HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-03-19ll..RESID'\TIAL.. APPLICAT>A/PERMIT 225 llorth Sth Street SprLngfi.eld, Anegon 97477 bu1,Ld1,ng DLD1 slon 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD- C/e_ General Plumbing Su Reati-ned El-ec tr 1 an It i8 the teeponaibility ol tle permtt hodet to eee that aLL inspections oe nade at the F;?opet tine, that ecch address is teaCqbieftat tlu at?eet' and, tlnt the penrit card. ia Located at the frcttt of the orooertu.*Building Nuiciot approxed pl-ut slrcll yemain on tle Bunlding Site'at aLL' d)mes." P\1CEDUPE FoR INSPEC?I?N R!0.W5? :CALL7 eadg fortiLL be nade the eane dag, requests ncde Date: 26-376 9 ( reeorder) state yout, City Cesignated job ntmbet,, inspection,Contraetct s or A^mers nane cnd plane ntnbet 7:00 on urill be nnde the ncct uotkito Iour City Desigr,ated Job ltunber fs job aCitess, type P.equests receited of i,nspec=icn befcre 7:00 aq Job Locaticn: Aesessore Map #Tc.o Lot # Subdiztision: 0tmer: Phone: city: Desczdbe Hork: \QL Value t-t Na) Date of App Licaticn Additicn RenoCeL Contractors Address Lisc. lf I,Iechanical4T Electri.cal\ Pege 1 of 2 StTE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be made after e.rcauation, but prior tc seL up of fotne. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPICTION : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn atd. requited uapor bmrie?s @e in plaee but before any Lath, Wpslnn boarC or tnLL couering is applied, and before ay itaulation is concealed. DEI.IOLI?IO!1 OR )IOVE' BU Sattitaty seuer capped at properQl Lite Septic tank punped and. filled trith gtatel Final - l{hen abctse t+,ens are ecnpleted and uhen Canolition is eorplete o" struc- tuz,e moued atd. pretiaes cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connectians -- sa)e? od. uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and pLwnbing connections rn;st be apprc"^ed before requeeting eleclrical inspectiot Acceasory- ButlCing UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH{\IICAL: To be made befoz,e ang tlork ie eotset,ed. ANDSRGROUTID PLUMBING. SEIIER, W,4?ER, p84f!14!g: Io be nade prior to fil-T@-66nchee. AUDERFLOOR PLUMBIfuIG & I4ECHANICAL: o7 floor inauktion or decking. DRY\IALL INSPECIf)N: ?c be made -.. after aLL dtyaall is in pla,ce, but prior to anA taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or oerticals in accordotce Llith U.B.C. Section 241s. VO)DSTO\/E: @mpT;tA. Aftez' installation is CURB & APPROACH APP)N: After forms@,eZ;ATA-frrniA to pour-t ns concrete. SfDfiIALK & DRT',WAI: For aLL eon- c?etenat AAiffi stz'eet r.ight-of-txq, to be maCe after aLL esca- oating ccmplete & forra tnrk & sub- base materLal in pl-a.ce. IENCE: ta4ren conplete -- PyooiCe gates or nooable sections thtough P.U.E. POS! AN! BEAM: To be made prLot, to GiaTTatGiol flooz, ircuTation or decking. ROUGil PLADIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be co.*et,edffilTthese inspections hanse been made and approrted.. FIPEPLACE: PrLoz, to plccirq faeingmcterials and. befot,e franing inspec- tion. FRA!|INC: ttust be requested aftet, @prrcuat of rough plirbi.ng, eieetri-cal & meclnnical, AL! toofing btacing & chinmeys, etc. rrust be eornpleted. Ilo acrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspection lns'been made anC approoed. Pirnl - After etc. an,e comp pcrckes, skirting, decks, Le!ed. FIIIAL PLUMEIilC FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL o ttrL\tqr ALL ry'oject conditions, such as the installation of sLreet trees, co::oleiion of tie required LanCseaping, etc., talt be satisfied befone the BUfLDINC Ff!!AL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDING: The Final Building fnspection rmtst be requeeted after the Pinal PlumbinS Electrical, and Meclnnieal fnspections hqte been nade atd-approved. *ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T(UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIY TO BE IIADE AT IIO COST TO CITY I 11 roornG & Eo(JNDA?rcN: To be naceI I ;Fterffines a"e escaoated attd. forns ate erected, but priot, to Ww"Lng ccnctete. tr tr Addvess: JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cooetage # of Stories Total Height Iopognaphy ?otaL soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gr _ fntez,ict Co?ner Panhandle CUL-de-sac L-cod - TEpe/Const:Bedtoons Lot Paces - Ileat D^^^ PLcn Esanlnez, I HAW CAREEULLy EXAMINED t?e conpleted appLieation fo" peymit, and do hereby certify that aLL information heyeon is ttue and eorrect, and f fut,ther eertify that any ard aLL uork petfo?aed slnll be done in aecor- dance ttth the 1rdinanees of the City of SprLngfieLd, and the Lans of the State of DiL 1regcn pertaining to the uotk Ceseribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- L be naCe * PANCY of any cet,tifyoision. I further eonpliance uith oRS 701.05S uiLL be used on thie structulle ttLthout permission of the' that only contl,actors od enplcyees Bui.Lding DL- uho are in ? ! DT Access.House North Ran East Fire South West rTEM SQ. FTC x Value Main G:eaae Carport Accessot u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 r PLan Receipt #: Signed Building Vqlue & Permit This pertnit is granted on the erpress cond.ition that the said eonstntction s_VnL.L, in,all.r,espeets, conform to the Crdinance adopted 6;y the City ofSpringfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinanee, regulating th-e ccnstrubtibn and.use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at "ry tine upon oic-Lation of anA prcuisions of said }rdir,nnces. Building Permit Total CTnrges State Plumbing Perrnit Ng person slnll constntet, install., alter or elnnge cng nea cr eci,sting plutnbing or dtainage systan in ulole or in part, unless such pez,son is- the Legal possessor of a oalid plunbet'ts License, escept that a pelson mag do plwnbing uork to prope?tA uhich is oumed, Leased oz, operated by the appli- cant. N0.FEE CEARGE * lietu-z,es Resil.enti.a.L (1 bath) Sa,:er Plunbing PerwLt State Electricq I Perm it Wlpt'e State Lan requires tlnt the eleetrical uork be dane by an Electrieal Conttacto?, the electrtcal portion of this permit sha.Ll not be ualil. until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contraetor. ITE14 Nau/Estend Citcuits Set uice State Iotat ITgM CNARCE ,t Mechonicol Permit bhanst HooC llcodetotse Vent F@t PermLt Issuance Meclnnieel Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Seaarity Deposit Stotaae Mainteaance Permit Cutbcut Sileualk !ence Electrical la.bel Mobile Horne TOTAL AilOUil? DI,)E: */r ?s SBCO { Date - tt, uate Caraqe IIllll NC.FEE FTttttz.ce ETll I S State Swcltoqe Total Clnraes , Permit No: Address: lssued Date: STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28: 1 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A. l-l My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR B.I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire onlv subcontractors reoistered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe mv mind and 6o hire a oeneral contractor. lwill contract with a contra-ctor'who is reoistered with the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contradtor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnlormation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side ol this form. 3 ig natu o Appl can CONSTRUCTION @NTRACTORS BOARD u244J 1U24t8B Date ENCY PERM]T FILE e t]#,hf*PY ro rssurNc AG , '. 'P.$1K..COPY TO APPLICANT \t ,'f..t.lfe- @s ?t-