HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-09-09..RESIDENTIAL zzs North stt, it "ffPLrcATr0N/PERI'[rSprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPFlINGFIELD Job Locaticn 835 North lgth Street Assessors Map # 1703361205600 Tc,z bt # Subdiu")sion George F]aSgO.mer: 835 North lgth Street pnone:746-13\6 [messageJAddress: Springfield zip: 97477vDa9. 4z Electrical \% 20Electri cal Label 48. oo 1.92 building (doubl e fee) 15.00 .50 X Desct ibe h'ork: Bui ld back porch lleu L Y"149 2.\00.00 Additicn GeneraL Owner Plwtbiru ELectz"ical i.!echanical Sanila.g sa:er capoed:t proparfi; Lire Septic tank pun2eC ad. fnlled tith gre.;el lincl - i',1ten abcoe itens ate cc*oleted qnd uizen ier.plition is conrplete ir st':,ue- htre naued anC. prenrises eleanei u'p, filobil.e ilcnes Blocking od, Set-up Pltnbirq coaneciions -- sane? a"C, uatet Eleetrtcal Conneciion - BLoeking, aelu-ui anl. plwnbr)ng ccnnections rntst be apprcxeC before requestirq elec:ical inspec'-io;: Aecessc?j BuilCing P"j,ral - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. *e cctnoleied. Cons*rct'icnJende!_ It is the reegonc:ibilitg oi tlo pefldt hotd,et, to eee ilnt aL! inspeetiona dre nade at lhe proper tine, that aach cddtees i-s 7'2a)aii-2 fron the atreet, and ritct the pendt card is L.ocated at the ircnt of ti@ Woperty.*9ui!din4 D.)uiciot aop"ou'ed pLcn slu.Ll remain on the tsutldrng Sitc at a.LL tines. PR)1|DURE IOR INSPSCU1II 3!Q!ES!;CALL726-3769(recorder) state your City designated job ntm,ber, job aCdress, type of insoec:icn @eadyfoz.inspection'cont?acta,,,1ooumersnclneZndplohem:,nbez..P.equestsrcceit:bdbef*e-7:0C,z:.'t:iLL be nade the sane dcy, "equesta nad.e aft* 7:00 Gn viLL be maCe tke nest'sorking dag. Yotp CitA Desigra,ted Job lhnber fs 82 I 385 9I?E INS?EC?I)!I: lo be rrulie afterqca,rdtlon, but pr4ot, tc set up of fonna. UIIDERSLAB PLUI,,IBTNG. ZLECTRICAL & |ECH{iIICAL: To be narie before anyffit7{6oered. PCOTING 9 P)AilDA?iCN: ?o be rmCeifii6frtii-&i-es cao at ed atd forns a.re ereeted, but p?:c" to pourtng c6-nc"eta. UND1RGROUIID PLUMEINC, SEWP, \I,4?ER, DRALIIAGE: To be nade pmor to fil-Lirq tro-nchee. AIIDEPELCAR PLUI,E IIIG & IIECIANTCA,L :@oi fLoor insuiction or decking. INSALATION /VAPOR tsARR{E,C I !IS?EI!!ON : ?o be naCe after aLL insulaticn ed required oqor bez,ie?s @e in place but beTore dtA i-ath, Wpsnn boarC oz' unLL cooer'ing is applied, otd before ag insulation "Js concealeci. lif anyl DRWALL lllsPge'i)N' 7c be nade after aLL dryuall ls in pLa,ce, To be nade prLor to insul,ation or but ortor to cnu li f anvl MASANI?I: S?eeL6ffig?outing accordotce ,,tith 2415. t/000571,,ry: attrpLete<i. After installation is CURB & AP?RCA.CH A.P.onN: Aftet fotnsoe erecteC but pz,.)cr to poum)n4 co?E"ete. SIDEWALK .& DRT"EllAl: For aLL cot- ffiT@G;ffi st?eet rtsht- of-urg, to be maCe after all, erca- uating eanplete & forn uork & eub- base nater-ial in pla.ce. tapir4 Location, bond or uerticals ln U.B.C. SectionI I U r E POST AND tsEAM: -^ LnstaLLaxLcTl ol deckins. [if 'a To these insoections ltane- beer. made azd, aoptooei. ETPEPLACE: Pyior to placirq facingmaterials and. before fratritq inspee- tion. W: ltust be req'uested after approoal of rough plurbing, electr.i- cal & mec?unical. AIL toofing bracitlg 1 chinmeys, ete. rntst be conpleted. llo lcrk