HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-09-18#" RESID*.{TlAL" APPLICATION /PERILIT 225 North Sth Street Springfiald, )regon 97477 BuiLdirq Diuision 7 26- s7 53 SPTINGFTEl.D {-X -ot<-. )\ \ I Wv. WLt--a- tylrr^"4 /.-d-ul r-Ld {Je a- AIv q4{ ?\ e Cr-Gq d 6ffi-"#\ AeCt-Dun'ael I Uo C- Date Genet aL Constmtctiott t"sadp rl NJ.Job Locaticn: Aeseesors Nbp * I 7O3 3 b I I C&?OOTc"o Lot # Svbditsision: Pkone: flL ( O'\-) rl 2qB rftAAddtess: Descu*,be Hov'k: Ned Sfi,I'l-l- Val.ue41 8 -[r]Date of Additisn RemoCel Page 1 of 2 It, ie the res-pwibiLn@ oi *7* Wa&t fuoMe" tu Bee :;hat all inspections are nade at the , fran tle st?@t, oN tM tltz pdnttt d iB l,*ated at the frctx of the property.*Buil-ding Nvieina ryprcted ptr-ot shctl. venain an the hlilding Site at aLL times. PROCEDUPE FOR tWSPnCTX@t TEQWSV:CAI-L 726-3769 (reeqrder) state yout, City desigrnted job ea@ fw irspection, c@rltyactcps oi A*.r"- r*re Lnd phone ;t'LlL be nade-l-*e we dag, \,eqaests wra.de after 7:00 dmurill be nade the nect uotkirq dag. Remtitei Tnsn*,xi.ms Iour C'i.ty Desi.gr.ated Job Nunber fs ptope" tine, that eaeh address is re4Cahle , nuilber, iob aCd.ress, type of inspecricn rrunber. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 an f?0"c0 SI?E INSPil*fON: la be nwde af,txelcilffiq but prrlio;. ta eet up of fotns. UNDERSI,Ats PI,MffiNNG" EI,E{TRNCAI, & WCH!-llfCA[.: Ia he twde befane q uork is woad- F)1?rNG ,& F1AItDAIIOI!: ?o be npCe @@.@d forns are wta, but pri.or to pow"ing eanq,*eta- UNDERGffiMHX) p{"rffirrGL $EiNfiB2_!ATER' Li.ry tr**clwa" ANDEEnTffiR PETJBIgWG & IWCU-4,NTCAZ. :'aS floorinawl,abioru ar deekdag " POSI AfiT] ESAN: Ya be pwde trtr{ar to fr|tffi-af f\,w,t tnsu{ot'i.ori w deckittg- ROAGH ?$I&ffiTfiG" EI,EffiRTCAI" & I@CW: ANfCAL: No twk is to he wuered ffiTT*heee'it*geet{ons ltante beeti mad,e cnd qryrcoeC- EIPEEtr4@ Wi.or ta placirg fae'ing,natAle ard before fy@drg'in"p;"-tion. FRAI.IING: M.Bt b6 *eqtestd" after app"oltaL af, wtgh ptriobirrg, it"e*l- cal e aeelwai,a.l" AlL twofi"ng bracing & efuismegs, etc. twst be ; conrpletd. Ilo tp*k is to be can- , cealed wttil frri.s inspectiotz luslbeen nad,e od qprcrted. FIilAL PLUUAIilG FINAL ATCHANICAL TNSULAYTON/VAPAR BARRTER ilISPECTION: To be made after aLL insulaticn a.td required uapor bmrie?s tre in pLace but before any Lath, gApslnn boatC ot, tnLT- eovering is appli-ed, and before oty 'htsulation is concealed. DRWAfiI, INSPEC?f)N: Tc be made @tet @T@u"t Tls in plnce, but WiDr. to any taping. MAS)Effi: Steel Loeati.on, bond beons" gnouting ot: oerticals in accotdwae tLth U.B,C, Section 24L5. WODSY@IE: After installation is *n:tp-l"eted. CIW:S APPROACE APPON: After forns@"e-e"e;idW@or to pouning aneyete.. S DE JALI\ & DRX,EWAY: For aLL con- crete pnsirq uithin street right- of-txgn to be made after aLL erca- oating earnplete & forrn wrk & sub- fuse nnteria.L in place. DE\I)LrTIA\] 0R ).!)WD B Scnitoty serser captped et properQi Li-ne Septic tank y,o:rped ard filled uith gra,'el Final - h4ten abcue itens ate canpleted and uhen Cetncltl:ion is eorplete or st??tc- ture mooed and. prenrises cleaneC up. l'lobile Hones Blocking ud Set-up Pktrnbing connecLions -- aa)er and. uatet Electt'ical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing