HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-08-10..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATICN/PERPITT 225 i'lorth |th Street Springfieti, Cregon 97177 Building Diuision 728-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD u e0 t8 iob bcaticn: Subdi:tisicn: }.-:len: Ad&ess:PTone: 9eecribe htark: ACCiticn 2009 t--l :t?) \-,,1--lu\aj-P'*,*,1 Value Gener-a.L i.leclwriccL Dati?Ll?rclt cP ;:cv!) tsui. Soi'-azy seter eqted ct ?topetQ Lire Septic tork Varyed a;d flLLeC tri+"h gra;zi linal - it4ten cbcue i;ens ate cs,oleted, a':ti ahen ienclttion is eorwlete bt sb:.-e- tut,e naueC oc Vretrises cleazzed uV. ilctres tsLocking od 1et-up Pltnbing contecticns -- sa)e? od, uatey Electrical Ccdnection - Blockitq, sei-u, and glunbing eowections rn;st be apprcved befote z.equeav')ng eleclrJeal itscec=ic:. Aceesso?i ?uilClng Ftnal - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc. @e ccnple:ed. lt ia lhe resgonsibiLity of tre pentia holder to see that all inspections @e nad.e at lhe propet tine , t!.,ct acch address is vqa;.'^'-,iy-tlf si?ee.t, cnC, tltat the petmtt ead, ie i.ceated ct the izottt of the Tope?q,t?uiAiq 7)uicio.. cp=roxeri pl.bn shz.il z,enain on ie tsu--Ldrng S)te'at eLL- tiines.- P:?0C9OUP9. ?aR il:SPlnICll I91|EST.'CALL726-3769 (yecorCet) state you! City designzted job ntmbet, job aCdtess, t,gpe of inspeclicnrecttested cra. u:zen you -,,riLL be reatiy lor irspcction, Conttdctc?s c? A.zers nane crd. phone nwnb*. P.equesxs receiied befcre- ?:0C ,;'-iLl be tatie thc sane Ccg, "equests ncrie cftet 7:00 Gn viZL be ruCe the n.Et tbrkid dal.g3\q q 3 ConslereCcn_-!end1!_ lltlaFaef^a) af rt.@^ta ) tr-n t\rf-. f Io be -,ace tricr to '-nsxcliatton cf JCLICE ?!?B!:IG. !!ZC:PI'A' t IiC3. i!:!fL: ;lo )o?1 is :o ce cctetei uzzil- ;hese ')r,.scectict:s h.zuo- beer naie :tl. q2rcrt'ei. ti?Z?il,C!: n-)or io plcctr4 icc"Jngacteia.Ls ct^d, before frattrq inepec- ?T;!AL PLA:RI::C PI:IAL :,IECITA:IICAL - -Lt^! -Jew-.1:rAi f1.oor '-ntuktic-n o: deckirg. ia post ttto setq: 76 is raie priorco, i ffiffic; 11oor irsui.o.;ion cr deckittg. I ] Jzt-,t!:lc: :.tus. be rec.tecxed aileri) c??"cua'; cf rcugh pUiAt,.a, a'!ec;ri-cal t neciarical. LL! rcoiizt4 btar-nq I ehit.*tcgs, ete. :rtst beeonoleted. :lo .,)ct< is to be :cn- - cecled undl :his inscecricn ia.e'been nale anC appro"^ed. you! CitA Desigra,ted Jab lhntbet Is IIISULAIICII /IIA.PCP EARRI!?, |IISPIC?fiII : 7o be naie ef;.er aLL insukxicn exi required uqor bav"Je?s @e tn plncetat beX'ot e ag Lath, WpsLun baarC or tnLL couer.Jng is ccclied, znd. before oty insuT-a'"icn is eoncealed. DRYIALL illSPlC?ICN: lc be nade dfiffi@ndT'ts in place, bat prior to cny tap*,q. W.SO!!!: Steel location, itond. beans, gwtttin4 ot lterticcls in accordoee ,,ri;h U.ts.C. Seeti.on 't))DSTC'/l: Atter irctallation io arqletea. . CURB E APPRCACP .a.?!BN: Afte? formss,e ,r.A;;Z';-u,tW tu pcamns concTete. 3IDEIIA.LK ,i 9R!,T,|A!: Fot aLL cot't- c?ete paoin€ utth:,n st?eet rtght- of-,'rU' lo be naCe alter aLL ecca- uatinq eqnolete t ;'om wrk & aub- base tcterial in place. SilS L'rSFgffrS.' ?o be tnie aftet escac.ticn, but ptlcr tc set u? of fans. UiIDZ,?SLA3 ?:L'i8 i:IC. ?LZC?PIC,',I, 1 |ECt!.:.llI'iAL: ?o be moae ceiore cngnori rs coueyeC. FgO?!:iC , !0U:!DA?iC:t: ?o be tnCe M .tenciGfficcanted atd, fcrns cre erected, but p"ior -.o purtrg eanc?et€. .