HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-10-10# zz5 No,th stt, ito"ff"rcA\to*/P,Rttn Springfi.eld, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIPENTIAL..SPIIINGFTELD- THJob Loeati,on:o o 3rt3Aeseeoore Map #?as l-ot # Subdittision: Asnen: Address:i Phone city: Deset ibe Hork:l-t {--l M0VaLueDate of AppL ieatian Additian RemoCeL Gqteral Page 1 of 2 607 ta CO Date: rt ie tlu reepono:ibi-lilv .of-tte penrit ,1o14e" to aee that alt inspecti.ona oe nad,e at the proper tine, th,at ecch .ert4reee is reaCnhlefw, tlu et?eet. atd tlnt the petnrtt catd ia Located. at thi frcni of the p"ope"ta r'vE'. wqte' u'se *Buiaing b|uicion avpro"*ed ptatt shc.Ll "e^"inii-ttte ri;iitr"h'sile at aLL tines. PnocgDUPE FoR TNSPECfi1N -E777EST:CALL 726-3769 (t'ecot'd.e., ) state your City ,l.esigntted job ntonbet,, job a,ldress, type of itnpeeli-cnre4uested ar'd uhen uou uiLL be ready fo,t inspection, contractoi" oi otsners nctne Lna pun "ro,,b;.' p.A;;-on"eixed. befcre z:00 sn't"iLL be nwde the sdte d,ag, "nq"niii"i"a. ijt* z,oo- * *LLL be,*d;;h;;';;:;;"i.r"g* ''ka. Ko Constntctton Lend.et SITE INSPECTION ezcamation, but Iour CitA Desig?,ateil Job llwnbey fs: IU DRIWALL INSPECIf)N: Ic be nade after. aLL drywall i,e in plaee, but ptiot to atzy ta?tng. MAS)NRY: Steel Location, bond beans, g'routing ot oeyticals in accordotce ttth U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTOVE: etnpT;T;a. After installation is 0R !10w0 Sanitary seuer cappted at ptopertg Lir:e Septic tank p;.tnped and fi,Lled trith gra;sel ?o be nade afterprtor tc set up of forne AilDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &W"yttotk is cotsered. required uqor bavie?s @e in pl.ace but before ory Lath, Wpswn baarC or unLL cooering is applied, and beforeoty irnulation is concealed. r P1-OMNC & FOUNDATICN: lo be tmCeafter trenehes dre escaoated attd. forns ote etected, but prioz, topoutLng ccnc-rete. llNDgRcR)uND ?LUMETNG, S9WER. W.ATER, DRAfilAGE: To be rru.Ce ortor to fil- @Tdnenee, AUDERFTPOR PLUMBING & MECITANICAL: ?o be nod.e prior to installation of floon insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be made orLot, tofrGaldian oi floor ircuttion or d.ecking. Rq.Lt .! pLA[Brr]c, ELEC?RTCAL & MECE- ANICAL: No uotk is to be cooered.w:til these inspections twue beennale and. approued. FIigPI!.eC_l: Pt ior to plcciry facingmatet'ials and. befot,e franing inspe'e-tion- PRAilINGI l,lust be teqteoted aftetapprooal of rough plutnbing, electri_u.L & necltanical. ALL toofing bnactng & ehinmeys, etc. rrust- be . eonpleted. lto uotk ie to be con-. cealed until this inepeetton luerbee.n mad,e anC approoed. Final - h4ten obcoe i.tans a?e eonoleted and uhen denolition is eonrplete'or sttue-tute moued otd. premLses cleaneC up. CURB & A"PRCACE APMN.ee erecteC but prior cone"ete. SfDEIIALK & DRf|/EI,IAI: For aLL con- erete paoing uithin street right- ef-tnA, to be made aftet, aLL etea- oating carplete & forn uork & sub- base tnater.tal in plaee. Electrtcal Connection - Blockilrg, selu-ltpanl plwnbing cottnections mtst be apprct,ed before requesting eleclrieal i,nspee*-iott Firal - After pcrckee, ektrting, decta,etc. ee cotnpleted. Hcnes Bloeking od. Set-up Pluntbing connections -- aa/)e? otd. uater After fornsto pouz"ing W,**o'/ P.a.E. Nhen conplete -- fuo'uide or mooable seetions through qt FTilAL PLUMBING FINAL MECITANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL ALL pnoiect conditions, sueh as the installation of s+-teet t7ees, conpletion of tietequired Landscaping' etc.' mtst be satisfied befote the BUILDIN7 FINAL can be tequested. a\ l:NAr: B.UITDING,- rh? Fi.nal Build,ing rnspection nru/,t be requested aftet the Final plunbing \J Electz,ical, a,.d. Mecltanical Inspeetions hque been made atd'approued. *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTI1EN| ?O BE VL4DE L? NO COST rO Cpy g l T Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Cooetage # of Stori.es Total Height Topography Building Penrut State ?otal Clnrges eal Petmit State ?otaL Total soLAR AC.CESS RE9.- Grt \/ LOI TWE _ fnterict Co?ne? Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the ecp"ess condition that the said construetionslnll, in a'Ll respects, conform to the 7r.dirnnce adopted 6:y the City ofSptjngfield, including the Zoning Crdinanee, regulcting the ccnsttabticn and.use of buildtngs, and may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny time upon oic-Lation of any prclsisions of said Ordinances. L-CO G* Bedtoons: Waten Reeeipt #: Signed: Electricql Permit Weve State Lau requires tVnt the electrieal uork be done by an Eleettical Contractozt, the electr.ieal portion of this permit sLaLL not be oalil untilthe Label ltas been signed by the Electrical Contractor,. PLan Eaarrlnen uate * - 1", I HAW CAREFALLY EXA]LINED the cornpleted appli.cation for pennit, and do hereby eettify that aLL infonnation hereon ie true and corz,eet, anC f fuz,tket: certify that any ard aLL uork perfor-ned slull be done in accor,- dance tith the ozdinances of the City of Spningfield, and the Las of the State of )regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, and tlnt N0 OCCA- PI.NCY LrLLL be nad.e of anA structure uithout permisaion of the Building DL-uision. I further eertifg that only contractors and anplcyees uho ayZ in canplianee oith ORS 701.055 ui.LL be used on this projeet (o -) o-k& JOB N9, Lot Faees - Setbaeks Df House Carage Aceess Not,th Eost Firep South tlest ITEM x Value tbin Cgaoe Carport Accessot tt TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Plumbing Perrnit Ng per_son slnll consttuct, inetall, alter ot ehange GnA ned cr eristingplwnbing or drainage systatt in utaLe or in patt, unless such pet,son is- the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's Lieense, eeeept that a pe?sont nag do plunbing uork to property uhich is ormed, Leased or opez,ated by the appli.- cant. NO FEE CHARGE Sazi Sa'ter Ftixtutes Resil.ential (1 bath) Plunbing Pemit State Stnchange ITEM NO.FEE CHARGE Res. Sq. ftq. Nau,/Ectend Circuits ?anporoy Setttice FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Ezhanat Hood. llcodsto.se Vent Fa PetmLt fssuanee Meclranical Penntt -- ENCROACEMENT -- fqc4r'itg Deposit l!9oog" Maintenance Petmtt - Cvrbeu! Sida.oaLk ?enee =.@ELCCIPLCAL LabeL MobiT.e Hone TO?AL AMOUN? DUE:*5 oo Signed Date PLan Check Fee: Date Paid: