HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-08-20 (2)city of sPringfield 225 n. 5th street SPFTIt\lGFIELD SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION I N Fo RMATTON: 726-3753 INSPECTtONSt 726-3769 A. E LOCATTON OF SIGN (ADDRESS "/ LEcAL DEscRrPTrou t7- O3- jc^ 2>-TA}i LoT T o-fLoo 2 53 oo O!]NER OR PROPERTY PHONE Z(/-/J2 / ADDRESS rP 4 zqz> OI.JNER OF SICI.I CIF OTHER TI{A}I PROPERTY OWNER) PI{ONEADDRESS NAME OF BUSII'IESS, FIRI"I, ETC.TYPE OF BUSII:ESS ,/ *sf D. uss AnD cHA^RAcrER oF srGN: \ ,oo*rr* -*arrr*o, DOUBLE FACE \rr".rE FA.E UTETI-FACE P&\DER BOARD * B I ROA DN . VENDORS, SIGN Y'd. Ll DI'AAIF OO Gfr ^gaa.,.DDP..ESS 0 SEN GclA Ub ,t. CITY LICENSE IIWBER SIGN T.IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER T}IAN ERECTOR)N*t FYP . DATE tl t4eX d78- a a F. rvpe oF woRK: \ALTERERNCT RELOCATE OTHIiR C',rr.ua"o*" 'YPE or srGN: rrALL \ r*"rrro*o*,a MAROUEE I'NDER I,IARO]JEE OTIIER PROJECTINCROOr . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY EXISTII]G SIG}IS? YES G YlnoIN SO AIL EXISTING SIGNS FOR. EUSINESS, ETC. H' ,aa" srcN HA'E ELEcrF.rcAL lrrRrt{c? IJPLY? V H.sctnrcAl srcrr 6rxore*cfF LrcurED) trtl LISC. NIJMBER -21L4?o rcILLTJMINATED o IF YES, WITICE ELEcTRTcAL cornnecron P? DU,IE}ISIONS, UISTALLATIO}I & CONSTP.UCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DII.,IENSION OF SIGN HORIZOMAL WIDI}I OF SIGN DII-IENSION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKIIESS OR DEPT1I DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE THAN 12" 6VEn- pust,rc pRopEpsy rrrn srcN EREcroR I.TUST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF IIIS/ilER LIABILITY AI'ID PPOP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP,ANCE POLICIES. /1" -- E YES -)l*o t l. DEscRTBE TypE oR versnrAri srcN rs . VALUE OF SIGN:d leoo. oK co or. AALVt4/€ 4t- . SITE INFOF}{ATIOII (LATTD USE) .. EXISTING USE OP BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR I.AST USE IF VACANT) - INDOOR BUSINESS _OU!DOO^1 I'ERCHANDISING PF.OPOSED LISE OF BUILDING OR I.AND: J 'I HAVE CAREEULLY E)GIIINED the compleEed application for permiE and do hereby certify that all:lnformation:ls true and correct, ind t fuither certify that all work perforined shali be done inaccordance with tle Springfield Sign 0rdinance, the Uiliform Sign Code'as adopred by che Ciry ofSpringfield and all other-OrdinancEs of the Ciiy of SprinsfielE and the laws'of chl Scare oiCregon percaining to Eate worlt describeo ne!el.n, I further cert!..fy that rnv 31gn Contractor.r.l-cense with the cill _g! Springfield is in ful1 force and effecr as'reouireit by-Sprin6fieId Codes8-2-6(3) and 9'7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspections' listed'on'the'approvedpermlt. YrE fr-s--f NA}IE (PLEASE PRINT) ''" ,t '/ 'T&e t- PLA,fl U L 1) 2) 3) 4> s) 5) 7) B) e) PLEASE READ w:AseParateaPP1icatton1srequiredforeachseparates1gn.asdef1ned Electrical: Any perurit issued under thls application will include wiring in or on slgn strucEure,the supPry wires for connection nrust.u" "o"!I"a-;;-; elecrrica-r-p-ermit. Elecrricar ionnecrionEIusc be urade onlv by a state-ir"LrI.a er."iiili-iioi.t.".or. rllurninared "ig.,: (b_orh incernarlyand ex.ernallv) must conform to sJction"-i:i:i-?