HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-10-03# 22s Noz,th stl, itrnffPLrcAtfiN/PERtrtrr SprLngfield, }regon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26-37 53 .. RESIPENTIAL..SPHINGFIFI TTI -=?c,t Iat # /,GJob Loeaticn: Aeseasors Map # Subdioision: A,met: Address:Phone: -' ci zip: Deec?tbe tfotk: CAayte ?rrfu )'n/'o R,lcAe^ o nd Lre. fTac\ Date of App d90Value Aildi.tian RenoCel GeneraL ElectricaL b0 /o-lt-K Date: Je, Cons*uctton_Leide!*E It ie the neeponoibi-lila of -tte pev',nit lotdet' to aee tlut alt inspections ee nad,e at the prope? tine, that each ad,ineas is t,eadabief.y--t!r at?eet' arld. tlat the-penntt-catd ia Located at the fioni of the prop*ty.*Buiaing bj.oiciot appro"*ed ptu slnll remain on tle tul,lal"g- iiic at aLL times. ?.R12EDUP\ F04 rySPEcrI)N .qz--QyESr:CALL 726-3769 (veeordet,) state your City desigrnted. job nurbet,, job aCcbess, type ::*":1"!-Ty-D-le: liou uiLL biieady for inspection, contraetor" oio at "r""n*,.Lrd pt ". "urrbi.' p"A;;tt tece;i:Za'|LYLL be nade the sane dagn "equests ncde after ?:00 on urill be mad.e the nert:nrki$ d.ay. of inspeeticn befcte 7:00 et Ior.tv, Ci ty Desisr.ated {@ tmber te: j*ZFC>R< f SI?E INSPEC?I)N: ?o be nwde after fAezcantation, but prtat tc set up of lllforna. IJYDFRSLAB pLUr,rBrNG, ELECTRTCAL & WCEIIIICAL: To be nade befoz,;e ang .uotk ie coueyed. F)O?IN} & F0UNDATTCN: ?o be tmCe - altet trenches a?e escauated and forns ote etected, but ptiot, to pow"ing ccnc"ete. UND9RGPOUIID PLT]MgINC. SIWEP. I\.ATER, DRAfilAGE: ?o be made pr"tor to fil-@i-renehes.^,,\ UilDERFLOOR PLUMBTNG & MECHANTCAL: ?o be nade prioz, to installation of floor insulati.on or decking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be made pri,or toinstallatian of floor insulation ordeeking. -. .. , , -) . -. t ) ROUGH PLANBIIIG, .frLECTRTCAL & I,IECH: ANICAL: No uotk is to be cooet,edwftil these inspections lnue been nade ard. approueC. FIPEPI,ACE: Pm)ot to plaeirg facingmaterials and. before franing inspee- tton. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn ad. required uapor buriers @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpsun baatC or rnLL cottering is applied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL TNSPEC?fjN: Ic be nadeafti-AT@tfie in p.t ace, but prior to anA taping. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in accoz,dance LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODST)T,/E: empT;t;A. After installation is DEU1Lrur)ll oR !.iowD Scnita4 seuer eaptped at properfu Line Septic totk p;.mped and filled ttth gz,auel Final - h4ten abcoe i.tens are cctnpleted and uhen d.ernolition is complete o" strac- tut,e moued and prenises cleaneC up. X After fonnsto pout"ing concrete. SIDE\IALK & DRf\EilAI: For aLL can- crete paufrAffi street rtght- ?f-txA, to be made after aLL ecca- tattng canplete & forn utotk & sub- base naterial in place. UICE: l,lhen conplete -- Proutde gate6 o? mouable eections through P.U.E. Hcmes Blocking od, Set-up Plunbi,ng connections -- aate? otd aater Electrioal Ccttnection - Blocking, sei-up ard plunbing coTrnections rntst be apprcved before requeating eleetrtcal inspeetiott Accessory Building CURB & APPROACH APPON:ee erected. but prion E Eiral - After etc. ate conp pct ches, ekirting, decks, Leted. fi fAmtnct Must be requested after|' I approoal of rough plwr,bing, electti-cal & meelnnical. AL! roofing' ... bracing & chinmeys, etc. trust be . conpleted. Ilo ucy,k is to be eon-. cecled until this inspeetion lus'been rrud.e anC approoed. