HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1975-07-23COPY RIC}{ARD E. M ILLER ROBERT E. MOULTON DAVIO N. ANOREWS WILSON C, MUHLHEIM OWEN B, M9CULLEN JOYCE HOLMES AENJAMIN MILLER, MOULTON & ANDREWS ATTORNEYS AT LA\^/ 222 FORUM BUILDING . 777 HICH STREET EUGENE,OREGON 974O1 July 23, 1975 isI ra TELEPHoNE 342-52I6 AREA CooE s03 MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFTCE BOX t475 IN REPLY REFER TO Sheriff, Lane County OregonLane County Courilrouse L25 East Eighth AvenueEugene, Oregon 9740L Re: Removal Dear Sheriff We represent Lane County. Please consider thas requ.ired by ORSal-tention to thisthat this vehicle of an abandoned automobile Burks: the Ilousing Authority and urban Renewar Agency of Our client is the agency in lawful control ofat 582 North 2Bth Street, Spri.ngfield, Oregon.been abandoned at that address. The automobile is a tg64 Ford Fairlane, "o1or blue-green, licensenurnber DAH 926. The ricense expired April , 1g74. i,ccording tothe Department of l'Iotor vehiclei the 1lga1 owner is Gordon E.f.Ioyd, 3608 rndustriar, springfield, oregon. The vehicle is onblocks and the windows have b6en broken out. rt has been at thataddress for approximately two weeks, in any event, more than fivedays. Permission to stoie the vehicle at that location was notgiven, either expressry or impriedly, to the vehicle's owner. the premises located An automobile has request to remove the subject vehicle tr{e would appreciate your immediateCity of Springfield has requestedma be ,r. removed. rf you have any questions concerningr this matter, please contactthis office. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Very {-ru1y yours, rF nure"p a rrrceul LEr.l OWEN B. MC CULLEN Housing Authority Superintendent of the Building Department, Springfield, Oregon 3.382 CC: OBI'{: mm APPLICATION FOR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAL VEHICLE STORAGE PERMIT For the storage of one J,Iu>'Md.-,2-&84- (Year)(Make)(Mode 1) License No.DA T 63bRegistered Orsner C/X.,t, at 6ez A-lo 28et qE 46i , Springfield, Oregon" Applicant Signature Date Beginning Date By Expiration Date L ry f4 b'141*?L /a-/25Alth 3n /te/trL