-l v:D3i6 ?c'"':!, ?.t:yz -:lSr:EEL_:!! tJ,j Lirq zrenches.I lI T :l I ?n11.?. iatA l{hen ccnplate -- fuouiCe ot nouable sectians through P, U. E. ALl. pro;ect corii--ians, such as the insvallation of stteet trees, :c-tleticn ol :ie reqaireci 7.c:ndsccgir-i, etc., nast be satisJ-ieC bei'ore the tsuILDIilC FI\AL :en be rzqzestei- IIXAL ilfLDMC: The Pinal Buildir,4 Insaection nst be yeauesteti ziter the iiztal Plunbitqileccn'ical, oti lleclnr-tc:L insoeettcns 'itque been nacie arui'cooroued. 'ALL;lAlilCLtS AND CLSANOUIS;!US7 2E.l.CCISSItsLi, ADiUSi:!:li lO 3E:.:AD! !'.!:tO :aST n Ci?y ?:ge 1 of 2 Aocesaore ;,!€J ll Date of oppt;*"r"n B' lD']c^3 I tr )-aa I JOB NO bt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf lct Caoerage * of Stortes ?otal leight topogTqh! Plabing Penrtt State Surcharge PenrLt soLAR_-CESS REQ.- _ b.teticr _ Corner _ Paniuruile Cul-<ie-sac .{ L-CO G+ tai2 Sigzed: Plumbing Permit No, person slnll cansimtet, instal!, alter ot ciurqe cnu nea cr ecistingplwnbirq or dtainage sy$tat in ahole or in part, unless such pez,son is- the Legal possessor of a,talid plwtberts Lieense, eccept th.ai a ge:son na7 do plunbing wotk to prope?t! ahich is otmed, Leased or ooerated by the appli-cdtt. Electricol Permit Wet,e State Lan requiz,es that the electrical uonk be done by an lleetz.ical Conttactor, the electrical portion of this pe:mit sha.Ll not be ualil untilthe Label las beel aigted by the Eleca4cal Contractor. -- i;lcR0AcH!.!E:t? -- PLan honiner f HAW CAREIULLy gxAl,lfil\D t?e eornpf,eted application for pe*ai:, anri da hereby eettify tlnt alt hfotraiion heteon is tzae anC ccrrect, ani Ife,th* eertify that ory atd. aLL aonk ceriotmed alwll be done in accor- ddnce:,rith the Ordin-cnces of the ci.tg of SprlngfielC, anC, ahe Laus of the State of aregon pertainino to the wrk Cesc--Jbeci het,ein, cnd :ha.t :lO CCC!- F.UCI ',rLlL be ns,i.e of otA atructuy2 aithcur. pernissiott cf the 3uiidino Dt -uision. i fi*+.her eertifli tha,t otly contractor.s otd. etplcyees uh-c cie in eanpliance uath CRS 701-055 aiLL be used on this y,oject 7.3eiroons Lot Faces -lr.erou Sources tbaeks ieai )r iouse Carcde Access Vater !ea:etIlo"th Rarqe East ltreoi.ace Sot;th vooci-s:oxe f,/est Building Vqlue & Permit Thia ?errrut is granted on the ec?ress coltdition tLra.t the said eonsiy,ttclion shaii, ln cil tescects, conJ'crn io the irdirance =doctei b,1 :Ze :it1 cf Spr.ngf'.elC, including lhe Zor,.ing Crdincnce, regulelita ;i".e ecr"s;rteticn qrui use of buii.dLngs, ad nty be susoerLed or reuckei at cr.y tine ulon uic- Latton of oty pz,cuisions of saiC OrCirances. .r'-3 .( ;t0.C;A?.CE S.D.C. 1.5 c !A!.11 VALUE Euildir4 ?exnit ?otc.L Cha:gea Restd,etttial ( 1 bath) Sa:z,i Seuer 'ictet 9.U :io. Res. So. fta. ll a,t,/ Ect end, Ciredt s laioord,A Semtice iIi:,{ Ezilalst HooC Vent Fat Derooit ;tc 'lt1)-- llcodsto:se Sectrj Mechonicol Permit Permtt fsstttce Meclan"Jcal PeniTt Storzae Maintenanue SiCa,taLk /rob LLeetfl-cdL LcbeL IC?AL Ai.!AUIT DUE: *l8v t, yobiz, a*r" Signeti c. Ii!y Tctal C*ztaes lotal Aages h&r-aaa 2Tll'S