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG FIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ALL pt'oiect conditions, such ae the installation of stl,eet tteee, conpletion of the i lii rcquired Landseepirg, etc., nast be eatisfied before the BUILDLNG EINAL can be requested. fr\ F|-NAL BUTLDIN7: rh? Final Building rnspection nuat be requested aftet the Final Plunbing \a-/ Electrical, and Meclnnical fnspections l'ntte been made ald'approrsed. x *ALL I{ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCES1TBLE, ADJASTI1EN? TO BE M4DE AT NO COST rO Cpy n A, tr Page 1 of 2 to' JOB NO ,/ soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Grc L-co d Bedrooms lleat toxe -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpress cond.ition that the sriid constvactionslnll, in all respeets, eonform to the 2rdinance edopted 6iy the Ci.ty ofSpz.ingfield, incl-uding the Zoning C,r.dinanee, regulatlng thb ccnsttuZticn otd.use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed oy reuokeC it cny time upon oic-Lation of dlA prcuisions of said h,di.nances. Building Permit State ?otal Clnrges ?otaL f HAW CAREFULLy EXil,IINED tle contpleted appli.cation for pernit, and. dohereby certify that aLL infornatibn hereon- is tuae and ebtrecti ard. tfuttket, certify that ang ard aLL uo*k perforned stnll be done i, oo"or-dance urLth the }t'dinanees of the cita bf bpringfield, and, the Las of thestate of Oregon pertaining to the aork cesq,ibed herein, end. tlnt No occa-Pl.Ncy urtll_ b-e ngde of qa st?uctu"e vlthout permisaion of the Buitding DL-tsision. r further certify that otly contraetops ad anpicyees aho az,Z ineonpliance aith 1RS ?01.05S uiLL be- used on this project J** Lot Faces - Setbacks P.L House Caraqe Access No"th East Firep 'South bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Catetaga # of Stories ?otal Eeight ?opographg LOT ?WE _ fnterior _ Conner _ Panhand,Le CUL-de-sac ValueNEMEYGx Vest l4ain C,saqe Catport Accessot u b>oz,32,4 /f,e-* TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x /-6-.-)-Date Paid: # CHARGE Signed: rTEM N0.FEE Pi"ztuz,es z ?,:ro lS'rc Resid.zntial (1 bath) Seuer /f.4-F Plumbing Permit No, pereon slnll eqnsttact, install., alter ot clnnge any neu ct, eristingqltnling or drainage sasten in uhole or in pott, inlesi sueh person is- the Le,gal -possessot, of a ualtd plumber,,s Licensb, escept that a pZrson nag doplunbing uork to property uhich is otmed, T.eased ot, operatei by the oppli-cant. Plunbing Petmtt State Electricol Permit Were State Lan reEtires th,at, the eleetricaL uork be done by an Elecfu,i.ealContractor, the elee+-z,ical portion of this permit shall not be oaliC untilthe Label lns been signed bg the Electti-caL- lontractot,. 