HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-09-13..RESIDENTIAL APPLiCATIAN/PERI.LIT 225 North 1th Street Sprtngfr.eli, Cregon 97477 C4-. G"--i /o'oo ?/" ' ?o g* U'/ 'zo *"\ )lzoc- SPFlII{GFIEIS tsuiLding /zo-o/oo ,1,uL 10 Ce Sigred: a€o Job a'Subdiltisicn: lsner: 4/al* o),- (b-xafr*,t"4-.' - 2vo Descz+be htork: 9-r g "83 VaLue Phcne: t-l )lss ?/) L-Ze-< Date of , Adl,itica ;ddtess: GenetaL PLtnbin4 I electrical l$ilAzjr,* i.lecluriccL DEt.i0LI?i0!t cR Saniley seoer eqced :t Woperf:i Lire Septic tank puped and filled. with ira:zl Final - it4tez cbctte itens ate ecnoleted *.ri aien lenclttiort is nnclete o! st-)J- tute nouol, ad, prenises cleaneC up. ilcnes Blocking otd 1at-up Pltnbitt4 coafleqticns -- aa)e? otC. aalar Eleetr)cal Ccnnecxion - Elocking, set-u, anl. plwnbing co-nnections m;st be cpprgo-ed befoz, e request:,ng eleclrtcal inspec;;.az Accessot-i Bui!.C'Jng Plnal - After tcrekes, skirting, Ceci.s, etc. @e calaleled. ii ia +-he responsibility of the peoi! iod* b see ihat all inspeetians de nade at lhe proper +.Lna, thct acch ciltess is tet;nt':e ;roat tlu street, ctuC titat the p*nrtt ead, ie i,oeated ct the fzont of the propetty. ^Zuiiditg lluicio- cc:r*^ed pi-ot si:ci1, yenain on thz tswiLtinng iitcbc aLL'tihes.' PP)C9DUP|-Faq IYSPETICil.liqlEST:CALL726-3769 (reeorder) state Vour City desigt.tteC job rum.ber, jab aCitess, type of inspec2icnreqltestcd rzi at:en'gou rri.Ll be reais- fo_r i*paction, Conttactcrs ci A,iners ,ane -cnl. plane nunber. .?,equesrs receix'ed bbfcre'7:00 ,=t'-iLL be racie the sone dcg, "eqtests naie cft* ?:g0 qd vtLL be rude the nezt wrki$ daE,gT2o{\ ConsJ@_!end3!_ F|IIAL PLA:.B!:]C ?I:IAL ,\ECHA:IICAL ?T:IAL !',C?9IC;L ?o be naia ot-Jct to floor ir-su1-t;ior, or Your Cifu'Desigra.ted. Job ltutnbet fs: I II S U L A! I O II / I/ {i.P A P 3 A R P, IZ R I 11 S P! C T I O lI : 7o be nad.e aftez, aLL insulaticn o"i required uqor ban4ers @e i,n place but before ozg Lath, Wps.atn baarC orrnli. ouering is oolied, and before oty ir.sul.aticn is eoncealed. DRYJALL MSP!C?I)N: lc be nad,e after aLL irguall is in place, but prior to ang tapirg. W.SONF,!: Steel Location, boni beons, gzoutin4 ot oerticcls in aceord.otce vith U.B,C, Section 2415. il0ODS'lCt/i: .4ftet instalLation is ant.oleted. . Q!E!,_4 }?!!OA1H !-P.VN: Aftet fortnsae eyectez-fr;@ to pcamng corlc"ete. SIDEUALK 8 )RITiA!: For aLL coz- crete pauing utth'tn stz,eet right- of-rxA, ia be naCe aftet' a7.1- erea- uating canpLete J ;-orn uork & aub- inse ncter,)al in plaoe. Sii! MS?!C!IC!!: ?a be tcCe efler eccaatlcn, but p?:ct +-c set u? of fcrms. - UID|RSL;3 ?:1',:.ts:Jc, !LZi:P!:,ia t I | ..t:ctt.;..u. .A;J: -o 9e ncae ?e:o?e .2ny rJcl3( rs coueled.. FCOTIIC 1 FAUID,I!iCX: ?o be taCe d;;=;ffi;; ar. ezs,ccuat ed ard. 1'crns are etecteci, but ctior to pou*irg ccncrete. n ,:::c:ecpcu::o p:t'w:lc, sl;gp, ,t.ttz:.'