HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-08-21Job Locaticn:q 5 0 Z Aeseseors Map #?as Iat # Subdioision: oqLeAntet: Phone: Addz,ess:9us" 5a c{ z= ci /)zip: ?'7 ? >^S' VaLue Date of App Licatian L Addition Desct4be htoyk: ',0'/lrctlztu ,er,ra *ktGtu5 i\rE__- ll ..RESIIJENftA[.. 22s North sth styeeaPPLrcA?r,N/PERMrrSpt'ingfield" 7z,egon TZ4ZZBuilding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPF,'NGHET-D # rp ql Genez,aL Conatme*ion Lend.en It io the teeponcibility of tle petmit lolder to aeeftwn*Bui the e Located on the ?o be nade after forme P?La/.tc set up of Lding 'tfeet, and, tlat theD.Juiciot cppto"*ed p penit catd ia Zatt shall temain tlnt aLL inspections ?t.t4" frcnt of tte EuaLd,ing Site at all Iour City Designated Job Nunber fs: be nade place, a ue nade at the ptopea tine, tl,at ecch cd4rees is re<ptope?ty tlmes. of inspee-. befcre ?:t a-/ DEiIOLITTOT Sanituy saset eapped et Wope?rg- Zi Septic totk yutped and filted, dth - Mobile Hcnes Date:8- * 'f,"'.,iZL be nade the "d," d.y, "Zq"Ztrll"ri"iZ 26-3769 (reeotd.er) "t.1!n yolo City desigra-ted, job nwtbet,, job ajiness, typetnepection, Contyactc"s or A,neys nan. Lrd ptore rut1bet,. Requests z,eeeiued,afte? z:00 on tiLL be ruCe the )ec,l:ittrfro *r. ,, .w,k ie cottered. Po_?rING & F?UNoATTW ro be naCe a-J te? t"enches a?e escaated and foz,rns ane erected, but prior topou?inS ecnerete. DRIVALL_INS4CTION: rcalte" aLL C,tyuaLZ ie inbut p?io? to anA tapiry. Pinal - h4ten abcoe items are canpletand ahen Cernclition is eorplete Zr- iture noued and. pner,rises cLZaneC up. GE: IUS)NRL Steel Location, bondbeons, gtouting or uertibals inaceordorce Dith U.E.C. Section 24L5. P9sT 4yP B,eAil, ?o be made prtor toinetallatian of floot, insulation ordecKlflg. ur:til theee irspeetims haue been nad.e artd, approueC. FfPEPLACE: prtor to plceira faeinomatenials and befone ironing .i,r"p"Z_ tLOn. ' FRAilfNC: l,tust be tequested afterapproual of rough plwnbing, electri_a,L & neclwnical. ALt roofing bnacing & ehinmcys, ete. nrust" be . eonpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be eon_._cecled until thie inspectton hae'been nol,e anC approoed. CURB & APP\1ACH AppO!: After fornsee ereeteC but prion to pouringcont"ete. SfDEWALK & DRf,rEI,tAy: For aLL eon_a.ete paoing dthin street night_of-taA, to be nade aftet, aLL "etca_ uating cqnplete & font Ltonk & sub_ base naterial in place. 9!2E!!100!_4!!.8 rN c & MECHAlrr ctL :?o be nade pnioi-ro-fr;Tamfion IIOODSTO'IE: arnpleted.floor ineuLation or decking After install,ation is When compZete -- pto.tsiCe or mouable sectians thtough Blocking otd. Set-up Pltmbing eonnectiona -- aate? otd. uat, Ele9ttical Ccnnection - Bloeking, eet-and plurnbing eotrnections nust bL- apprcbefore tequeeting electrtcal inspeett:a Acceesory* Buidnng fTnal - After-pcte-hes, ski.rting, d.ecl<a,etc. are conpleted. trenchee PLUMBITIG dlitad. gates P.A.E. FTilAL PTNAL MECilANTCAL FINAL ELECTNTCAL ALL proiect conditions, such as the installatign of street trees, conpletion of therequired landseaping, ete., rmtet be satisfied. Ue\ite-lnZ--aui'{o|nt EnNAL ean be requeste? n ?rilAL BUTLDING: The Final Building. rnepection nust be requested after the linat plwL-/ E,ectrical, otc ileelwnicii liipziit""; t*ii L"i'izaZ'and approoed,. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIJ?S MAS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASNETE ?O BE TIADE A? NO CCST TO CT?Y I;" .? % ,y o%lf r tr of z L-co c Ipt Faeee - AccesS.P.L t 1 of Lot Cooez'age rcr TWE InteYLot Coi4ef PMte - Cul-de-sae Total Height TopogtqhY -- Fees -' VaAFTCITEI,' nOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Plan Date Paid: Building Volue & Permit Thispermi,tisgrantedontheetpresecond'itiontlntthesaid'eonstntctionstnll, in atl respects'"';";f"ii;- the hrdirnnce adop.ted ly the clty of sw,Lngftel4, including'tir-e''zoil,ng cydinanc-e, negulat'ing .th-e ccnstta:l:":.r^ -rirA u"oL of 'buildi.ttgs,'od ^ay be- euslynded ot' revokeC at ary tLme upon olc- iti.o, of ma prcttlsiona of said )t'dinances' Building PermLt ?otal Clanges State CHARGEN0.T LL Fi.stutes Resid.enti,al (1 bath) I Seoet,Sani - 2 5D Plumbing Permit No DeTsofl shall constmtct, inetal?,, alter. or elot1qe -ang ned.cT erLsting ii"i,iiti,a" "i'2"";i,|iZ- "iZ;;- i;';h'l" ot in patt' unlesi such person is tte Legal posaessor of " rTtia'ptit'i"'i tL""""Z' ercePt th'at a pe"aon naa do pltnbing uork to p"opnlty-ini'iii" '*"a' Leaeed or operated by the 6PpLi'- @ttt. a * Ptunbing Penrtt State Neu/Ectend. Cit'cuits ILL CIIARCENC.Mechqnicol Permit Petmit fssuantce l,leelaniceL Pennit -- ENCROACEMEN? -. Perwit Cta.beut sidanaLk SOLA R A,=CESS REQ.' JOB NO. Setoice !otal ;TEM PTU, S iblunet HooC Veflt Fan llcodstote TotaL !enee IabeL llobile llonre BeCtoons Gro, .': eat Receipt #: Sigr.ed: Fi Electriccrl Permit Were State Lan reqttites th.at the electtical uotkbe ilone by,an Eleetrical Citractor, the elietz"Lcal portion of this permit slsll rot be oalid until the label los been signed by the Electrical cont"acto"' /q22*.( z 8-tr-FZ PLan Esoninet'uate I HAW CAREFULLy EXAilfNED the conrpleted application for pernit, and. do hereby certify thwt aLL i.nfonnation heveon is true anl cowect, a'rtd. f futtker eertify that any ard aLL uot'k perforrned slnll be dote ia aceor- dance rtith the 1rdinances of the City of Sprtngfield, ard the Laoe of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein' ctrd that No oCCA- PANcy tLlL be nade of ot! st"uetl.le tvithout pernission of the Buil,ding N- uision. I further eertify that only conttactors ozd enplogees uho are in eanpliance aith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie project 'L ltl,tOUN? DUE:*3 @ { Signed Date *