HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-01-14- NOflflED JArrr r 3ls-L J .. RESI-DENTIAL.. COMB IN ATI ON APPLI C AT IO N /PEPJLI! 225 North ith Street SprtngfielC, 2regon 97477 BUL Ldlng DLUI-SLOI 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD d Bui I di ng Permi t $36 T 4% Plumbing Pe 4% Electrical 4% Mechani cal 4% rml 00 44 00 40 00 00 50 70 20 it i't t rm rm 1. 35. 1. Pe Peiob Loeaticn: Assesso"s !,taD i ra.x Lot # 11100 subdiuision: N'ichol as Gardens , 2d Add Blk 3, Lot 15 Asner: Addtess: 485 N, 24th Street Phone: 747-9481 , Springfield,0R zis: 97477 t7. Elec label $TI8:z- n )lqs AdCiticn Res'i denti al addi t'ion RanoCel Date Date o1'eppli"oticz.@ value $5.600.00 Cenetal f\^rnan Conslrtcticn Lendet It is lhe resgonaibiliq of ti",e permi! iold,er to see that aLL inspeetiaflr, dre nade at the proper tiae , tl,at ecch ailtess is teaialie fran the stteet, dnC that the pe?rrii catd, is Located at lh,e frcnt of the_propetcg.iguiLdivg Ditri:ioz aopro"*ed, pLan slcll remain on tha BunUing gita at aLL tines. PP,OClDltRg FOn IiISPECI!91!_SE1UES?: CalL ?26-3?83 becotde.r) state your City designated iob rurriber, iob n,ldness, lVPe- of inspeciicn @eadyforirspeecon,contrdctalgo"aie"8twneatdp1anenanbcr.PeqEstsreceixedbe1.cne7:00an'*ill be rade the sorc dag, pequests nad.e aft* 7:00 ott viLL be nul,e the nczt wrkittg dag. Io11? Citl Deeigr,a,ted. Job lhanber Ia:820021 Sodlaj aa.tet eq-oed :t ?=o?a:ii iine Septic totk plrtqed ei filLed tith gtanel linal - ,l'!hen cbc"*e itzne @e canplezed a.d ahen Tet.ciition is con=Le=z o! struc- tute noued oi pz,e-:ris;s cleanei up. Blocking otd. Sev-z; Plmbing ccnnecticns -- aa)er ad talet Electriccl Cc*eection - Blcck)r4, set-uo atd plunbing eof.nectians r;st le before nequesting elec=rtcal :-rspec;ion Accessory BuiHitg sk)rting, decks,Eitul - After tcrekes, etc. dre conr,oietei. F:;e 1 of 2 WDgRSLAE PLUM?IIC. ILaCTPICAL & WC!!;.]|ICAL: lo be nucie before any l.;ork':.s couered. F90T!11G t FOUI|DA?IC1|: To be rnCeifdTfrffi-e.cauated and forns cte erected, but prior to pour)r,g ccatc"et€. r it s u L AT r c N / v.A.PoF -rd.p.3r3i r i] s? ! c ! fi ll : fo bie rude after aLL i.ttstrlcticn ed. re4ircd uqot ber'tera @e in place but befcre ory Lath, Wpstrn bauC ot tla,Ll cooering ia ao.plied, od. before any insulatioa is concealed. l-1 DRY'iALL IiiSPgE!1N: ?c be mal.e I X\A;ite! anAuudT-is in ptcce, but T1-Ot tO dry cdplf1g. Ir.lLSCllRI: Steel Location, bad. ffiiqrouting or oerticals in accctdotce utith U.B.C. Section 247 S. tl)ODST1'n: Aftet installation is atrpLeteti. CAFS & APPECACfl .4P.o.0n: After fornsee erecteC but prior to Potring afl.c?ete. SIDYIALK A DR?,TIAI: Fot aLL con- crete pauing tithin street rtght- of-rxA, to be naCe after aL! ezca- oatl,ng eatolete & fon wrk & cub- base ncteial in place. STIS I.'JSPJf?.IC|J: ezcauaticn, buc fotnd. ?IIIAL ?LUVBI:IC FIIIAL 14EC|IA]$CAL ?I;IAL ELEARTCAL lo ca na.de after pricr tc se! up of U [-] u.1,Dg.rc pc u :! D p!u!.e_!reL-rn3&8,tJ) Lirq trenches. UIIDE,?I!,CAR ?LU:,gI:IG " illCilAilTCAL : @offloor insuiction o: decking. la posr AiD tsEA!.l: To be r,ade pr"ior to I Xl ir.scallax:.cn of floon insr;la.'.ion or deckinE. (-1 ROL'CH ?LU:!91::G, iaSr!?lCAL I ;,!EC!!