2-SD r1Petmit Nat/Ectend. Circuits Sez'uice State ?otal -- ENCROACEMEN? -- NC,FEE CI]ARCE +l. * Mechqnicol Permit bh.a$t Hood Ilcodsto;se Vent P@t Permit rssuance Meclwnical Petnrtt Sec,u'ttY Depostt Stot,age Mainteaance Pennit Cvrbeut Sideualk Fence Elect?ieal ta.bel Mobile Hane TO?AL AMOUNT DIJE:*8 /-7a Signed 4 Date YT 2<"a - ?c,.s Lot il "tob Iocation: Aaceeaore MaP ll Subdioision: A^mer: Phone:Address: Artt "shrz,raSbrlice 4q4-Y ValueDate of zP Describe l,lork: ndditian RenoCe Receipt I APPLICAT. 225 Nonth |th Street SprLngfteld, Oregon 97477 BuiL&Lng Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 ..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFIINGFIEL.D /PERMIT lLlrql Date: nf General Plumbing chanica ec E.ricaE ianEI:erv ].S Sanilary aa.tet capped at propetty line Septtc tork y'oryed' atd filled vith gra;tel pinal - l,lhen abooe itene ore canpleted and uhen ilatalition ia canplete- or attwc- iiin ^ou"a atd pratriaes cleaneC up' e Blocking otd Set-':tP Plunbittg connectiona " aa/'er ord' utater Electrical Conection' Blockittg, aet-up , and olwibinq connections nust be dPprct;ed i; ;ir;" riqu'eeting eL ec lrtc aL inspee lio:t Acceasory Buildittg eki.tting, decks,pcrchee, leted. Final - Aftet etc. ate canP Page 1 of 2 It ie the fron the'tOuildirq reeaotaibilitv of tlc permLt lolder Btre'et, and tlnt the -petnit catd ia- fi;i;i"; appro"*ed pl'an ehall remain Located at the front o1 the PtopertY' on tle Buildintt Site at aLL tines' that aLL inapectiota ate nade at the pro?er tine' that acch cddtess is read'abieto aee 26-3769 (recordet') etate your City Ceeignated iob nane and phoneinepection,Cont"actot'y or OLmers aftet, 7:00 on urtll be nade the next wrkinT day. Iour City Deeigr,ated Job Nwnber Ia: PRocsDURE FoR IN1PECaION ,!-s=QI!ESr;CALL 7 nequested and when you D,LL be reaay !o?'.iil be nnde the aante dcy, requeete ncde ru,mber, iob addrees, tYPe of insPec'-i'cn nunber. Reqesto receit;bd befcre 7:00 ct 0 SITE INSPECTION: e.xcaoation, but prLora To be to forna. FINAL PLUMBINC FTilAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ae! after uP of UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNj. ELP.IRI=CAL & utcnenrcet; fo be nade before anY ffit-li-i6tered. PooTIllC ,9 FOUNDATICN: To be rmde ;7t;;-tterrcd;a are &cauated and 1o-, *. erected, but Prior to pouring ccncrete. \Np\RGROUND PLUMBING? S9t9R, .WA\E8.. DRAI\IAGE: To be rrude Pr1,or to ILL- TQ6inchee. uNpERFtOOR PLu.!$ rNc 4 ME1HANI CAL : ?o be nnda D"ior bo tiiii|ffitd of floor ineulation or decking' POST AND BEAM: To be nnde PrLot to TGiiTGffiTof floor ineulation or deckittg. R7\GH PLU1BII\C. EL.ECTR!?AL I MECH; ANICAL: No tPrk ia to De coverea .Gilftheae iwpections haue been nnde atd approued. FIPEPLACE: PrLor to Plccirq facing Aerl;C atd before froning i'nePec- tion. FRAIIING: l,lust be requeated after ffit of rough plwrbing, electni- &'L E nechanieal, - ALL roofittg bracirtg A chinmeYs, ete. tttust be . conoleTad. llo ttork ie to be con- ,.eiled until thiB inaPeotion laa 'been nade anC aPPtoted. DRY\IALL INSPETI7N: ?c be tade @'te.inplace,but prion to cnY taPlng' IIASINRY: Steel Loeation, bond dffiiigrouting or uerticale in ioooidolon vith u.a.c. secbion 2415. \1O\DST\VE: After inatallation ie @rpGrA. CURB S APPRCACH APB,)tl: . After .forns are eirected but Prior to Pouttttg cotetete. li#ffi iffi'",!.2i,"',lni,ir!