HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-06-27Eo - 22+ .. RESIDE'NTIAL.. APPL|CAIION /PERI'IIT 225 ilorth ith Street Sgriryfield' 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ufll _ SPF|INGFIEI.D w futa: Job Loectictt:5 lGE Lot IAtseEaore !b? I o l/ O-zet: Plame:Ad&ess: Str4,te FA,LI /L y- kPeltdtu/rffruaYee (erfZ rfd x Deeeribe [lotk: vou" -/1%5,-Date of Apg ACditica Cenetal OR Sanilarg saset eqped :t ptcperfii Lir:,e Septto tork yt4ed ad fiLLcC vtth Taiei linal - lr4ten cbcue itens ate csaletei ad uhen dertol'Jtiox, ia cryie2e o! st?;,:- hse naueC al pre;:rises cleanei uV. Blockirtg od Set-uP Plmbittg connectictrs -- la)er od, ualet Eleetrtcal Ccrtr-ectian - Bloedtg' set-u= and plunbing eonr.ectione r;st be qptcted' beibte nequeeting elec:rical ins -"ec:iotz Aecesso,g 1uiliir,4 Fittzl - f,ftcr Tcrches, akirting, deci-s' etc. @e c-ar.ole1ad. ?=ie 1 o1' 2 Conetrtclic;r Leruien To be altetpriat tc aet up of I) ia 2he reagonaibitily of ttr pe''rit hotd* b aee that-alt inopectiona ee *ad,a at )he.,ptope" ti-ne, iLat azch.-'1h23s is 72a;'a'ni2 t'r.ol, tiu stre'e;. attl ltat the 7er+n:t casi ia l,ealed at the ft:ctt of the ptopertyigrilCir4 il:ticlJo- eitw^ed pbt s|tcll tatain on the Builditq Sitc at aLL Jr'nes. ?t?octpuP|, fiq- IysPrnrctt ,P;9.0trsT:cALL 7 requestcd arti u!.en 'gou vLLL be teacy ,'on z"iLL be rade the aane Ccg, requeats nctie 26-3769 (recorCer) state gont City dedigrated job nw;ber, i*pection,Cortttactafs or oroers raae ad plone m,nbcr. aftet 7:00 at vtLL be tmCe the ncEt *rking daY. Your Ciq'Deoigra,:ted ilob Mnbet !o:8 st0 &3 iob ai&ess, tVPe P.equests received of itspeeticn befcre 7:00 az E E r-] si?g i:ts?ir:iry:II:I I *cauctlcn, iua JOnn8. lll iitsuLATrON/vAPo? SARRI9R |IISP!C!10N,: | ^ I io be naCe aftev aLL insulcticn e.d - requited oqor botiers oe in Place L'Lti before @1g Lath' wPan bca4 ot rxLL couering is qplied, ard befote. oty itrsulation is concbalad. DRIVALL ittSPgOI1i[: Ic be rtad'e iJ'r.er a1L dr.yud,Ll ie in place' but prior to dtg taPirtg. ttAS1lt?l: Steel location, boad ffigroutitq or ue"ticcls in aecoriorca uith U,ts.c. Sectiolt 2415. 'ICODS?O\/E: After itgtallation "Je a:raLeteci. CARB E Al'1PRCAOq 4?P.0N: Aftet fornsAffiZ@G to paafitt4 &tl.e"ete. SIDgilA.ftK 8 DRIIWAI: Pot all car ;"ate@;ffi st?eet right' ol'-,E!t to be ncCe a|'ter aLL ezea' t)atino catoiete ,1 fora wtk ,l eub- base rciertal in PLase. U1ID,PSL;3 ?LUI!3TTG. ?LEC??ICAL A ,ttsiii$ ic;t: ?o be nade belo:e cny ffioetei, PCC rc , fi,J;IDAT:CII: ?o be tnCe aF e" .""