HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-08-19" RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERILIT sPtlhl(iFlFr r\ 225 North Sth Street SprLnqfieLd, )tegon 97477 BuLLdlng D1.u1-sLon 7 26-37 53 C?nstruc@Jendgl_ SITT IilSPEC!IOI!: ezcauation, but L',O Oe afterpriar tc set up of forms. AilDERSLAB PLUI4BI}IG, ELECTPICAL 4 WCE!.ilI A!.: To be narie before any 6ii'li-louered. EC1TI\IG 4 FOUitDAlICtt: ?o be r,aCe ff;et GncC are ezcaated anL fcrms ate erected, but priot, to pourir,4 ccnerete. :-1 uvDzi.GpcurD ?taMguL_E,tEPr_lllELJLir.g trenches. ,l-1 unoeprLcoR ?LU:.s:tG 4 )!!cg.ttrcAi:it@of fLaor insulctian or decklng. P1ST AI\D BEAI,I: ?o be nade prioz' to GidlGGiof iloon insulation or Ceeking. ROUCiI ?LUEII]G, ZLEC?PICAI, 1 ]4EC9= lii:cL;: tlo 'sork is to be cotereri ffilTihese inspeciiars htlte beer' nade attd aotoued. i .,,) IIPEPLACE: Pz.Lo? to ?Lccir4 JZctngI ltLl p1a72v.1als arui beicre J'rottng insoee- tion. !!,AllIilG: i4ust be teottested aftet, aopz,oual of rough plwnbing, aLectri- cal & neelnnieal, AL! r,oofing braein4 ! ehitmcys, ete. n:,ts= be caryLeted. ilo ucrk is to be con- . cecled until this insoecticn has 'been nade anC approued. Youz, City' Desigr,ated Jab ltunber rs: 821142 e,d, Date: It h the responsibilie of the pendt hoZdet to see that aLL inspectiotts ate nade at the pto?er tine, thct ecch cddresa is reaiab'i.e fron t]te st"e'e-t,. anC. tlldt the-Penrit-cdzd' ie. Located 1t.9h-". front of the-W2?e"tA.ieuildins Diuiciol app:.c"-ed plot sic.Ll remain on tlte Building St,te at aLL times. ?!?OCZDUp\FO4 IySpggIAilS-9=C]!EST:CALL726-3769(reeordet) state gotx City desi.gtr,z.ted iob ntmber, job aCd.tess, la*-9f inspe^c'.-'t-cn @i,l1.LLbe?e4cIyic"t.nspection,cont"actc?sc|ra,,,,e,'s-na,eLndplnner:itnber.Peques.isreceit;edbefcte7:0Cc:l*tit be made the sane dcg, "equests ncde after ?:a0 on ttill be naie the ne.et'eorkirtg d.ay. ITISULA?IA}I /I//.POP SARR:IR I1ISPICTIAN : fo be made after a/,L insulaticn ed required uqor betie?s de in Plaee but before ag larh, {Jpsu}n bcotC or uLL auering is c?plied, at'd before ay ittsuLation is concealed. X}DRY{ALL INSPICIICN: Tc be nade -.. after aLL crluall is in P7.aa2, but prior to ang tapin4. l,lASCllP!: Steel Location, bond. Gdiig"a"ting or tettieals in accordotce ,tith U.B.C. Sectian ,IOODS!C'/E: en oTet;Z. Aftet,Jns'baliatlon is CURB & IPPRCACI] A.PPON: ce ereotei but prtor Aftet fornsto pcarirg eofict ete. SfDEWA-LK g DRf',TlA!: For aLL con- crete pauiry ttthtn stYeet right' of-unA, to be naCe after a7.! etca- oatl-nx earpZete I foxn utork & tub- base mc'rertal in Pi,ace. IEI\CE: llher conplete -- fuouiCe gates or nouable seeYions through P. U.E. G) PIIIAL PLUI4BIIIC III|AL I,{ECHAIIICAL FIIIAL ELSCTPICA.L ALL pnoject conditions, sueh as the "lnstallaticn of street t"ees, ccrple-"lcn of cire rcquired Larascoing, ete., nust be satisiied before the SUfLDfirc ?f;'!AL ean be reqttesteC. IINAL BULLDINC: The Final tsuildin4 Insoection nast be requested cfla-r the lir-zl ?Lunbing Electrieal, qri Meelmical inspections iaue been nade anl, acorote!. rob Loeaticn 9.l0 North 25th Street Assessore ttap # I 7-03-36-l