- of-r,tcu'. u be nade after aLL etca- iLti"ia'oorPtete & for"a wrk E sub' base nnterial in PLace' PENCE: hlhen conPlete -- ProuiCe fr", o, nottable- sectiona through P. U, E. _.-- ALLpnoiectcondittone,suchaaLheinstallationofat'reett-1"-"'1'conplcttonofthe required Lanrleecpi.tcgi-Lt".-,'r.u"t be aoti"1izl'l,"triiln" surLDrv'c FriAL can be requested' ilNAL BUILDING: the Final Building Inepection tuet be raoueoted alten the Final Plunbing (-) ';:r[li"iz;i","*a iir-,,;ii ii"p""t1o;:;i;";' ;;"; idu- o'd'opprooed' IAT,L MANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD'IUSTIIENI TO BE IL4DE AT NO COST ?O CIIY tr JOB NO. Zone Total soLAR ACCESS tlEQ.-L*CO G+ Bedroona:t: PLan Eroniner Uate , I IIAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED tle conpleted application for perrnit, and do herebg certify that aLL infortrntion hereon is true ard eorrect, and I further centifg that any ard aLL uork perfor-ned elall be dote in accor- dance tttlr the 1rdinancel of the city of Springfield' atd the tcdl of tho State of 1regon pertaining to the :urrk Ceacri,bcd herein, cnd lhdt N0 0CCU- PANCy dill be nade of any structure withottt permisaion of the Building N' uision. I funther certify tlat otly cont"actore and enplcyeea Dho are in eaapliance uith 2RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thia proiect t toteth t P, L,llouoe [at Faces - I of Storiee Total lleight Topography LOT TYPE fnteriot Corner Panhandle Cul-de-aac Lot 5q. Ftg. z of Lot Coueraga TTEM SQ, FTG X VaLue tbin ktaae CaPport Acceasora TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Date Paid: Building Vcllue & Permit This permit ia granted on the espress cond._ition ttut, the said-constrwction shall', tn all rLepecti,- conform'to the 1rdittznee adop.ted $y the City o.f spi.LngTietd, inctluding- the 2oni.ng cydinance, regulatt,ttg the ecnstntcticn i,a "'iZ of Luildin<ls,- and may be euapended on reuokeC at ctty time upon uic- Lati.on of any prctisiona of aaid 2rdinances. Building Permit lotal Chtrgea State Plumbing Permit No pereon slall conetntct, inetall, alter or clatqe -GnV nod-cr ezisting plunbing or drainage sy|tat in ulole or in patt, unless sueh penson is the iegal p"osees*or ofa ualid pl*rber's License, etcept thot a pe"son na7 d9 pti-rtlitg uork ta property ihich ia oumed, Leased or operated by the appLi- cant. Plwnbi.ng Pernit CHARGEN0. State ITEM Pi.xtu,ee Resilential (1 bath) Seuen Electricol Permit Whete State l-ant requinea tlnt the eLectrical uork be done by an glectrical contractor, Lhe electnical portion of this permit etull not be ualil wrtil the Label hae been aigned by the Electrical Contraator, .oo NO. 4 Nan/Eztend Circuits Seruice Stcte. Total Ez,hanet llood. CIIARCE * Mechqnicol Permit Vent Fot tlcodstooe Penmit fssuanca Meehanical Permtt .- EIICROACHMENT -- Securtty Dewsit Storage Pbintenance Permit drban! sida,talk Fen::c ELectricaL L /LD Mobile llaw Reeeipt il ,IATAL AMOUNT DUE: I t5,DTte t FEE lJeter 4 /16 # gfr,/7/ 4A--u' ,4 /,r4z-'(- r/e/z -/,*/z-e-.* &* /-.."*r'Zaa?./' @ry6zcc & ,/ Z/,2 /-4 f.