-nci;{ are-ezeqtat ed an d. fcrne cre etectei, but prtar to potsing ccnc?ete. ulDlRc?.ca:tt ?aa!EI::C, S1EP. tt.lT!3. D,?A:::AG1: :o be ip,J,e ?r.ot to i'.1' @Gnchee . R uncewzcor'. pzrr'snc 1. :t:c.-.4:ttc.et' -V-J Io ie ncce t?1.cr ;o '-nsicLuataon oJ ftoor "JneuLc,cion'ol decking. l-"1 nsr .AitD 3EA!4: 76'ea ncic prJot '-oi Al ffilio;'iloor insui.atiat ot &ekirg. fA F.CttC:'! ?!T lelJc. IZECP|CA| 2' !!iC1- I A I Ailiil.t: lio ucr'r. is io oe coterec l.\l- - unz'-L ;i.eae i,*ceeiiora 'a;ue beerz de crui *sorcve!.'ffi ti:=ez;czt' *Lor 'a pkeirq iZingl" 'I nczerta':.s ard. before irmir4 insoec-tion' o < <esfr4'Y<€ fi tna.iglc: !tust'ce recsesteC cflen'tty ffiL of r.cug-h Tltn-,bit4,-.alectr)-a,L ! neciznieai. ALt nofirq btactng ! chinmcya, etc. ttry,ac be . conolezcd. llo l;ork ie to be cor . ceited until lhis inspecicn i,aa 'beer wde cnC cp.oroted. a a llllCg: ',/hen conPlate -- *oviCe @ or nooable sectians throttgh P, U. E. X tr FI|IAL P'A$I:IC FI;TAL :,IE5IIA:IICAL ?IIIAL E'EC!3!C;L ALL project ca.dilions, suc.- d,s the ,instaltation of 6lreet ?te_1,-:crylcoion.of iie ,"qrii|- tii""qi.4, Ztc,, ,,aet be saxisJ'ieC be;bre the iliLDI:iG ?!!tAL =an bc teqtte.staC. l:;ttAL BUILDI:IC: fhe Final Builditq lnsgection,ntst ba reauested z!2et tha linal PLwbinS glectnical, atC ttectaniccl inspect:ions -iquo peen nade ad aVproved' .ALL ilAttHCLeS AilD CLeAilCWS ttugT BE .\CCES,|?L|, ADJAgi:li:;l !0 3i :.!nis E !10 ,,5? ic cEy x ,t r T (-BeCtCOtns: bt Sq. Ft^?. 7 cf Lct Cooeraga ! of Storles lotcl lleight togogM?hA 4S/4,-/82o Lot Feces - -{ tnte*tot e'Cormer Paniutdle Cwl-de-sac _>_= I c"?%= M:t F!C Va Building Volue & Permit ThispenrJtiagrantedontheesplesscotdi.tionthdtthesdid.conairlc',ioa s?aLL, in atl rcspecti,-ioi,rii'to th-e crdina,ce zdogtec'dy th" i!l--1i_lp*ii f li fii -';. t*i::"s' the Zontr'g ctdi nanc-e, r egalct ittg lhe ccns i?''c'-:":. ^-ira ,""L oi Luit,itngs,- cnd nzy be- susperuiec or revokei at ca.! t':fle r?.n uac' la,tian a1 zny prcolsions of aaiC C'riit'c'nces' 3 ?a TOIAL','ALAE s.D.c 86 8=t ?uiHing Penit zavee./"Paid: Sfute tl: lotal C'hargea 2//.I Sig,eC: E!tt Plumbing Permit Ilo Der.son slull conatract, inelal!, altet ot clanqe-cny 72u.c? ezis;t'r''g - ;ii;;;"";'1;;r;:;;-'i;;;- i;-;ii" or in pant, -unteai aueh vetecn ie lhe Lesal poaeeasot of ,;fi;e'p1:;b"n1i 1i"""t2, e=eept that a pbtson ra'| do p|;nbing xork to prop"f,t!'iniZi-i" *"a, LaZsed or opercted by the q?Lt- Fthttec Residzntial (l bcth)aa Seoer (-z rlD ?o oa Pl.nbittg Perrtt 614 State t CiILICE:i0. -zCoiD/ees- so. *c. 153? lla,t/Eztetd Citcuita t@ctq Settice ?S* /.e CIIAfrCE +-Z &<e- ?.a,zzce TU'S y.5bIblwtat flood /? .ooq7.*Vent ?or Tindsto!e .t o-F.?a <<e?ryfA€e /o-*7/,* /-?