+i"i'tsi-""i g:7:iifol'*,. springfield sign or-dinance. #kffiifr=:s&l:{!!}i:":*:,li:i:uli,ii:s.::u"Il:? !::":ls,:!""i;:"":,,*;::.;nffril,.i:-IDensLons Eo ProperEy lines' structurar t"iaiis'or-""ipo.E fraoing, bracing and footinps; materiarsot consrrucrion for-sign and sign ;4r""il;;;-IrliriiE"l_equipmenE and lightlng, sLze ind tocarion r[;':i'irg1'il :*;r.l'sr+fi:ii*iil']:'ilH#.4{;i*;t$l'i;gil::;i';:*ri,,i!'};i,:i,n a) show the location of all exlsri.ng stgn(e) as well as proposed sign(s).b) show che length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallslgns, show the length of the Uuifaiig fro'Cal!. YEsr'rEro vr uqrrsrng' ror war c) show the location of enErances open to the publlc and drlveways.l{hen required' because of design, size, etc., englneered drawLngs and calculations Enrst be pre-pared bv a licensed engine"r oi in"rt ;o;i;; r;'e;;i; srandarEs or-fli" ar rhe Building Divi_slon Office. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be retumed to the appllcant wrth no permit beingissued. 3:ff.ilH:tlE"l"iiil"E.X::tt" clearance requlreoenrs ag described in Figure 9 of the springfield NorE: No sign rray be erected which is less than 12 feet horLzontally or vertically fron overheaderectrical conducrors in excess of 750 roil",--.. i!a"-'than 5 feet in'.oy dir""tion fron overheadelectrical lines whlch are .".igi."i ar rese rhan 750 ;;il": -'=c 'r a*J ff i.ili i1 not lnstal1ed within 60 days after the date of issue of rhts peruir, the pernir shall Inspections: a) siEe rnsDecEion - to be nade before the sign ts placed. usually, the Footing rnspecEionTi'faFFIc'oTil,"y-u"-,IIratthesanet:.f,easihesiteiuspe;ti";.-ffiInspec-tion is to be oade'afrer hole(sj i"-;;";;l;al-.".,1'J-pli;; il"fi: ptacement of conirete.b) Final rnspectr.on:- to be made upon coryletion of all work.c) Electrical - alr electrical.signs oust be lnspected for erectrical hook up after the signls erected and before the slgn-is turned-o;.-'---- -v' s-ELL.r CALL FOR TltE REqUIRED INSPECTIONS ON I"IIE 24 HOT'R INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 srcN DrsrRrct&:.!C*,( zoNe DrsrRrcr R. LT\R_ TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE Or SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: - SIIE/LOCATION ?-?LECTRICAL olltER .4oorruc OR METIIOD OT ATTACHMENT ufinar, E r SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BETORE ERECTTON OF SIGN: U.s,.r (5\g*o-.-,.. -ir-.^^{. .a5 nre<.irrr-!/o.-\\ "..\ ..,,. Le5s S!*.1\ \.t JS' fi,r.$ ''''\""4"-\'* 'f, f.f-\. l'*-: S.-- Ct"tt'\''-' sL--\ ADDITIO}I,AL INFORI,IATION NEEDED BETORE PERMIT UAY BE ISSTIED: 3r="*-,..-)s {. S,St Elrz ( ag .t7 @rre *, APPROVED SECTION: DATE 8-2o SPRINGFIELD w*J,"'tc..E ? SI4!-ONDTNAI{CE ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: cl.L-trff REcErpr t 22 ge TOTAL: DATE fr fl ;if. <<)g. JOB o<, SIGN PER}fiT FEE: ry STATE SURCIIARGE: ,)L