HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-09-20.. RESID - ITIAL.. APPLTCATTON/PERITIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, 2regon 97477 Buildittg Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Loeaticn:a 7fr Aasessore Map ll I 033 a SPFIINGFIET.I) Ics lat # Phone:q 25s Value you" City Desi.gr.ated Job Nwnber fs: be made place, IASONR!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot, terticals in accordorce Lith U.B.C. Section 241 5. A-aA-- Subdiztision: Otmer: Address: u- 0tc Additian RenoCel Date of App GeneraL Consltaelion Jende!_ '"ffiffisrL J*r,tr F.roo? ?o be nade aftet pz.ior tc set up of Date r-t ie the responsibilila .of .tte penrit toZd* to see tlwt aLL inspecttons ee nad.e at tle propet tine, that eaeh .,t4ress ,ts ?sa)a;;giyl-tlr at?ee-t'. anc, tlut the-penrut.cail. is tocated at the fzotti of tle prooetat*suiUing Noiciott appro"-ed plctt sItc.LZ z'emain on ti e"llii"lg'sii.-bt-"u'11..ir2".'' 4E:EDUPE;FoR.rysPEcrroV Rgqwsr:CALL726-3769(recot'det) state gout, citg designa-ted. job nwrbet,, job aCi;'.ess, type of i.nspee=icnrequested ard' u'een uou uiLL be ready fot ir,spection, conttaeton" oi a.mez:s"nane Lni ptr)" nunber.' iA;;;-"".eixed befcz,e 7:00 an,iLL be nade the sdte dcy' requests"mlad.e iji* ztoo- o, aLLL be nade the neat:nrkiti day. 650 qr --l srrx rVSPli?rot!:,I ezcaoaticn, but - forns.I l UNDERSLAB pLUt4BrNG. ELE7TRICAL &iacyt:fcar@ny uoz,k is eoueted. PC)TIIIG & EOItIIDATICN: To be naCeaj'ter tz,encites a?e eccauated and. fotns. are erected, but prior topouring ccncrete. [NS!LA?1011/vttPOR BARRIER IITSPECTI1N : To be npde after aLL insulcticn cd.required oqot ba*ievs @e in pLacebut before ory Lath, Wpsum baatC ortnLL couering is appiied, cnd beforeary iraul.a.tion is concealed. DRTWALL IIISPZCTTON: Tcafter aLL dryuall i.s inbut prior to ang taping. - utolRcpoalD pLIlMErNc. sEWEp. w.4?ER- _) DRAII,IAGE: To be mad.e prior to fil-Lirq trenehes. 1 ltttptlruooR zLUIBTNG & t4EcHANrcAL:t T? be nad.e p?ic? to installation of floot insulction or deeking. I POST AI'|D BEAI4: ?o be nade or.ioy to ) A;;matGiof floot, insut)tion it d.ecking. -1 ROt-tGH pLtrlEIItG, ELEC?RICAL & |IECE-latrct[:@ - until these inspeetians haue been nade cnd appnooed. I ffp.rpltc!: h-Lor to plceirq facingI naterials and before franing inspeL-tion. 7 fnu.:twc: Wst be requested aftet ) dpp"oual of nough plirrbing, ni.cltr"i-eal & neciunical. Alt r.oofing . bracing E chittmeys, etc. trust be - cornpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon-. cecled until this inspeetton las'bee.n nade anC approued. Fw After installation is cote?ete. After formsto pour"tng caRF & APPROACU APP)N:ee erecteC but prior l l l l FIIIAL PLUIEIIIG FTilAL I4ECHAilTCAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL SIDEWALK & DRfIEWAY: Eor aLL con-ctete paoittg tyi.thin Bt?eet right-of-txA, to be made after aLL eaea- uating canplete & forn utork & sub- base material in place. A!!E: When conplete -- tuouiCe gates o" mouable eeetions thtough P,U.