HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1985-11-01m0 SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIETD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department water leaks are evident at the ceiling of the living room anduti 1 i ty room whi ch have caused I ocal i ied deteri oration of thewall and ceiling material. The apparent cause of the problem isthe low connecting point of the two gabled roofs above. The previous'ly menti.oned.plumbing.leak at the bathtub may be thecause of dry rot deterii:ration-in the wall structure aira flooradjacent to the bathtub. Another possible cause is that thewall surface in the shower area is not moisture resistant and isnot properl y seal ed at the edges to prevent moi sturepene!rating into the wal'l cavities. The existing dry rotcondition must be repaired, with measures taken to iemeoy trrecauses. November 1, 1985 Er'lyn Miel ke 365 Reed Market Road Bend, 0R Dear Mr. Mielke: At the request of your tenant, we recently_conducted a courtesyinspection of your 'property lriciiea--iI- "gz0- N.--ZIna -5rreet, Springfield, Oregon. Thi! iispection revealed ser"iit aieas ofconcern that require your attention. They consist of the following: PLUI,IBING SPECIALTY CODE 1 The P-Trap under rep I aced . the k'itchen sink is leaking and needs to be 2.The, angle stop valves and p-Trap at the lavatory are leaking andneed nepair or replacement. nppa!g!! moi sture in the wal I of the bathtub indicate thegossibility that the combination shower valves or piping miy ueleaking. I!:, .water. :upply piping at the toiret varve connection isreaK'lng and in need of repa.ir. BUI LD I NG SPECIALTY CODE 3 4 1 2. 225 North Sth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753 The Soringfield Housing Code . specifies that al I sanitaryfaci lities itrat t" ue- inliliiei ano mainliined-in a safe-and iinitarycondition and in accordance with appli.iui. laws. It also statest|,u! every bui 1 d'ing shal I be . weather protected so as to provi deshelter for the occupants against the'eiements and to excludedampness. }{e will check with you within the next thirty (30) days to seehow you are progressing. If you finish earlier, or if you have anyquestions, please feel free to call us at tne Springriltd BuildingSafety Division. Our number is: 726-37s3. Thank'yor-in-alvince rormaking Springfield a safe place to live. Si ncerely, Don Moore Bui I di ng Inspector Copy to: Jeffery N. Woodcock 920 N. 22nd StreetSpringfield,0R 97477 Roger [.li seman Pl umbi ng Inspector #584 arfu,td #rs 07q b COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATJON (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE olvNER f n),.-{\ ; "-1 l(e ADDRESS oF TNSpECTToN 7 ), ,,,()., 2A"/ PHONE NO. a sl ADDRESS RENTER PHoNE N0. 7 ql - f /7 tr SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER),/ '" -- J ' ,4,=.,/"/ /z--7 FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE T.IUI'ISER ') L/t . ai,/ 9 k TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY E DUPLEX tr MULTIPLE tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS:(a L Z' c;.-. 11 ,1.7.-.,'Jli"- ^ b-).-..e- r-\la.^l I.. *\ 1,..1 ll!\€)'=rr'1 , FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date