€ 72.?e 2 i-co#JOB NO. Permit fssuoul tlcchanical ?erntt soLAR A Ess REQ.- a t Electricol Permit gtlq?esf,djetanlequireathattheelectri9aluorkbedoaeby.anglactr,Jcal conttlctot, thc electiz"t poolii"--o1- .,nia -per it etall rot be oalic until li tot"t'\aa been eiged W fie Electrical contodclor' Mechqnicol Permit 6-26-A3 -- r HAW CARSFULI;, |XAltIitED ilnz conoleted qplication fo-r pertit' at'ti tio i"';;L;;;;7r7r-;;i-"ii'i-;iiiibn heteoi ia tnte at't cbtrect' cn! i fir2her cetlii.g :nat iv-'iin- i7t xonp ierJ'orted slu.Ll be dote in cc.cr- d;";;;'.dt; "iL" o"ai""i"Z""lr li" Titv Zf sprinsfield' ail' :\ La';s o! thc Strtz of 0regcn p"nuil"l7q-'ro- ii"- *.* Ceslcr':Aca herein, d' :i,t :i0 1CC1i- ?*tc.t vitl be tade "f".ri'"i-rZii-,itiiil cermissio, of the Zuilding N- uision. f further :ertif'g thit ori! ""nt'""'to'" c'd' -aqlcgees u\o ctz in ;;;1:,i;*, iiln cas 701.b'ss uiLL be- used cn thia proiec'b L -- zl c...cAc!.i.!i:!! - - Sectrltu Dzcosit . Storaqa !1ait'"enznze Penn t tataL /1. vocurbe* 1- ZA : ?.oe?a'Si.Ca,nlk I'lobile ltone *>43gZs.a "{, .tll1Lt:l? )uE:'/205.1/ te Cnznzes aotta ?.ece;-lt ! 22s itorth std streeAP?LrcA?ra, /PER,E! Spr"nifielC, 2regon 97177 Building ?iuision 726-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..sPFllNGFlFr rr Job loceticn: Aecesaors ilao I Tcs Lot i Subdi'isicn O-rrer.. Ad&esa: Deecribe h'otk: Data of Applia,zicn. ACCi;ica Genetz.L Date: Coaatrtclictt Letder Si?9 .[?:'FiCfJ.1'.. ecd0cxaon, Jut forms. t /..2!LA;J : nc,cerz,:La To be rmie aflerpricr +-e se| ut of four City'Desiguted Jab ltunbet fs: To be r,.ade t' it tht reepaaaibility of.the pentt! iotd,*-b eee-llat-a|! iwpections oa nade at the ??oFe, !1hc, il*t 24fi:d,trsss is ?en;.-^.i.yn-tlY scte.cD cnC tiut the-oentri; cgtrd. ia. i,xeted at-thZ frorrt'of ,.he ,!ope"q.'2uiui:q v)ui=io.- ct=rcu-ed ptar siz.il r".n:" ii-Lu iriii;.b'liie dt ..LL d1,nes. P?)C!DUP1 ?0n iilsPl:?rolt.l9-il!.ES?:CALL 726-3769 (tecorCet) state !ou? City l.esigr,zted, job >az;ber, job a,'i-ess, tlpe of inspec2icnreetesccc q<i uien uou iLL be ready fon ir.spcction, ciio"io"-", a.n""r-r*e'ard.girole nutbir.' i"iq"."-u-rieceiued befcre z:gc ,=tiLL be n,o,ie thc sdte c.c1, ,"qo"";"'oloil ini z,oo-o, vi.LL be ,-;r;;Lr".rZ"7frrg"t, , .rrrx ie couc:ed. reqtired uqor b*!e?e @e in plaeebttt beJbre ory la,th, Wps.Lo-.l bceC ortnLL aoer-ing is oolied, od. befcreory itrtla,tian is concealed. Sani'-,n1 sanet cq;ted =t ptooatX; litte Septic totk VtrteC a.d, iilleC vtth gri;2, ) r9r::ic t tcu::oarrct: To be taceI r ai=er a?encnes cre e=casated crd, fczns cte etecceci, but prior eopurtrg canctete. l l{!:lgtr:o =p:W:tc, si.