HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-02-14..REsIDENTIAL.. zzs ltorth sth streeAPPLrcATr,N/PERI,r! Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 5s SPFINGFIELD Date z,iE<, ty of tle permit ioHer to see that aL'!.inspecdons ate nade at )he ?rope! line , ;!.,at a^eh zd,lnesa .Js z.ea;abie ,3uiEit4 tha Bui POR IIISPECTICI,I (recorCet') state you" City Cesigrtted job ntor;bet, liou UL oe Cont?actc?s or Ante:s r,ane crd plane ntmber.requ be nade the sone dcg, requests ncde aftet 7:00 or wiLL be raCe the ncctlorkin4 day Iour Cifu'Desigr.ated Job Nunbet is:93o233 ConstptcdonJende!_ I! is the res?oneibili lron the s treet, arul, tlat the Ji;ticiot cpprot:ed p uilDgRsL;.ts ?LL'IB I:tG, I!ZC:?IC,1.L Ii9CEi.;lIC)): To be nccie celaro- cng aork is ecuez,r-i. t catd ia Located at the ,crc'nt of the ?to?erEy.Lding Sltc ai aLL tines. |I\SULATION /VAPCR SA.RRTER IIIS?IC?IC iI : To be naCe after aLL instlaticn ed. required tqor bawie?s @e in pl,ace but before ory lath, Wpswn bcatC cr m.LL couering i.s cpplied, crd. beiot,e @.! ,:nsulation is eoncealed. tUS1l!!L: Steel Location, bond beans, gzouting ot uerticcts in a,ecotiotee ,ith U,ts.C. Secticn 24L5, TCODS!O"E: ==ia;=avtttu ue naq. job aCitess, tyoe Pequescs z,eceiueti of ins:ec=icn belcre 7:00 e:, f- SM I:tSPiC::t!!: To be rrulie ailer'L_j q;ilffi;;-fr pricr cc sez up of ?AfiAJ v. ttte. aFet tt"-nc6;-a"e ezeanated arl. fotms aze etectei, cut prtor to pouz*ing ccncleta. n ur..rpczcrt:tt ?at":.tzt:;c, ss'E:, v.trgt, i I DRA.I::AG|: io be ns.te ?r:o" to :i;-Lir4 crer.ches, V wn*r:coF. ?!u:srlc MliitA),trcAL:t t Io be rnace oricr to 'Jnsccliacton of flooz, o!.naulctian o" Cecking. fi ms"r l,tto zem: To be r.cCe ??:o" to, I TniialGGTci' fl.oor tnsu'i<za;-cn on deckittg, a;l FC';C:-! ?aiXtE!:tG, !:i::Pr:!L I :4tci1-t^.t - u;r,xil =i"-ese ')r;oee=iors ',LCua- leer. E maie ctd. aorc:tel,. *ccet GC anti beforej.o*"q inspec- tion. 1P"4,]l!!C: l,lust be rec.uested after dpptoual of rcugh plw-,bir.g, alectrl-cal 4 neci,anieal. ALt rcoi)rq bractng 3 chinncys, ete. rntsc becoilDleted. llo ';ctk is to bc- con- cecT,ed until ihis insoecicn i-a,s been nade anC aporo,-ed, I ?C)T3|G , FAU;tDA!:Ctt: ?o be naie FIIIAL PLU:/;8IlG FI;IAL :,IEC.IA:IICAL FIIIAL EL,CIPIC;L -- DR'IT A.LL IIISP!CT!C)1: Tc be raCe lX l;tt;;-;tT@adlfis in ozaee, - bui prior to any taping. il After installation is CUF.B I, .I?PRCACI] APPCN:Aftet fornsee erecteC but prior to pcurtrg conc?ete. :IDE'iALK d DRIiTiAI: For all ecn- ereye pauing aichln street right- of-t:c!, tc be nade after aLL etca- tatinq scflnolete & fotn wrk .3 sub- base r,cter|al in place. !!llCt: llhen conpla'te -- *ouiie gates o? tloudble sections thrangh ALL projeet cor;Ciiions, 3uck cs the instal\axton cf slreet t?ees, 3c->!eiLcn cf ,iE required Landsccpirg, etc., tm)st be saxisiied before the SUiiDIliC lliiAL :cn be reqtestei- ilN.4L BUTLDIIC: Tne Eindl Bu'tlding lnsoecticn nust bo- reottested cfler the ?ira.L ?Lur:bingElectrical, crtC ].,leclariccl inspeetio4s nete been maCe ard aporoued. iob Loeatictc -lZS Socr?A 3?* Sf )tdp tt l1-O-L-3 l - 113 04bobAasesso?s Subd,Joisian: rune: /// -O%,SLv* X;ner Ce .1d<bess {p27r7c"pG-aD or4 zi.o: fiyzz QuasT B qrp<.y z/* < 4 rrzal e 7- qv/^/c, .?ng.