HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-07-07.. RESIDENITIAL.' APPLICATTON/PERTTru 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield, 1z'egon 97477 BuiLding Di,uision 7 26-37 53 Job Incaticn 5 C -rH b(3 qa,//_ SPFINGFIEI.D ,.0 Aesessore Map # Subdioision: Otmer: Address: 3C Neu Addition /Qril Tcs Int # Phone: DescrLbe h'ot'k: 3 l)t I 4)0 'l\4 v i-t ry //L RemoCel .C Date -a* Date of AppL GeneraL Value ELectrical I Construetion Lende" I4eelwniccL PP)CEDUPE F)R INSPECTI)I! R9QWS?ICALL726-3769 (teeordet) state your Citg Cesignated job reguested ard ahen gou uiLL be reaciy for inspection, Cont?actc?s or Onne?s nane cnd plnne , t'iLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests nc.de after 7:00 onuLLLbe made the nect uorking day. Reouiyed fnsoections Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs: It ie the responsibility of the penrit lrolte? to aee tlut alt inspections oe nade at the Fo?e? tine' tLat eaeh addrees is tea1abie fivn the atreet, and that the penmt eard ia L.ocated at the frcnt of the propenty.tBuiUing Diuiciot appro"*ed plan sltcll remain on tize Bunlding Sitc at aLL times. ntmbet,, iob aCitess, tgpe of inapee--icn ntnber. P.equests recei"^ed befcre 7:00 s:t ?za 4bc T ,I SI?E INSPEC?ION: ?o be nade afterezcAatlon;Et prtor tc set up of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLAMBING, ELECTRICAL & l,ECHlitCAL: To be made before any t'lork is coueyed. F))TING & F)ANDA?fCN: ?o be tnaCe Aftet t""nctes at e *cauated ard forms are erected, but ptior to ccnerete v trenchee. AI|DEPFLOAR PLUI.E ING & I4ECITANTCAL : rN suLA?roN /VAP1R BAERI:ER rlEPEp!!9lL DEI.NLNTOII OR :.:OW) BUILDTICS of floor insuT.a.tion o" decki.ng. P1Sf AND BEAY: To be nade prLor to installaticn of floor insulation on decking. ROUGH PLU.IBIIIC. ELECTRTCAL & IIECH: ANfCAL: No uork is to be co"*et,ed ffiiT-these inspecti.ons lwn:e been made and approued.. DRYWALL ITISPECITON: Tc be NAdeafte"-alT@iTl,s in pl.ace, but prior to any taping. I4ASONRI: Steel Location, bond TZdilgrouting or uertieals in aceordotce LlLth U,B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTOI"IE: ccnpT;iA. After install,ation is CURB & APPRCACIT APP)N: After fornsate erecteC but prior to pourLrq coni"ete. SfDEilALK & DRI\EWAI: Eor aLL con- crete paoing uithin stz,eet right- of-txA, to be nade after aLL e*ca- oating conpLete & forn rsot'k & sub- base tuterLal in pLace. Sani:ut1 seaet cappted ct pt'opertg Litce Septic tork p"ir,ped and filled tith gra;.tel Final - tt\zen abcue itens ote conoleted and uhen Cqtclttiort is eomplete ot stras- ture motted atd. ptemLses cleaneC up. Ecmes Blocking otd Set-;,tp Pluttbi.ng eonnecti.otts -- aeue? otd. ualet Electrieal Ccnnection - Bloekittg' set-uD and plunbing eonnections mist be apprctei before requesting eleclrtcal inspectio;t Einal - Aftez, ccrekes, skirting, decks, etc. ue cotnple-"ed. ?o be made after aLL insulaticn and required uapor boriers @e in place but before ory La.th, Wpsurn boatC ot' tnLL eovering is qpli.ed, cnd. before oty it*ulation is concealed. to FIFEPLACEfri;i;G tion. FINAL LTECHANICAL EINAL ELEC?RICAL PrLon to placirq and before froning facing