HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-04-028SC&,s CITY OF SPRINGFIELD--BUILDING DIVISION 345 MAIN ST. 726-3753 (BUSTNESS]' 726-3769 (TNSPECTTONS) APPLICATION EOR ELECTRICAL I.ABEL(S) BY A BUILDING O?INER tf- 02- 0f - )Q 4*or The Electrical Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and,/or electrical- contractor to make an electrician in- statlation on property which is owned by hirnself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended for sale, Ieaser or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANTIS NAME PAa t fJ, //4X FY ADDRESS g -, 3 Sa RD PHONE 7 4/ - 2b6 D3 3Anr EADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK BUILD]NG OWNER (IF OTHER THAN APPLICANT) ADDRESS PHONE f certify that aII of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system requiring a label as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made- Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: 4 5 6 1 Z 3 Temporary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions 7. Mobile Home Connections 8. Signs 9. Swi:runing Pools I further certify that I wilt notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAL INSPECTIONS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner' I am a member of his or her immediate familY.N,TSignatur INSPECTION LINE. THB FOR 7 A.M. Date v SHOULD BE MADE ON THE BUILDING DIVI ,S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION rt/"*) 2 -/f 6?- INSPECTION REQUESTS WHICH APJE CALLED IN BE-INSPECTION NUMBER IS 726-3769. WILL BE MADE ON THE SA}48 DAY. I,ABEL NUMBERS LABEL IS \3&>FEE RECEIVED BY FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY DATE -82 - 60 CffY OF SPRINGFIELD CiU Halle e t.',' /$1, <iF ,8, (B nrhn'{'n @ (& s & J /\' i't l^i.t G 6 d'& r'{\rsi 6.1\<ti frtt:.;"1 BRIGCA t' I: EUOENE. OBEOON itr .1L ^ f,$/r-1h'it, e| j l-1-::'-;,/\ ,Pao,/&f 6-/OZ AGts.EEMENT J WHEREAS, Wayne A. end Sharon Ramey, and PeuL and Margaretx, _!!*by,hereLnafter referred to as FLrst Partyr o$rns property located irt 829 and 853 So. 43rd Street within the City Limits of the Clty of Sprlngfleld, WHEREAS, fHE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, herelnafter referred to as SECOND PARTY, is a municipal corporation organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon, and WHEREAS, the Second Party owns, operates and maintains a publ-ic sewerage disposal system wlthin the limlrs of the City of Sprlngfield', and WHEREAS, the First Party, wlth the approval and under the sup€r:' vision of the Second Party, did construct and lnstall an 8 lnch sanitary serfer lateral, in the year L97O within publ"ic right-of-\rayr aod WHEREAST the parties desire to determlne a method whereby a Part of the cost of the installation of such serder f.ine whlch was borne by the First Party may be recovered by the Flrst Party; NOW THEREFORE, the First Party and the Second Partyr each in consideration of the agreement of the other, agree as folLows: 1. The First Party did, at thelr ovrn cost, construct and lnstall a sanitary serrer lateral llne, including appurtenances, described as foLlows: 250 llneal feet of 8 lnch R.J.C.P. wlth the required appurtenances. Said lateral line may serve those properties at 829 and 853 So. 43rd Street and aLso those properEles abuttlng on the west or opposite side of So. 43rd Street for a distance of 250+ feet, for a depth not to exceed 150 feet and same may be connected to-the Second Party's described sanltary sewer lylng withln So. 43rd Street. The assessable frontage of the First Parties i.s 200 feet and the assessable cost of construction hras $ 1,660.60 . The probabl-e frontage of the properties abutting the west side of So.43rd Street is 180 feet. 2, The said sanitary sewer lateral was installed in conformlty with City specifications, and the completed work satisfactoriLy passed the City requirements of that date, and the Second Party accepted said sewer L1ne for ownership controL, operation and maintenance. The Eirst Party having provided the Second Party with determLned cost data of the sewer and the Second Party has determlned the Limits of all areas that may be served by and/or other basLs assessed to this sewer line, and an equitable charge per fronE foot for allowlng others to hook ingo said sewer. Said charge is not to exceed $ 4.37 per front foot. 3, The Second Party agrees that havlng accepted said sewer f-ine for maintenance, etc. that hereafEer it wilL aLlow no other party or property o$rner within the above determined llmits, to tie in or con- nect sevrer service to said constructed sewer line unless and until such party or property owner pays to the Flrst Party a sum of money equivaLent to the property prorared cost of the said $ 4.37. per abut- tinq front foot, (and to a lot depth not to exceed 150 feet) and the First Party has notified the Second Party, ln wrltlng, that each such payment has been made. The Second Party ls not obtlgated to cause others Eo tie in or connect to the said sewer 1lne. In event that oEhers are allowed to tie ln or connect to sald sevrer Llne the Second e r1 party wtll determlne and prepare the LegaL description of the area of the iand permitted to be ierved for each Person or ProPerty. The Second Party also reserves the right to connect any sanltary sel'rer lateral linlr or line from outside the above determined areas to the said sevrer which the Second Party may determine necesssrYr and no payment therefore w111 be made to the Flret Party. 4, There will be no payment to the First Party by the Second Party in connection with ttril sewer tine. It shall be understood by all ttt.t any and a1t users of this sewer Line wllt uPon start of-such usage conunence and thereafter continue to Pay to the City of Sprin8-' field the regular sewer-user charge requlred by ordinance of the Clty of Springfield that is charged to al,l cases for the users of the ser^rer system of the City of Sprlngfield, and in such amount as is called ior by the ordinance, all free of any claim by the First Party. 5. It is further agreed that the said Line has been installed by the First Party and accepted for maintenance by the Second Party and the said line is the property of the Second Party who shall main- taln the same hereafter. 6, It is understood and agreed that the First Party at its discretion and after securing appropriate permits may connect the following described property-to-lt"t" s.wer lines! The First Partyrs unplatted land east of the east boundary tine of the assessment area "*tLrrding that portion previously assessed. Said property ls 9Yb-ject to ind shal1 be assessed for any addltionaL lateral selder Lines irti.t may be constructed ln the future to serve that land. IN WIIIIESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands this qqh day of June L9L" CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD, a munlciPal corpo ratlon Ma Yo\r Ir i ,\ ,,',,....,."r/,.rt. , n , t.{ ,, t cr ,, (1 ,./ I I ,.l I tt a' tatlr..G0t.. ,nce ron ctor Firs Pau Ramey v v {(6t i rga Ha a ,t ,?R, h l.' .l- $ a$ h a T s a a b02 0s 2 s "i orlioan ce- il" 2422 .a/" tutl zogl Eft.y')ve A reo- 4 /?/ /cres J ns pe r /?oo c/ $i's J I I rtlLclcc.J tso' by \ 446C e/ 4@ A?tcc'nonf Arca. OATE scALE: /t=!.c0'R EVIS ION (OESCRIPTION)ctTY oF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ENGINEERING OIVISIONoATE: 6 LZ- 6? oRAwN: J t,Ra.rn e y ,/^* ly Aortex. CHECKEO DRAWING No. 333 t FILE No.56No.APPROVED: CITY ENGIilEER No. Eame/-lo*by ATrern ea-furt;lary Scdcr / I I