HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-10-10Rece"lpt # 225 North rrt irrulr"t'c/i,oN/P,Rl'1rr SprLngfi.eld, 1regon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 ..RESIPENTIAL.. SPFIINGFTELD- Icz Iat # Job Ipeaticn: Aesesaore Map # Svbditision: L /1 Asner: ^o*.*,-61o g . l, y'/ rg Phone: ?/L - /7DV city: Descri.be h'ork ValueDate of AppL {q*Eome f 0-ro- Daar^Additian RenoCel General Page 1 of 2 lzsq / ec- Date: Conelmtet'ton_Leden Ramtt'ro) Tn I^t i8 tlv tespottribi-Lily of tlo petmit holda to see tlat all inspectiot* ee nad,e at lhe prope! tine, tl-at ecch addrees is renCqhie tyt-W at?eet,. and that the-penrtt-e-atd ia Lxated at the frcni of the propetty*9uilding Diuicion approt:ed pl,ot sTuLL remain on the zultalng site bt aLL' ttnes-' PP1jEDUPE Fo\IySPE??I)N,W7EST.'CALL726'3769(recotder) state aou" City desigrnted job ntmber, job aCitess, type of inspec=icntequested and uhen you uiLL be readg fot'inspection, Cont?actoo, ol, oumers ncme Znd pln)e nwfber.' -Requests rcZeiiZa bZ1cre'Z:00 cnt'"ill be nade the eane day' reqtteets-made after 7:00 onvtLLbe made the nett "o"iL[ary, KO6itQIout, City Deeigr,ated Job Nunber fs: SITE INSPEC?TON: eccaoation, but Io be nade after pz"iot, tc set up of TNSULA?ION/VAPOR }A!RfER II\SPECTTON :DEI.NLTTIA]] OR IJNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCYA.\ICAL: To be nade before ingttork ie cooered. FO)TIN} & F)UNDATICN: ?o be rmCe;fter t;enc6;-aeZtcatsated and. forms are erected, but ptior topourtng ccncreta. UNDSRCPOAIID PLUMBINC. SE'/EP, W,A?ER. DRAfilACE: ?o be rade prior to fil-7@-6inchee. UIIDE,?FLOOR PLUTIBTNG & I,IECilANTCAL : o7 floot insulation or decking. PpS? AlD BEAM: To be made prtot toinstallation of floor irculation ot, decking. ROUGH PLUtBIItc. ELECTRTCAL & !4ECH-ANICAL: UoMw:til these irrcpeetions lnoe been nade and. approueC. FIPEPI.ACE: Ptior to placirg facingmetetlaLs and. before franing inspec_tion. FRA.I|INC:_ ttust be requested afterapprooal of rough plwnbing, e1ectui_cal & meehanieal. ALt roofirq btaetng E ehinmsys, ete. nrast- be . eonpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspection las'been nal.e anC approoed. forns FTilAL PLUMBIIIG PTNAL I,IECHANTCAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL ?o be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn cd. required uapor beriera a"e in pla.ce but before ory Lath, Wpsum baarC oy tnLL coueting is applted, ard beforeag insuT.ation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPECII)N: Tc be madeafter aLL C.tyuaLL ie in place, but prior to ang taping. I"|AS0NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting or uerticals in accordotce Lrith U.B.C. Seetion 241 5. WOODSTOIIE: ;cmpDm. Aftez, installation is QAV$ APPRCACI! APPON: Sanitary seuer capped at properq- Lire Septic totk p,nped e,d. filled rith gra;.tel Final - h4ten abctle itans ate earpleted and uhen CarcLition is canplete ot, sttue- tuz,e moued atd. prer,rtaes cleaneC up. SIDEWALK & DRfIEilAI: For aLL eon- [tcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plu;mbing connections -- aaier and, uater Electrical Conneetion - Blocking, set-up artd. plwnbing eonnections m;st be apprc"-bd before requesting eleetrical inspection Aeeessory* BuilCing a,;iiectAEtnii conc!,ete. After fornsto pourtng crete paoirq uithin street right-of-tng, to be made after aLL esea- oating canplete & forn tntk & sub- base ttcterLal in place.Einal - After pctehes, skirting, decks,etc. a?e eonpleted. ?ENCE: I,lhen conplete -- prooide gates or notlable sections thraugh P, U.E. q\ ALL pnoiect eonditions, such ae the i.natallation of street ttees, conpletion of therequired Landscaping, ete.' mtst be satisfied befoye the BUfLDII't-c FfltAL can be requested. ?rNAL BUTLDTNG: The Einal Building. rnspeetion nilat be requested after the tinal plunbinXElectrical, qtd. I,techanical fnspeett\ons ha^e been nad)- ard'opproued. [] *ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTITTI:I TO BE I.L4DE AT IIO CCST TO eny llt 4 07' h tr tr Lot Faees - Setbacks Df House Ca"aqe Access North East Firepi South West I rTEM SQ. FTC x VaLue nbin Geaqe Cd?popt Accessot ll ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x CHARGENO.FEE FLzh*es Residential (1 bath) Seuen - CHARGENO.FEE N a,t /Ext erzd. Circui ts Sez,uice Lecx?' NC.FEE Mechqnicol Permit lJcodstooe Vent F@t Ecltanat Ilood ETU, Permit fssuanee MechaniceL Permit -- ENCROACEMENT -- Seeur.it! Depoeit Sto?ag9 Maintenance Permtt Curbcut Fenee 5. oo Eleetnieal Label Mobile Horne JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couerage # of Stories ?otal Eeight Topographg Bui.Lding Pendt State ?otal Clnrgea Plnbing Perwit soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gr LOT ?WE _ fnteniot _ Cor+1e" _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & permir Date Paid: Signed: L-COG+ Bed,.t,oons: o- \i"..Vnrr*t-i-s granted on the erp"ess codition that the said. eonstruetion Yj:' :"111.?e:pects, gonform to the Ordirwnee adopted 6:y the City of Y\r"qtint3, including the Zoning Cydirnnce, regulatZng thZ ccnstru-ctiZn 7:.1:-" o! build[ng.s,. ord nay be- suspended or reuokeC Lt org time upon oic_taxLon oJ'oty prcrtisions of said O?ditwnces. * Plumbing Permir N9 pereon slnll cqnstraet, instaL'!., alte, or ettange _dfia nea cr etistingqly|f"S oz, drainage "Agl? in ;,tlole o_r. in pott, "unles"s "u"n pnr"o, is the !l!a!.eossesyl of a ualid plunber,s License, eicept tlat a pZt,"on nag d.opLunblng ao?k to property ulrteh is omed, Leased or operated by the "ppli_cant. Electricol Permit wlere state Lan re_quires tlwt the eleetrieal uork be done by an Electr.icalcontz'aetoz" the elec+t LcaL portion of this permit slnll not be oalil untilthe Label lns been signed bg the Electrical- Contractor, State ?otaL I l'Lan Date f HAW CAREEULLy EXil|fNED the eornpleted application fot permit, and. do hereby eertify that aLL itifonnation hereon is true and. cotz,ect, auC f furtkez, certify that any ard. aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accor,- dance vith the 1rdinanees of the Ci,tg of Springfield, and the Las of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the aork Cescribed het,ein, end ttnt NO OCCU- PANCY ltill be rmd.e of any st?uctu"e ttthout pernission of the Suilding DL-oision. f furthen eertifg that only contracto"s azd enplcgees uho are in conpliance dith ORS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this project TO?AL AI4OUIIT DUE: *5,ga \cl Date CI]ARCE ?otal Charoes State Sida,talk