding Diuieion 7 26-37 53 I SPRINGFIEID + PP 500 //, c ,ZO 5>4 Date le Lot ll fri aLFtx.0_ 0 iob Locaticn: Suitdiu-Jeion: Assessors ldaD I Osnet: Phane:YrtA&ss: lr,ps t*t-c- s',;7'" # e4 tz oqr T-^,7,L f,t**t< -TT t.,a< lJ*n um 5 r, rT), Date of AdCi*icd Value CeneruL Leadel tlat ecch LA.'i,lnEs,raalob ni,hess o f inspecticn I@ Citl Dedtgrutd Job lhtnbe Is: DEIIOLMON S@rila,g ea:a cqpei zt Fope*i 'i.ina Septic totk g.ntged d, ftlled tith gzael : L7l/1 L ,l..hen itrte1Dcue ale Leted dd.d.q.ecuhsn lition cot*Lcte tlUe noted ci-eoteipt*Lsas w- Hcmea Blockittg od. Sat-ltp Plmbittg connecticas -- sa)e? ad, aater EZ,ect:m)cal Ccnneeti,on - ?Lcckir4, set-u? od. pltnbing eonneetianE n;st ie before requeetzng elec=rtcal it:.spection Acceseory* BuiZdittg zctehee, skirtin4, deoks,Fitlal - {ftet etc. @e earo t:iz I ot z UIDERSLAB PLUNBINC. SWCTRICAL & WCEA.ilTCAL: lo be nad,e befone oqwk ia ewerd,. FeO?!flC g P)ANDA?ICN: Io be naCeaitet trEnches c?e e:Ec@ated ani fotna oe etectad, but priot topuring ecndeta. U!!D9RGPAU!!D PLUM9TNG. SgTIgR. II.ITER. DRAfilAcE: lo ba rude priot to fil-Litq trenchea. UIDSP,TLOOR PLUI,IBfl G 4 WCqANTCAL :ffio7 fToor insuia,tioa ot dzcking. PPE! 4!P 0EAM: lo ba nade prior to --- instalkticn of f\oot instlation or deekitq. Ro4qtr =PLat.!i! ilo. | ltisci? ! ?AL,s ME1EJ AN|CAL: i'lo wrk is to be cotereri ffithese inspec;ions harc beett MAe @d. qproueC. PIPIPLACE: tuio? to plc.cirq facingnctertals od. before frafting inspee- ti,orz. FRNlnlG: l,lust b6 raozested, aft* @aL of rough plutrhing, electri- cal & nechotical. ALt toofizlg btacitq & chitttncge, etc. midt be carpleted. llo wrk is to be caz- cecled, until thio inspecttctr las been rade orC apprcued.. After i.rotalT.atian ia fonn. FruAL PLUABNrc ?TNAL IIEIEANTCAL ?TftA f ?f T@TF,I !o aft* prial" E eet 14 of INSWAIION/VAPOR BARRI9R IIISP1CTIOfr : to be mdt aftet aLL iilsukt;a. dd reqrr,-rcd, oqor b*teta ot in placehtt befcrc ary lath, gypswn boal. ot u.LL ooxitrg ie qplied, od. befote ary inaulattba ie cottceaTd.. DRWNL IIIS?ECI!1N: ?c be wd,e aftct aLL ClVl,El,L is in pla,ca, htt prtor to oq tqin4. l,lAS0llRl: Steel Locatiott, bond. baana, grcutittg ot oettia,ls in accotdoee Ltith A,B.C. Seceion 2478. ilooDsT1w: @ea. conaete. SLDE,IALK ,1 DRTEIIAI: For aLL cott- crete patsitlg tithin stveat rLght- of-ury, to be nw-Ce after aLL etca- r:ating cqlete & font wtk & sttb- isase ttcterial in plaoe. CARB & APPPCACE AP.$N:@ gates Dlt€ Afta fornsto pourinq l4ter: cotplate -- fuouil.e ot aooabLe sectians throtgh fr1?tu n8ru4 ALL ptoiect eonditione, flah aa tlu +nstalLqtion of saeeE *ees, cotolcion of zhe required Lotdscqirq, etc., nast be satisfied before tle SUILDI::C E!:IAL 2at le reouesxed. PfNAL BALLDINC: Tke Final Bui?ding fnEoection mtst be requeoted d.fie, ahe linal ?l.ubittg \_/ Electrtcal, otd i,leeito:ical fnspeexiona lrava been nade od qproued. *ALL !4ANECLES AND CLEAN1UTS MUgr 9E .4CCESSIBLE, ADJUSntENt !0 9S \UDE ,"! N0 CCST 7C :ITy ll- la ,,,urr" r*u tr I il tr tll E D _t 2 Iot Sq, Ptg. % ci' Lct Cotsetage- # of Stortes Total Eaight ?opogrqh4 Duildi.ng P&t t Stdte ?otal Chcges _ fntericr Corqer - Pat*andle Cul'de-sac ,t Refenence ilLonbe?s Jcb llwtber: L-C)G # Bedrooms: Lot Eaces - HouseL. North East South ', eet ValuexSQ.EYGIIEM ntuil Geacte Accegao?u ?OTAL VALUE lc-b.U.U. t.o * Receipt #: NO FEEiYEM -5!i.$hses P.esid-qltial (1 bath) Sotltary Saset -tiat* Plumbing Permit No aeraon stull cottstnrct, instali, alter. ot ehoqe-artg fl4ut.c? edsti'ng ;i,;fr;;;",;'2;;;""s"-;w;;- i;-;ii' ot in port, ;nlesb auch pereon is tte Legal posseesor of " ,iitii'pi*,ii'i ti't*''", eacept tlwt a !)?rso! nag do plunbing uork to p"op"Jta'iiZn i" o*"a' Leaad' oi opetated bg the qpli- cant. { Pktnbing Penit Electricql Permit wlere state Lan reqtites *lab'"ttal eleetrical uotk be done by.an gl,ectrical Cit-"tor, the electrieal portin of this _peztrtt slall not be oali.C. until the Label lto,e been signed by the Electtical Cont"actot' * Nett/Ertetd. Circttits S*tsice E*?tanst EooC, Vent Ed,. IEM ,t Mecho nicql Permit PerwLt fssuorce l',lechanictl Pefittt i HAW CAREEULLY EXAMINED the eontpleted application for perwtt, and do hereby certify that aLL inforrrution heteon is true and correet, otd I fiutkbr certifg that any ard. aLL wotk perfomred slall be dane in aceot- darce ;,ttth the- Otdinarces of tlw ci.ty of SprLngfield, and. the La'te of the* state of }regon pertaining to the aork cescyibed henein, c?zd that N0 ?ccu- PANCY ltiLl bZ ns,-Ce of anA structute aitlnut permiseion of the Bui,Lding Di- uision. I lurther certiil that only contractors ad. etplcyees aho dre in car,pliatee u+th oRS 701.055 trill be used on this proieet -. ENCR,OACHMENT -- Mobile Hone Vz-- TOTAL AMOUNT DAE: * Permit 1 3 *>D Pf,all Endne" *tt batl Sid.a,talk ir i I Cmo?t t:.L CIIAF.CE llcodstotse Secaritu Deooslt Sto?aqe llai-n1:anmoa !enee d"GJ TaE-