-a*i z 4-? /4rne. 71/7-Qq/5 YJ \sN1[t \r\ >s /74 7 .. RESIDEi '-IAL.. 22 5 North sth s;treeAtPPLr cAT r,N /PERMrr SprLngfiald, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D Otmer Addtess:a City: lleD Additicn RenoCel ilob Date of Genera L PLunbir4T Constructicn fOl4gf It ia the from the s*Buildiyq DDnTeittcE :iou L be nade the sane daY, Phone: Describe h'orli: V{rz7rta-z /4-Z--- Val.ue st responsibility of the petmit ho-Ldet' tne'et, and that the -Perrtt eard is b;i;;;:i"; approu^ed p|.an svcll remain to aee Located on l:he that aLL insPections ate nade at Lhe front of tfLe ProPertY' Building SLtc at aLL tines' at the proper tine, that eceh addtess is readab'i'e nunber, iob aCiress'of inspeclicn ALL 726-3769(recorder') state Aour City Ces inspection Contractors cr Ahers nctne tyPe :i.xednunbcr, Pequests rece befcre 7:0C ctignated job cnd phonebe ready for reqtests made aftet' 7:00 on aiLL be rrude the ncrt wrking dai; lout' City Desigra.ted Job Nwnber fs be after a Lnsu requ:-red uapor botriers are in Place but befare anY Lath, gYPsun baarC or ay insulation i-s cpplled, and before is concealed. tnLL couering I_1 SITE INSPECTION I I etcauation, but Jorns. TNpERSLAB PLUMBTNG, EqlclRr-cAL I ttgchrl.nlAh To be made before anY 66ii-li-iooered. FCOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be rnaCe ;\C;-$;ncn;s are e-&cauated and 7oo " *n erected, but Priot to pouring ccncreta. I unotncnoulo pzuustwc, ssYEn, .w'qr,E=E' ', I onnlaaa: To be made Prlor to J1'L- Lirq ttenches. utt pEPFLO)! PLUIEIryG 4. MEctlA'NI CAL : ro be nade prlor to tii{ffifil o7 floor insul>ation or decking' P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade Ptior to ffiof floor insulation or decking. R1ucH PLUttBr!\G, .EltECTRrgAL & MECH: Tildml--frinorY.is to bc co"*et'ed ,;;lil tho"n inspections h'zttP- beer nade and aPProtteC. FIP.EPLACE: Priot to Placirq facing ,at;fiA; and before ftuning i'naPec- tion. FRAllfllC: t"luat be tequeated aftet aal;noo"L of rough plttrbing, electri- e'il 8 nechanical. - ALL roofing bracino 8 ehinmcYs' etc' rntst be conole-ted. !1o ucrk ie to be con- "nilnd until this insPection lus 'been made anC aPProoed' To be nnde after prior tc set uP of DRYWALL INSPTCTI1N: Tc be made ifte" ;tl-@GlT-;.s .in Pt'ac e, bub Prior to anY tdql'ng' MASONRY: Steel Location, bond 6ifrilarouting or oertica!'s in a366vffice tith u,B.c. section 2415. WOODSTO'/E: cctarAA. cuRB & APPR,C CI| APPqN' ote erecteC but Prlor After instalLation i's After for.ns to pouring concrel;e. W#ffi'"rl'""ir"L,LnF':-if-,ni' to -be mace after aLL erca- iltlnl- "rn;rteLe & fotn uPrk & sub- base -nnterial in Place' FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: ta4ten conPlat'e -- ProuiCe iffi o" nouable- seetians through P,U. E. ALL g,o,;eeL cotdi:ittns, ;:uc!" as Ll-te !'ns:.aL-Latton of s'-I'ccL tr':e't' )i:i'-crion oi L'Ls required Land.sccpt.ng,'-Lt".', *r"t tu "ot;"fif,a"'L,"i'r"" tt" BtirLDtl;c FIitAL ccn be requcsLed I]INAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Ins;,c,ttiott .n)st be'"!'-n-"-:*,.:!tcr thc Final PLunbirt3 (j'i'rZ1i"iZi"' iliZi,2 r'";;*',1.;l,r r,o"pn" tions'ltauc been nnde and approts; r' 5rkJob Locaticn: Tot Lot llAssessots Map #=.a Subdiuiston: )a 7t?