-lxl - w:c;,L chese rnsoeczior.s ha,ue beer. E naie and, agprovei. FIPI?LACE: b)or to plccirq fcci"Sncterials attd. beJ'ore frartng inspec- tion. V ie/J:uc: t4t,.5i be recuected after U) "D-p*r"L o1' rough plurcing, e-Leetfr- cal d aechanieal. ALt noofing braitq 3 chinmcus, etc. m;st be ccnoleted. !!o uctk is to be con- cecled untiZ this insoecttcn las been natie anC ap-oror;ed. lEltCE: 'rhez eonolate -- ProuiCe @ or ;douable' sectians throtgh DI'? ALL proiect cotdizions, fle!" as the installatton of street *ees, ec:o!;-.ion o1';hz requined Lanisccoir.g, ete-, tmrsc be saxisfied beJbte aLe tsUILDI;C FI:IAL :et ie ree"ested- L Buitding Inspeetion mtet be "ecluestea c!:2r :^e Finel ?ltnbtng L Inspecxions hauc been naCe anti acptoved. ?fil.4L tsUILDII|C: Tke Fina Electrical, anC :lecitm,icaD *ALL |.|ANECLES AND CLEAI|1WS HUS? 3E .ACCESSItsLE, ADJUST:|Eil! r0 9E !,L4DE !7 N0 C0S7 r0 ,ry X Describe l{otk: ?Lunbina Owner Elee+-vical Owne r )lechmiczl 9c a ti-r o i 7n <n o el''- ct s m o ,Icb lh,nbct,: B 2 oo2 Refereree ilunbet's:L-CCC #:tltl Zcne: Q 1 OeeuDancy G"or,tD:Beitoons: Lot Sq. Ftg. i ci Lct Caue?dge # of Sbrtes Total Height IopogruVhg _ fnterict v Co?ner _. Panltatuile Cul-de-sac [,ot Faces -Sourees72OA 2401 L4' I evcl :!Ei.t t Building Volue & Permit Thts perrrJt is granted on the enp?ess condition tlnt the said constlaetion shall', in aLL rbspeets, eonfcrwt to the 2rdinance adopted by the City 9fSpringfield, inc!-uding the Zoning CYdittanee, regulating the ccnstzucticn &d u-se of buildings, and may be suspended or retsckeC at ary time upon oio- lation of et! prcuisions of said Ordir'ances. S.D.C. 7.5 c i?ELI Buildir,g Pe?nrut State ?otal Clntgps Stete ?otal * Receipt #: 857853 Electricol Permit Where State Lau requires tlwt the electrical uork be done bg ot Eleetrical Contracton, the electu teal portion of this permtt slnll rot be oaliC until the Label lus been signed by the Electrieal Conttactot'. * DT Access.House NoPth 351 East 44',ll FirepLaee South 5'll West ll [,loodstoxe F!G Y Value ?OTAL VA.LUE PLan Check 37.44 Si4ted, CEAP.GE Fistures i!0 FEE Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No peteon shall construct, instal!' alter or elnnge ,anA nea,cr ezisti.ng plmbing or dtainage systen in ahole or in patt' unless sueh person is the legal pbssessor of a oalid plwnbez"s license, etcept tl"at a pe?son tMA q plmbing aork to p"opetb! uhich is oaned, leased or operated by the aPPLi'- cant. Plwnbitrg Perqrit State 1 ll a,t,/E*t end. Cit ctti t s Settsice ;ic.F9E CI]ARCE YIU, S Eahanst HooC Vent Fan I'lcodstoite * Mechqnicol Permit Peurrlt fssufrice l4eeian;ical Permit -- EitcF,cAcH;.!E!'!T -- t Permit Curbcu! Sida,talk Mobile Hane TOTAL A}4OUiE DUE:1 $118.24 f HAW CAREFULLy |XAI,|INED t?te eompleted application for pertnit, and do hereby certify that aLL infotmation hez'eon is true and. cortect, and f furth-et, cet,tifg that any ard. aLL uork perfortned alnll be done in aeaor'--dance vLth the- Ordinanc-es of the cita bf spz"tngfield, atrd the Laas of the State of lregcn pertaining to the uoy,k Ceseribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 oCCU- pANCy ;LL bL nad.e of any structut,e tithout permissi,ott of the Building D-i- oision. f furthen iertify thet otly contractot's od.anplcgees uho ate in conplianee'uith cnS 701.0-55 uiLL be used on this proiect ?ctaL t-t+-8( Date t-72-82 - Ia.beL 1 a ?2n 17 5n I AOn nn 5 - 600. 00 lcrt. eoidt 11- 1982