. I 9PAl):ACi: lo be ra:e pr-ot :c ..iL-Lirg -.renci,:ee. 71 uacepyaccR !,LU:.B::G t ilrcgijrrCA;:tt@cf floot lnsuLcion or decking.I ?!NCE: hrhen eonplete -- PtotsiCe gates or nottable sectians through P. U. E. ALL pro;ect eoztiit"Jons, suci as che i.nstai.Lation of st"eet crees, co:toleion of tie requireci Latdscegirq, etc. ' iiltst be satisiieC before the B|T|LDMC ?I]*L can be tequested. IiIAL tsUfLDfilG: Th.e Einal Euildin4. fnsoection rrust be yeouestei ziter the itttal pr.wbirq Eleecr[cal, od. llechan:icai insoecttcns itqle been ncde zr,ri cocy,ouzd. .ALL:.!A:iuc!ES Ai\tD CLEANOUTS:tUS! eE.Accss|rtsLi, .lDius?:!il! lo 3E:.:.4D8 !1.!::0::ST rC Cry 3ot.tci: ?aiiBt:!c, !aJ?:P:cA: .i :,t7ci:A:|I:).L: .:lo ,o"4 ..s :c ce acu-elec ut:=zl ;hese ,,s9eetiaa.s 'e:lle 'ceer. naie .nd. :pcrase!. t I Fi?i?!-ACZ: d-or :o tlcc-Jnz "cr|ncL) ncc;:,li;E atui beiore -ir-ttrg in"p."-tion. 7 ip-u::lc: i.tu3i be rec;testeci a)lar J q?rcuci- cf ra,igit plt rbing, e'Leczr|-a,L Z nechanical. ALt rcoilr4braing I chicncgs, ete. -usc Le conoieved. .'!o .scr'< ")s to be :cn- - cecied until this insoecCcn ias'been no,Ce anC apprt"-ed. _l _l Assesaore )4ag I zip: ?Z YO //s-)/,1) -a L4^-l-' o tr n pcae 2 JCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ JOB NO. SZeelz.ieaL SOLAR # Sigr.ed: yLundlng yerr,:Lt State Surel"ange Pentrlt fssuanca Heclnniezl Perqr-t -- zilcR)AC:t:.E:t? -- Plumbing Permit ll9 person shall ccnstz"tct, instc/-l., a'!-ter ot cltarqe an! nea cr ecistingplunbing or drainage sgstqn in uioLe or in pant, unless sueh pez'son is the Legal posseasor of a oalid plwtber's License, es,ce?t tllct a oe:son r,ay do pLu:bing aork to prope?tA ahich is oaned, Lecsed on ooetated by the appli- cant. Mecho nicol Permit D7A i-ni,^,uaxe I ilAW CAREPALLy EXfi4IilED the eonpl.eted apolicaticn fot, petmi;, arui da herebg eerttfy that aLL info:mation hereon is ttwe anl. ccrreet, and. I fwthe! certify that crry ar.d. aLL uork cerforned slall be dpne in accct,- ciance'-ith the Ctdincnces of the City of Spm)ngfield, anC the Lcus of iha State of 0regcn pertainrna to the aork Cescr.ibed herein, cnd ii.a.t )10 CCCU- P.4ICI rlill be rade oJ' any at?ucture uithott cermission cf the 3uiiding Di- oieion. I f,sther certif'g thst otly cont?actop€ o;d. attolcyees uh-c are in catpL:-ance alth CRS 701 LL be uaed on this project D 5ra,o Sectoons Building V<llue & Permit ?his gernct ,)s aranted on the esp"ess condition that the s,eid eonstmtction shalZ, in cll resoects, eonicrm io the Cr4inance =Cocce.7 Zy the J;JT of Spr-ngf"-elC, 'Jnclud.tng lhe ioning Crdincnce, regulct-.ng ;h.e ccnstyueticn cnd. use cf bu,ti.d.ings, and nzy be sueoeruied or rertckei et cnA t.ne upon uic-l,aticn o1- ct.y prcuisions of saiC CyCirances. -r:.1t /4LtL leat :!9:4 F7G VaLue cn^1a- Lot Faces - Euild")rg Pe"rit lotal Clangea _ Interict _ Corne" Panhcruile _ CUl-<ie-sac bt Sq. Ftg. t of '!,ct Cctserage I of Stories ?otal letght ?opography liztures Resid.etrtia.L (1 bcth) Stnitcyt Seaer 'idte? Electrics I Perm it llhez'e Sta+-e Lan requires th,at the eleetr"ical uork be done bg ctz Eleetrical Contructor, the electz,ical portion of this pemit sltall rot be oali,C until the label has been signed by the Electr,)cal, Contracto?, L 0 Neu/Ectettd Circtits Sentice .oo -zo i!-Z:.1 ,rc fc?att1a.a Fvrv,ace STUtS bh.atst HooC Vent lsz llcodsto:se DecositSeari Storzae Mainteruree Petnit Cutbcu! Siie,saLk ICTAL Ai,!CU]IT DUE: A // Mobiie ilcne L ?ctcl Chcroes .,i0, ?cs-,9a- ftn- ,/O'O O/o ?enee