connections rnst be apprct;ed before requesting el,eelrical inspection AccessoPi Building Piral - After etc. are conp pct ckes, skirting, deck-s, Leted. Atl proj, required ect conditions, suck as the installation of street trees, conpT,etion of tie Landscaping, etc., tn)st be satisfied before the BUfLDfNG FfNAL ean be requested, h n ?rNAL B-urLDrNc: The Einal Build.ing rnspection mtst be requested aftet the linal Plwnbing \-r/ Electrical, otd Meclnrical Inspeetions h4tse been mad,e ard'appz,ooed.\l FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL *ALL I'IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS ITUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAST\\EI,I! TO BE \'L4DE L? NO CCS? fO CUy Jh^ T l-1 Ygacs: when uwlete -- ProuiCe L)A*C op naoab|i seetians through [_l P. U. ts. L_I O,mer: JOB NO 0 TotaL CIC soLAR Ac'^Ess REe.-r--co# Bedrooms: PLan Exoniner f HAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED the eornpleted application for perrnit, and do hereby cet,tify that aLL infotmation hereon is true and cotrect, and f fuz,thet, certify that ang ard aLL uork perfozrned slnll be done i.n aceor,- dance tlth the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieLd, and the Laus of the State of 2r,egon pez,taining to the aork Ceseyibed herein, and tlnt N0 )CCU- PANCY uvLLL be rmd.e of any structu"e uithout perrnission of the Buil,ding Di-oision. I furthen certifg that only contractots and enplcgees who are in eor,pliance uith ORS 701.055 ui.LL be used on this project Lot Faces -Energ]l Sgurces Titoe Setbacks Ileat Df House Carage Access Watey, lleaten Not:th East FirepLace South Woodstote lnt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooetage LCT ?WE _ Intetior Corqer# of Stories Iotal Eeight Topography Panlwndle CUL-de-sac West -- tees -- ffu x Value Building Volue & Permitl,lain This pennt t is granted on the erpress condition tlu.t the said eonstmtctionslwll, i.n all respects, conforrn to the Ordirnnce adopted liy the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnstrabticn and use of buildtngs, otd may be suspend.ed oz, reookeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dny prcoisions of said 1rdir,anees. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c * Euilding Petwit Fee: State Date Paid: t#Iotal Clnrges Signed: rTEM N0.FEE CHARGE Fi.ctutes Plumbing Perrnit No person stnT-L consttuet, install, alter ot' chan4e any ned cr existing plwnbing or drainage systan in ulnle or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber's License, ercept that a person nag do plrnbing uork to p?ope"ty uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Pernit ,( Neu/Ectend. Circuits Electricql Permit Whev,e State La,t requires t?nt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contractor,, the electrical portion of this permit slnll not be oalil. until the Label lns been signed by the Electtical Conttacto?.Seroiee S,oo State -l-'( IotaL NC ?EE I Mechqnicol Permit bhanet Hood llcodstoite Vent F@t Permi,t fssuantce MecTnnicaL Petmit Sec,u,tty Deposit Storaae Maintenance Permtt Clsbcut Sida,talk Electrieal Ia.bel Mobile Home TOTAL A.t'|OUIl? DUE: *IS.YS Signed Date llatez, State Swch,atge Total Clarqes - Penee uaxe Q -ttEtn