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet t7ees, cc:pletion of thercquited Landseqing, ete., mtst be.satisfted before the BUfLDING FIIIAL can be requested. iltlAL BUILDINC: The Final Building. fnspeetion mtet be requested cften the Final ptunbingElectrical, anC Neclarical fnspecti,ons late been nade atd'approoed. fr&EE 0R :.:ow) tsu Soitatg seuet capped et proper4i Lit:e Septic totk ptr,,ped attd. filled ui.th gratel Fi.nal - I{hen abcoe itens aye ecnoleteC and uhen Cenolition is complete Zt stni:-tuye moued and. prewLses cleaneC up. e Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plutnbing connections -- sa/)e! a,C, uater Eleetrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-ut and. plutnbing eonneetions mist be apptcvbC before requesting e1-eetrical inspeetiol Accessory- BuilCing pcrches, skit ting, decl<.s, Leted. Final - Afteretc. ee eomp Page 7 of 2'ALL IIAI\HCLES AND CLEANOU?S HUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI1E\U TO BE t',4D8 /.? ilO CSST tO CEy u T :ll l l _l:l soLAR AC-SS REQ.-L-co # Beiroons: Fi Date Paid Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon ohall consb-.uet, instal!, alter oz, elnnge dn! net cr ecisting plu,nbing or drainage systslt in uhole or in part, unless such person is tlte Legal possessor of a ualid plmber's Lieense, eucept tl,at a petsonna'g do plunbing uork to p?ope?tA uhich is or^med, Leased or operated by the appli.- eant. Electricol Permit Were State Lan requiz,es th.at the eleetz,ieal uork be done by an Eleetrtcal Contracto", the eleetyLcal portton of '-hia permit slall rot be oali.C. until the label has been signed by the Electrical Cont?actor. Plarz Eraniner Plwnbing Pennit State Sutey'arae State TotaL EleetricaL i Mobite Eane f HAW CAREFULLy EXN,ILNED the eonpleted application fot permit, and ilo heteby certify tltat aLL infotnation heteon is ttae and correct, anl. f futtker certify that any ard aLL uork petforaed slall be dote in aceor- dance',ttth the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and the La"ts of theState of )regcn pertaining to the uoy,k Cesctibcd herein, cnd. tllat NO OCCU- P/.NCy rtill be rm,7.e of atry structu"e uithout pernission of the Building Di-uision. I futther certify that only eontracto?s a-,.d. ettplcgees dho arb in eatpli.ance uith CRS 701.05s uiLL be ueed on this project 7 JOB NO. )cqOurc Lot Faces -L42?OU boUfrees ?uce Setbacks Df House Caraae Access.Uate" lleate"I'lorth East South Hooaotoue # of Stories ?otal Height Topography LCT TWE _ Interict _ Corner _ Panlundle CUL-de-sac Iat Sq. Ftg. z of Lct Ccuerage West -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit Ihis pertnr.t is granted on the eippess eord.ition that the said..eonstmtcti.on slnll, in all z,espects, conform to the Ordirwnce adopted fiiy the City of Springfield, includrng the Zoning CYdtrance, regulcting the ccnstructicn otd. use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cry ti.me upon oic- T,ation of dty prcui.sions of said 0rdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE Building Permtt ?otal Clnrges IYEil State I?E!,!CHAP.GE s.D.c, 1.5 0 Fistti.yes Resid.etttial (1 bath) Sanitary Setser. tlcter :10.trr: Res. So. fta. N eu / Est end, C iy, c,tti t s Iatocroy Seroiee /5,oo NC tcn , ,. Mechqnicol Permit bhanst HooC llcodstotse Vent Fot Penrat fssustee Meclnnieal Pernrit -- EIICROACHMENT -- Seeurity Deposit Storaae Maintenance Permtt Sideualk TOTAL AHOU\I? DTJE:'6-(oo Signed / Electrical PermLt ?otal Clances Fenee