=:. tt:ii.'- I q.iA:;!A,a: io be r,a:e tt-or :o ..iL_Lirq zrencizes. allplPllccR PLUjs p:c I :a.dA,ttrc;3:-;o ge ie..e _priip a insccllecton of flaot insuia,tiolt ot deckirg. lp::.!;i _?!"p!:!c. :Er?!c:. I :.tzc?- Attr'-at: .lO )Of,a,.-A tO 9C COCeleC ut:='-L ;hese :.rscecaiong hsuc. beetda ad ???2.rea. DPYJALL filS?l2!O!t: Tcafter aLL ct1,.:all ts inbut prior to any '"aVitq. Pinal - ilheq &ae itats are cs:roleted.ani uhen lettcli:ior: is eanrplete ol str:-tute nouol, oi praniaes cleaned up. be na<ie pl.ace, &US1ilPl: Steel beons, grcutina accorbtce vith Locatioa, innd. or oerticals in U.B.C. Seetion i!azes l-1 ryst .t:!o zt;:t: To be de prJon w|-! instal.c-.-*n of j\oor iautaJion ct CacR"rq. CUPB E \P?RCACE .l.?frN: After fo,.,sce erecxeC but ptior to pa,tr!,ng JlIrrVCg: rlhen conplate -- *ouiCe gdxe6 o" ;notable sections thtottgh P. U.E. ALL pto;ect ccr:ii;icns, tuch cs che l.nszalZctlcn oJ- s:reet ilees, :rftlc-"ion o;-;;ereEtireci lcnzsccciq' .tc. ' 1d.tst be sacisiied beybre *e 3uitri::c :!:!AL 2en be reqaested. :IJAL awiJr:rc: Ta.e Final suil.dir4 rnsgection .i.!tst be tequesta<i :i)er thc lir,al ?tu,:bing! ! e c c ri c c L, st: .t! e c iant c = L : ns c e c zli c " ; j ;;-, ; e ;"A-e' ii Z-r'"ifr ,' l. bior'a ard, before 1k-,a l:rt"s IrzTnvq LnsPec- 2415. ',|OODST0,/7: After instaltatiott ieeaoleted. t tslocking od Set-:,tp Plunbinn comrec=icas - ga/re" od. tntet EtectricaL Ccnteecr!,on - Blockira. set-u.- anC pl:nbing ccnr.ect-;ona m;st bZ'qprc,;zz befor e "eqaes 2avq e Lec2r,Jcal -ir.-s- eb : ior: Accessotl- Suiliing ?inel - Aftcr :crehes, slCrtitg, Ceci,-s,etc. @e ca,loieJ€d. cone?ete. SfDl,.tALK d gRlTnA!: ?ot aLL cctt- c?-ete pauirq ,ith:.n st?eet right-ofax!, to be ndl,e after a7.! es;ca-vatitg catpleta I for-,.- trl"k & iub-inse nater':al in pl"a.ee. f, Sp-l,,tl:tCl i.!tts= be rectacted af2er,._) cpprcuc| of rcugh pltr.cirq, alectrl-a,L ! nechantcal. - aL! rc-oi-:ng breelrq ! chilrorcgs, etc. r:rtac beataletcd. :!o .8"< ig to be cot---cu,!ed, uncil :his ilweec;-at haa'becn ntaie arrC cppz-sueZ. ci.ott- FI::A' ?!.A:.BI::A ?TX;L :lE:AilICALrl l ,] ?::lAL ls-f,SI:;L 'Aiz :!AJEC!:S AND CLSAUCES :!US? 3E .1CC1S3!3 Lr, .TDi?ST:E::! :O 39 i,-,lDl :t? ::O ::St ?C CCy ?4alofZ -$D ,, TI L/\ V ,,or-tr" rn" Value {:. r i\t\ l-IJ : l icb ilutnber: Iot Sq. rQ. Ii ci Lct Ccoerage i# o1 stortes Total Height . iopogt uphy I!Ei,I ITEM ?otal Refererce ilwnbers: BeCtoons: LCT TYPE _ fnteticr _ Corner _. Panhandle Cul-de-sac ".