/ Date: tl ^r-G 1ELec llc,chari.ecL !.: i'LITIOI]LD-i;;CScORDEt.to Sanilory seset capped at pr'operty Line Septic tank p'-tred' ard filled uith gra:tel Final - I{hen abcue itens ote canpleted and uhen Certolition is conplete- or st?uc- iuin ^ounC ard- preniees cleanei up' t'lobile Hcmes BLocking and Set-uP Plunbtng connections " sater anl ualer ElectrLcal CcnnecLion - Blocking' set-u= , anC plwnbinq cannecLions nt;st be appracrec f, "?ri " rlq""rst ing el ec lric aL inspec liot Aecescoru BuiLC'-n4 Ptrnl - After pcrckes, skTtting' decT<s' etc. are ccmPieJed' Page 1 of 2 tl *AT,L I4ANHCLES AND CLEAIIOUTS IIUST BE AC)ESSTBLE, AD,IUSTIIEI:T TO BE t':'4it1 'r'? uo :tsr T0 ct?y tr tl6\,1< \ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-^*(, U)t JOB NO L-CO Bedrooms: Lot Faces -Ene?(tu Sources Ti.tce Setbacks lteat P. L,I!ouse Cara_qe Accesa.I,later lleatc? North East FirepLaee South iloodstou'e Iat Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Couenage fl of Stories Iotal Height Topography LOT TYPE _ Interict _ Conner Panhandle CuL-de-sac llest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is gnanted on the ecprese eondition tlat the said constyactionshall, in a|.L nespects, conforn to the Ordi-nance adopted tiy the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ecnstyttcticn and use of buildi.ngs, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- La.tion of any prcoisions of said 0tdinances. SQ. F?G VaLue TOTAL VALUE I?EM x * s.D.c. 1..5 c Building Permtt Total Charges State Signed: Reeeipt # Check Paid: Plumbing Perrnit N2 pereon slnll consttact, install, alter oy clange any ned cr existing plwnbing cr drainage systen in uhole or in patt" unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnbet's License, eocept that a pbrson nay dopltnbtng uork to property uhtch is ot)ned, Leaeed or operated by the "ppli-eant. l,o I LL CHARCE * rTEM Fittutes Resi.dential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pernit State ?otal Electricol Permit Were State Lau yequires tlnt the electy,ical uotk be done by an gleetrical Cont"actor, the elec+-r'icaL portion of this pernit slwll not be oaliC untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electtical Conttactot,. TLL L Na,t/Eotend Circuits lanporoy Setoice State lotal -- ENCROACHI"IENT .- nEM FEE CIIARCE * Mechq nicql Permit Ucodstooe Vent Fot bhanst HooC Petwit fssuqnce Mechanicel Petnrit 9ec"trity Deposit Storage Maintenance Pernrtt C'utbeu! Sideualk lence Electrical Label B572 .26 Moblle Home ?renefl r HAW CAREFULLy EXLMTNED the cornpleted application for permit, and dahereby certify that aLL irfo=mation het,eoi is true and cbrr.ct, ad tfu,tker,.cet,t?fU that any ard aLL uork pe,fotned slnlt be done in aceor_dance rtith the 0rdintnce.s of the citg bf bpringfield., and, the Laxs of thes_tate ol 019gon pertaining to the aotk cescribbd herbin, cnd ttat No occu-PANcv uiLL b3 ryce of any structure uithout permiseion by tt n Buitding N-Dlsion, r funthe, certify that only contraeTors and enployees uho aie tnconpliance uith ORS Z01.0SS uiLL be-used on this project TOTAL AM)U!]T DUD:* * i-.4- Total Clnroes State Sutch.anoe Al .?O t