+. Desct ibe llork: /&.u'Vaiue t-l RenoCeL ia<RGenetaL tta-h4; ^-1 Di!.!oLirr0:! aR ):cvzi itIlDi;;cs Sani:a4 seter ecp?ed:t pt,cper:r; Line Septie tark p'xped ad. iiLlei uith g'raLzi Pinal - il4ten abc"-e itens ate cqtcietei ad. xhen leqcl'-tion is ecn=Le=e Zr s::.t:- tute eaueC anc =re=)ses cleazed. .at. e Ecn?s Plwnbing connec;icns -- sa)ev al. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blcckin4, set-u, arui pltonbing eonneeticns rr;st be cgprc"-ed before request')ng electrical insceeliot: Accessc,.g tsuiLdirq ?iral - After :crekes, skttting, iee2-s, etc. @e cancle=ad. tsLockrng ad. Sec-uc ?4e1oi2 LL726-3 x E 'ALL !4AilHCLZS AilD CLE!-ilCU?S IUS? tsE.\CCES1:tsL|, .4DJUS7:!1::! lO 3J:.t!,08.'.? lto::S: ?C Cry I Date of ,ppti"rri"n ?4?-87 T ur tr 9-aa I JOB NO.83 1 soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Cccutancu Euiding Pe*nit ?otal Cl"arges This pernnt is granted on the eqress 2ond.ttion tlat the said-conatrwcrion shall, in zl.L resoects, confc?n to the )rdiranee zCoa:eC by the CttT cf Spr)ngl')elti, '.nc!d.ing lhe 3or.ing CrCinance, negulctitlg lhe ccnatntcticn a.d use of bull,tings, and nay ae susoerieC or reuckei at cr! tlfle up.7't D1,c- La.tlon of il.A prcuisions of saiC Cviir,cnces. Receiot H: Sigr"ed Building Volue & Permit Mechq nicol Permit L-CO G+ Secraons LC? ?y?e _ Ir.tetiot _ Cor^e" _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac I:!:4 Petnit fssu.ance l,lecisnlcaL ?elrnt Lot ?aces -ine?au Sourees ieat Caraae A,:cess ilater iea:etllortilRdnce tast r..reD Lacz 5ot;th 'iaoastore i,/est -- F2es -- x "/aLue ibln G!aca 7C!.1L t't LAl a, (S.D.C. 1.5 .r /a.n -e ya Plumbing Permit Ilo pereon shcll eot.stzttct, instal!, a'!.tet oz, ehange Gtty nea cz, e:isting plunbin4 cr dtainage sAstez in uiwle ot in patt, '*tl,ess such. person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber's License, cace?x tl",at a ?e"son na'g do plmbing aork to p"ope?b! uhich is oumed, Leased or operated bg the dppli.- ccnt. Electricol Permit l{here Sta.te Lan requires tha,t the elecd.cal uork be done by an Eleetz"ical Contraetor, the eleetrtcal porlion of thia ?emit shall not be ualiC until tle Label icas been signed by the Electz"tcal Contrdctor. /4,70 ',i0 il1D a,r, I $a : i:iiEeS Res'r..dantt-al ( I bcth) Seuer Plunblng Perrtt llau/Eztend. Ciratits Semtice Tctal Oayces Stcte -: :.4 C!IA.R,CE !.sra.ce ?TUtS *ha/st ilooC Veat ?sr 'rlco<istote ?'/y-83 I HAW CAREFULLY lXAl4IilED tle eorn-oleted aoplicaticn for pernit, ani da hereby certify tltat aLL irfo:,mation heyeon is trae anC carrect, aruC i firther certiJi that any ard cLL aork perioraed slull be done ia accor- dance rrith tha 1rdinorces of the City cf SprJngfiei.d., and. the icxa of ihe State of areocn peri:a"Jninc to tke Do"k CescribeC heretn, crL :i'tct :i0 0CC9- P/.!lC'l vLLL be raie cf dny svtwctuve uithout permissiot of the 2uiiciing 9z- uision. f further ceriif3 ch.at o:tly ccntTactcrs a.d *,tplcyees xi"a az in cmpllance uath CRS 701.055 ,'tiLL be used cn thia prcject ?otal Cnctaes + K 2-/4-8s -- i:tc?.cAct}:::!! -- Secw-)lu Detcs,it Storece i4aintetazta- CIEJeJ! ?o ?6.24:CTAL A,IIOU:E DUE:4 f4obile ilone )z -d Daie Lot Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Ca.terage_ l of Stoies ?otcl leighx ?opogrqhy