I rc.r l-at # 04000 Subdiuision: clmer: Marvi n Fl owe rdew Addtess: 9.l0 North 25th Street Phone: 726-0799 ci-bs: SPri ngf i e1 d, 0regon ztp: 97477 Descz4be tt'ot'k: Additicn RenoCel GeneraL r-l !1a,, VaLue r Date of App Add Cl oset are to bedroom Convert garage to living room Change roof from HiP to Gable ELectttcal DEI.NLfiIO!'] OR Sanilort1 seaet capped =t ProPert! Lit:e Septic tak p'a,zpeC ar"d filled aith gra:;el Pinal - !'lnen abcoe itens ate ec:taleted a,;d uhen iencl'-tion is corrplete or sts;c- ture noued anZ pre,rLaes cleaned up. V tsLocking atd. Set-ug PLwbing connecxions -- sar)e? d. ualer Electrical Ccntectt)on - Bloeking, set-uc and plwnbing cottnections rn:st be apptcr:ed before reques!'Jng e1-eclrical inspeetior Accessor; Builling Eir^zl - After Tcrches, ekirting, decks, etc. @e carplelad. X r m *ALL t4AttHCLES AND CLEAN1UTS t,tUST BE ACC1SSTBLE, ADJ, .. fC 3E |.!ADZ !.? ila cSsT rc cry {v ry tr, t.frta nDd ln4A.al, afre , CESS REQ.-JOB NO. 821142 SOLAR Crottc: R- 3 Bedtoons: L-COc* Lot Faces - DT l^.,^^Acees6 I Laceil tnt sq. Ftg. I 3 ,050 Z.cf Lct Cauerdga # oj' Stod.es ':'oxaL aglEht Togogrqhy W: J.ITL V-t\ tnxe710l Cotzey Panhanile CUL-de-sae t I -- lees -- lClAL I/A.LUE D. U.C. l. b r A 24.00 Building Volue & permir This-_penrtt ia gz,anteci on ihe ec?ress eondition tlwt the said. eonstractionshall' in a1L pesDects, ccnforn -to the orriinance doctec ,i ihl-C;q orspz")ngfiel,'1, l.nc.tuding ch-e zonrng crdnniiie, regulcti*g tkL ec)structrcn 1t4a: .LGe o!'buikitry3,. cnd ruJ be, suepen-deti or reuokei,tt ct! r,ine utar. uic_latlan ol' :r-y prc,sistcns of sa--C lydirances. tsuilding PerrLt ?otal Clutgee State SA ct!).RCE Ft}i:;yes Resil.znti.a.L (1 bath) Seuen Plumbing permit No pez,eon sTnll constrtet, ins+.all., altet ot eitn?e ,a:,ry Treu cn eristingqly!"lrg cr Crainage sys-l? in .shoie o_r .i.n part, -unl"si "i"n- pnio, is the :1?:!.,!"_":."_:lo: of a uaZid plunber,s License, e.eeot that a pZ:son nal dopLtottoLng ao"k to property ahieh is ouned, Leased or operated by the "ppli._c@tt. Plunbing Pemit State Nau/Ectenl. Citeaits Sewice .I5. .l5.60 Electricol permit lllere state Lan re_quites tt"a,t the electr.ical aork be dar"e by an Electz.iealcontta,etop' the eleetrical portion of :hia petmit eirall ,at" bi oii;a unt;lthe Label lns been signed 4 tne Electr.ical'Conttecto", Total Ftn kharct HooC Vent Pol ',lcocistotse Mechonicol Permit -- EIICRCA Penrit issu.ctce Meci".anieal Perwit Curbea! sLdA'ALK L TATAL APTOUil? DUg:'$4 0. 76 -82 Receipt #:59).l9 f EAW CAREFULL:! !XAt"[-yEq t-?e eonpleted application ior petmit, cnd dohereby certif-y that aLL itfq:nation het,eoi- is ttn"te ona "Zrinit', *ra tfattket' .eez'tify that any ard aLL uotk perforned. atnll an .iiZ 'i" dccor-dance "rith the ardinavzcL.s of the cnty Zf bpmngfieid,, ,"a tn" Laus of xher Z*-"^"- of -lregcn p-e,tainina to the ,oii, ln"Zr"irZb nnilii, "i- tLt No occa_PANcy aill be na.ce of any sttacture utitizoui perrnissiott'o7 tn. Euitd.ing Di-uision. I fi*then eeltiiii that otly cont.ccto?s a.ri a,pioy"is uhc ce inconpl:.ance aith CRS zOl.oss uiLL be-used on tlns i"ili.Z "--- MobiZe ilqte