- Fees -. ,( Building Volue & Permit This pertrtt is granted on the ecp?ess eond.ition tlrut th.e sail. constraetionshall, in aLL respeets, conform to the }rdinance adopted bg the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstrueticn qrd use of buildtngs, and mag be susperd.ed ozt reookeC at cny time upon oic- la.tion of olty prctsisions of said Oz,dir,ances. #: t Lot Faces -Enerou Sourees ?'ttOe Setbaeks Df House Cotaqe A-ccess Water !!eate? lleat North Range FirepLace South West x VaLue !.!ain Cc1,ac e C@port Accessoru TOTAL VALUE (ueLue) dnvl<^ Date Paid: Si,gned Euilding Pernrit Iotal Clnpaes State Plumbing Permit No pez,son slw|L constntet, :,nstal|-, alter or elnnge anA nel cn eeisting plwnbirq or dtainage sAltan in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is the Legal posseasor of a oalid plwnber's License, eocept that a pe?son may do plwnbing uotk to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated bg the 6ppli- cant. FEE CHARCE ?i.stures Residetttial (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Penrlt i'10.FEE Res. Sa. fta. Nas,/Eotend, Circuits Tet,pcrey Settice Electricol Permit Where State Lao requires tl",at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contraetor, the electrical poz,tion of this pernit slull rot be oali.C until the labeL \as been signed bg the ElectricaL Contractot. ,t iic.FSE CI]ARCE , * Mechonicol Permit E*haot HooC ilcoCstore Vent Fot PermLt fssuance Meehanicel Permtt f HAW CAREFULLy \XA)IINED the cornpleted applicatton for permit, and do hereby eertify that aLL infornation het'eon is ttae artd' eoruect, and' I furtken eertify that any ard. aLL uork perfortned slnll be done in aceor- dance vLth the tudinanees of tlte citg of Sprlngfield' and. the Lans of the State of oregon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein' cnd that N0 occu- PANCy ttill bZ na-Ce of any etructutte vtthottt permiseion of the Building Di- uision. I further certilg th,at only contz'actot's and etplcgees aho ote in eonplianee utth oRS 701,055 uiLL be used on this project TOTAL AJ"{OU}]T DUE:' Sec,u"t Da'€e Pcmit *L L Signed -- EilCR0ACH\.!E!'17 -- I'Lan L'acJn1-ner Sida,talk !ence ilobile Hcne EleetricaL Cut bcut PLan Check Fee: tlalor A UmnreUa Properties P.O. Box 8516 Coburg, Oregon 974O1 q|-\\Co\ September 13, 1984 City of Springfield Buil ding Divis ion Springfield, Oregon To whom it nay concern, This letter is to verify that the trees required by the eity, sre to be installed at 995 S 44th, Springfield,0regon 97477 by October 31, I984. We would like to plant the trees at the same time the rest of the landscapping and fencing are installed. Sincerely, U-,al.JrJ Charles N. Shepard Umbrel la Propertles