is to be con- , cealed until this inspect[an las 'beett ttwd.e anC approtsed. FIIIAL PLAABIUG PIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL !ENC!: 'ihen eonplate -- tuouiCe gates or nouable sectt)ons thtough DIIE ALL proi'ect conditions, srch as the i-nstallation of street tz,ees, concT,etion of t;e rcquired Landsccping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDfilC IIIIAL can be reqtested. FINAL tsUfLDIllG: The Final Building Inspection nast be requesteC cfter the PinL Plunbing Electz,ical, otd Mecint:ical inspections hqtte been nade arui aoprouzi. *ALL I4AIIHCLES AND CLEA.NOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD,;UST:IEIII TO BE:|!ADE !.? IIC C:ST TC CNY X Pqelof2 Total pa i d _$65. 72_ *_jiz-p Date of Appli"oti"n 8-2J-82 7 ,,ourrn ro^" aonttd.cto"s Ad.dress Lisc. tr u tr R-L Bedtooms:Grottl: M Ibt Sq. Et?. 7 of Lct Cooetage # of 9tori.es Yotal geLght lopogrqhg 8l 50 LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Cormer _ Panhatd,Le _ CUl-de-sac Lot Faces - l5 Df ilouse Ex is t.l-ace 0-2%tou-e --F x VaLue Building Volue & Permit This pernn t is granted on the espr.ess ccnd.ttion tl.at the said consty",tction s_|nLL, in a-ll.respects, conform to the Crditwnce eCopte,L 6! the City ofSpryqfield, includtng the Zoning Crdinance, z,egulatirzg tiie ccns*ulticn ctd. use of buildings, and may be susperuied. or yeuckei at cny tlne upcn ,,tic- lation of any pt,cuisions of saiC CtCiratnces. ition 2\0 l0 2 400 Tnq! l. iln f ile S.D.C. L.5 z Euilding eermit lll . f ee 48 .00 Stdte 1.92 n-+- D^:5.-2 2 Total Ciutdes 49.92 Eiztutes Plumbing Permit No- peyson stal! construct, ine!al'!-, alter or clan4e cn! neu cz, ecistina ylunbing or drainage €letal in uhole or in part, unlesi such person is- the Legal .possessor of a ualid pLwrbet's Licensb, escept that a pbtson nay dopltmbing aork to property ahich is ouned, Leased or operated by the qpli- caa*. Resid.*ttial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perrit State Steel^ange :10.a! t Dt) Res. Sa. fta Na,t/Ettend. Citcuits 2 )r mor€l5.oo lanporoy Semsice Lect?l5.oo 50 r 5.50 Pcae 2 JoB NO. 82 !otal soLAR AC .SS REQ.-L-CO d Reeeipt #: 59 yan Electricol Permit 'rlhe"e State Lan reqtines tlat the electrical aoyk be done by dn EleetricalCont"actor, the elecyr.tcal portion of thia permit shall not be ualtC untiLthe Label lns beefl aiyted by the Electrtcal Cont"acto", att A Dat bTwtst Hoai Vent lot i,lcodstotse Mechsnicol Permrt Pettrrvt fssu.see Mecianical Petwit Sec"s-J Pemit Cztrbcut Sida'talk 20 llobile torne IO?AL AI4OU,'I? DUE: *565.72 -- ENCRCACH1,IE:IT -. Lorne PI r 9/B/82 TaA f HAW CAREFULL:{ IXAUINED tle compLeted application for permit, €rld Ca hereby certify t\at aLL infomotion hereon ls true and. cbrrect, az,C I faz.thez, certifr- that any ard. aLL aork perfoz-tted alnll be done in aceor- dance vith the 1ydinances of the City of SprLngfield, and. the La;s of theState of 0regon pertaining to the aork Cescribed herei.n, cnd that NO 1CCl- PAIICY ,ntLL b-e rmde of aA st"uctu?e uithout permission of the Suilding Dz-uision. f fi,othen certifg that only cont"acto"s a,d. eryLcgeee at"a otb in eotplianee at,th CRS 70L.055 ail.L be used on this orojeet v ?ataL Signed o I ,.)* State : a1 State Swehcrqe lotal Chan'aes Storage ibintenance - lenee tlectrical hbel