inspee- "1 fA$lnc: ltust be requested aften ') appro,ral of rough pli*ing, eiectri- eal & neclnnical. ALt roofiztg btaeing & ehinmeys, etc. trust be , conrpleted. Ilo uoy,k is to be con- - eealed until this inspection las'been mad.e anC approoed. {rrrorPLUffifIl ?ENCE: Wen complate -- fuouiCe gates or mottable eectians through P. U. E. ALL ptoject conditions, such ae tle instaLlation of stteet trees, eo:aletion-of the ,nqri"nd Landscaping, Ztc., mtet be eatisfied befot,e the BUILDING ELNAL can be reqtested. PINAL BAILDIN|: The Final Building Inapection mtst be tequested cftet the Final Plunbing \J Electrical, otd Meetunical Inspeeti,ons hate been made atd approoed. IALL MANHCLES AND CLEAT'IOU?S MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTIIEII! TO BE TUDE /.T I:O CCST TO CI?Y Pagelof2l { .,.,) T r sJoB No.t rL{SOLAR A'^^ESS REQ.- UICI): L-CO BeCroons Lot Faces -Enerqu So;trces Tuce Setbacks lieat Df House Caraae Aeeess Watet !eaterNo"th Range East FircpLace South Woorictoxe % of Lct Cooerage_ # of Stories Total Height LCT ?WE _ Intericr Cornet r-ot Sq. Ftg. Iopography Panlwnd.Le CuL-de-sac West --r This penn'it is granted on the e$p?ess eondition tlut the said eonsttuetionsltall, in al.L respeets, conform to the Crdirance edopted 5:y the Ci.tg of Spr"Lngfield, ineluding the Zoning Cvdincnce, regulating the ccnstzacticn otd. use of buildi.ngs, otd may be suspended or ?eookeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of mA prcoisions of said 1zdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: FEE ITXIl fiu x Va NO I,TlAEUL s,D.c. 7.5 c Euilding Permit ?otal Clnrges State Building Volue & Permit PLrtutes Resil.entia.L (1 bath) Sanitazg Seuet,//lr i,lcte! 30.oo l-so 3 (,so CiJAP,GENO.FEE ?aroct cy Sertsice NC FPP # Signed: Pl;nbing Pem:tt I naa/extend Circuits Permit ?otal bhanst HooC i. Vent For -tlcodstoite Permtt fssuanee Mec?tanical Pernrit -- EIICROACHMENT -- t Petnrtt ?otaL Cutbcu! Sida,talk lenee lilobile Hone Plumbing Perrnit No, person sLnll constzaet, install,, alter or clnnge cnA net cr existingplwnbin4 or drainage sAsten in uhole or in paz,t, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwtber's L.icense, eccept tlnt a pe?son nay dopltnbing oork to p"opertA uhieh is oaned, Leased or opez:ated by the appli- cant. Electricql Permit Were State Las requires tlnt the eleety,ical uoz,k be done by an Eleetr.ical Contraetot,, the eleetyical portion of this permit sltall not be oalil untilthe Label lns beett signed by the Electtical Contracto?. Pf,ar1 uaxe ?"1- [ -JIAL Ai,lAUfi' DirZ: "3r.so t" q -s- Mechqnicol Permit I HAW CAREPULLy EXAttfNED the cornpleted aoplication fot pennit, and. do hereby certify that aLL information het,eon is ttue and ebtt,ect, anC I furtket, certify that any ard aLL uork perforned sLnLL be dote in acoot- dance tith the 0tdinances of the City of Springfield, ard the Las of the* State of Oregon pentaining to the uotk Cescribbd h"ne"n, cnd tlut NO OCCU- PANCY ttill be rruCe of any structu?e uithout permission of the Building N-oision. f further certifg that only eontracto"s and enplcyees Dho d"-e in eatpliance uith ORS 701.055 wiLL be used on thie project