HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-10-14" RESIDt'.lTlAL" APPLTCATTON/PERT4TT 225 North ith Street Sprtrqfteld, 2regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 t# SPFlIF{GFtEl.I) UK Date: Job lpcation: toz l-ot #IAasessors Mq # Subdit")sion: Cttner: Phone:Addtesa:rh zip:City: Date of Applicaticn- Descz.Lbe l'ork: Jlea \- CO toood-. S*ou<- VdLUE Additicn RernoCel CeneraL l4eclnricaL DEit1LM!:l cR Sanitug saser eapped at propetfil Lire Septic 'totk y"qui atd fnlled vith gza;tzl Pinal - i''4ten abcoe itens ate ccraplet,ei c.d uhen Cenalt tion is cornplete ar stne- ture naued otd. prenrises cleaneC up. lIcmes BLockirq od, Set-up Plwbitg cormectiotts -- saier od, uatet Final - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. @e eryLe"ed. Electrtcal Ccnzectioa - Blocking' set-up and plunbing connections m;st be eDprcu-ed before request'lng eLeclrical t)nsp eclion Accesso4' BuilJittg Pcge 1 of 2 ConslrntelionJende" _ PR12SDUPE FOR |NSPE*[)N R1a.aEST;CALL 7 requested a-d, uhen you uiLL be readg fortiLL be nade the eane dcy, teqttests ncde 26-3769 (recorder) state your City lt ia the reeponoibilitg of tlr perwit hodet fp see that aLL inspectiont dre nade at lhe proper ;'non the st?eet, a:nl. tilat the petwtt co:4 ia Located at the fzott of tle propetty.*Zuildiry b|oiciovt e rc"'ed plot siull remain on the Buii.d.zng :iti 7t eLL tines. ir,spection, Contractc?e cr A,tners after 7:00 aq vtLL be tmde the ne.zt lntkin7 dag tine, tkat aach addrees 'fu vsa4ail.e , iob aCirees, tqpe of insPae:icn Pequests teceixed befate 7:00 an , deeiga.zted job nane and pTone , nmber rulxDe? you" City Desigra.ted Jab ifunber Is:8 V uwmcpnuto ptuuentc. sstnP, un*.l. I agllunE: ?o be naCe prior to fil-Lirq trenches. AUDEPFLOOR PLAI.EING & MEC4ANTCAL:@o1floor insuktion or decking. POS? AND BEAI{: To be nade PrLor to ffiffiof 11oor ittsulation or deckinq. ROUGH PLAIBIIIG, ELEC?RICA' & MECH: ANTCA.L: No tork is to ce col^eted ffilT-these iraoections |nuo- been nad.e ard. qorcrseC. E|PEPLACE: PrLor to pLacLrS factngnaterials and before fraring inepec- tion. FRAilfNG: !,tust be req'uested after approoal of rough plunbing, alectri- u,L & neclwni.eal. ALL roofing bracitzg t chinmeya, etc. rrust be . antpleted. llo wnk is to be con- . eealed until this inspection lae 'been trude anC approoed. RawsoanY: steel Location, borui l l';l-beans, gzouting oz, ue?ticcls in'a,=cordotce 'ith U.ts.C. Section sI!E_t!!E?E!?JpN: ?o be nade afterdffilfrW prtor tc set up of forna. wEj LAB PLuUBlNe,]r,E! !l!41_4WnyffiI'FiZuered. PC)IING & E1AIIDATICN: To be rmCe M tl,enctes .xr.e ncaated atd forms ue erected, but prior to pow.tng ccncreta. FIIIAL PLUY;BIIIG FINAL AECruIICAL FINAL ILECTRICAL INSALMION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPICNON,: To be rm.de after aLL insulaticn ed required vqor boriers @e in place but before afla i,ath, Wpsum bcotC oz' unLL couering is cpglied, cnd before ay insu1,ation is concealed. DRYiALL IIISP?CAICN: Tc be rnade @F-ilT@dfts in pl.ace, but prtot tu cny taPin4. I *4 rooorro,o, lh, I enaLeted.j/-T After ittstalla.tion ie CURB & &PRCACII APPON: Aftet fonnsoe etecteC but prior to Pouz.Jnq