HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-04-27Apr-z3-OI. lO:2OA 225 FIFTS STREI'T SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION RI1QUIiS1:tafr-0FPICE: 720-3759 Autnollzeo Slgnalure 1. LOC^TION OT INSTALLATION 6q ? EnSt" .35 ...-A. IJGAL DESCN.IPTTON t-7 0 ZT lrz otbo P -O2 SPFI.!.qFlE,Ll, LECTRTCAI, TERHIT APPI,ICATTON t:y .Iob Number_ O l- o O.tZ E -9J_ 3. COHPTJTE PNE SCHJiDULD BEI.OV Nev Residential-Single or lluI t 1-Pami 1y per duelling un i t . Service fncluded: I t em.t Co-s t Sunr ibov5 JOB DPSCRTPTION new Nokia radj-o equip for SBA Network Permics are llon-transIcr.rbJe and expireif vork ls no[ $t;rrtcd vi thirr 180 daysoI issrrance or if uork i.r- suspended Eor 180 days. 2. CONTfiACTOR INST^I.INTION ONLY Electrical Corrtrnc(or Oreqon Electrical'dioup 503-234-9900 2064S cConstr Contr. Nurrrbcrr 26-95C Dxpirarion Da te 1 0;'t -01 si ture of Supervising Illectrician Ovners Name AT&T addrcss 1 6.0 0 SW 4th Ave. PtId ci r'y Phone Ad,lt.ess@Ave Ci ty Port_l"t*r..-oR r,hone 9721 4 Supervisor Li c.en.se Number Dxplration Date 1 0-1 -01 1000 sq.ft. or less Each addi tional 500sq. ft or por:tion thereof l.lach I'tarruf ,d Home or --Hodular'DveIIing Service or Fccdcr Servlces or Feoders Itt-s l.r]1at i on, Alceration:iot Reloc.rtion: D. llranch Circui ts Nctr Alteraciorr or Extcnston Onc Ci rcui t 1 Each edditiona) Circui t or: ui th Service ou Feeder Pernri t n 200 amps or less S201 amps to (00 amps S/r01 amps to 600 anps ' - S 601 amps to 1000 amps-"- ' SOver 1000 amps/volrs $ Rcconnec t Orrly S B .q il:i. 00 s 15.00 s 40.00 r00.00 130.00 300.00 40.00 50 60 .00 00 'l'em;>orary Scrvice.s or l"eeder.sfr:srallatigrr, A),toratior: or Relocnt.ion 2.00 amps 'or less S 40. 201 amps to 400 arps - S 55. Over 401 to 600 arnps - S 80. 0ver 600 amps or 1000-\AITS .sec I' 00 E-o-ve- 00 00 Btt a Per Panel s 35.00 3s.00 s 2..00OVNTJR INSTAI,I4TION The ins tallatiorr is [rr:ing made orrproper:(y I ovn vhich is rror inrcndcd f or sa1e, lea.se (rr Eerr I . Ovners Signaturc: Lirrri ccd Energy/Conrrn SUIJIOTAL OF ABOVIJ 7X State Surctrarge .JZ Arlminis t.ratlve Fee TOTAL |liscellaneous (Scrv -liach insta]lation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utlinc Lighti [,imi ted Energy/Res ica/feedet' not included) S u..0. 00ng- S 4o.oo - - $ 20.00 T -.-.... s 36.00 -5 '" +FD,,-tr fJ =1 ts r.J C) --1 G(} f.J Urc) r:(3 -.1FJ CO ._.__3_5-_OA-. _....- '.45 1 - oE, ..._lR. 4n DATE: C RECEr?]i-F' cF. m LnH""(} RECEIVED t/ z 70/ 07tr