co?Erete. SIDE\IALK & DRIIEiAI: Fot all con- ct,ete iaoinS uithin stTeet right- of-rx,J, to be maCe after aLL ezca- uating canplete 4 forn uork & eub- base rruteriaL in pla=e. ALL ptojeet condttiow, sueh as tice;-.netallation of street tvees' cctiiDletion-of iite r"Crrired. i.aldscqirq, etc., tnust be satisfied beJ'ore the BULLD|NG FillAL cen be requested- EINAL BUILDIN|: The Final Bui|l.in4 Inspection r,n8t be requested citer xhe tinal Plwnbing n""iiil-t,-' oi uectrm,ical rnsp e eiiors'ha, e b e en macie atd' appr ou ei, *ALL t4AttECLES AND CLEANOUTS l,tusl BE ACCES?iBLE, ADJUSTttElll TO BE I.A.DE t'.! !10 CSST TC CITY IENCE: |{hzen anwlate -- fuotti.Ce @ on nortable'sectiane througl'. |-lP,U.E. I I 2 JOB NO P SOLAR 3ESS REQ.-L-co c 3eCtoonsGrato: Lot Fa.ces -Enetou Sourees Tuce Setbacks ileat Df llouse Can ace Access Vate? leataP No?th Ra"qe East FirepLace South tloode tote LCT T!?E _ Inter.ior _ Comer _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac f,lest I?E}4 x r/aLue Building Volue & Permit This pennt is granted on the eq?ess eon"d.ition tl"a.t the said eonsttwction slnll" in all rescects, confcrrn to the Crdirwnce :dopted piy th.e Citl ci SOringfteld, lncluding the Xoning Cydinrznee, reaulct:,tlg ti,.e ecnstr"tctlcn cnd. use of builtiin4s, anC mag be susoeruied. or reuakei at o:t1 tine upon ui,c- lation of *zy ptctsisicns oi saii 1tCir,ances. I/ALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Suildtng Perwtt 5,oo PLan State Total CTwrgea 5 NO FEE Plumbing Permit No person shail constract, install.,, alter or chcn4e anu neD cr eristing plutnbing cr drainage sVsterl in alole oz. in pott, unless such pez.son is the Legal possessot, of a ualid plunber's License, eccept that e person nay do plwnbing aork to propert! uhich is ormed, Leaeed or opetated by the appli.- cant, Pictutes Resil.enti^a.L (1 bath) Seuer elmbing Penit lto.F!E -! i Daa Neu/Eatend Ciratits Semtice - .fI A D'T Flanace gTUtS khast Hood Vent Fot 'rlcodsto;se -- ENCRCA Secarity Deposit Storage Maintenanee Cutbcut - sLAAidLk lenoe EZectrical Label. |,lobile ilonte T1TAL AMOUIIT DUE:* F-+- D-;5. Receipt # b1rO1,2A: Electricql Permit Vhere State Lan reqttiree tlat the electrical uork be done by an El,ectrieal Cont"actor, che electrical portion of this petnit stull r,ct be uali.C. untiithe l:a,bel lns been signed by the ELeetrical Contrdcto?. Mechqnicol Permit PermLi issuoee Mechanice.L Petwtt PLan I HAW CAREEULLI lXlLUfnSD *E com?Leted oc1-tcatton for penrrit, cnn dahereby certif.y t\nt aLL infornatibn hereon- is true and. eorrect, dnC. I furthet, cettifi that anA ard. aLL uork perforned shall be done i, aceor-dance vtth the 0rdinsrces of the Cit! bf -Spr+ngfield, and, the Lans of thestate of 1regcn pet'taining to the wrk cescrLbed herein, end tlut No accu- P!.NC.I ,niLL b_e nad.e of anA st?uctuye uitho-"tt perwission of th.e BuiT.ding Di-uisio.n. r fttz'ther =ertifl xhet otLy contractons o.d. arp-Lcgees uhc are incanpliance aath CRS ?01..05s uiLL be- used on this pz,oject /o-/{-F2 Ipt Sq. ?tg. i cf Lct Caoerage_ I of Stoz.Les Total iteight ?opogruphg i.lai,n ktnca Canoanl { 'ft t in nt,//n oo I 2a rT!M ildte-" Tctal Clwraes Tdtz--